Jens Peter Brose

Jens Peter Brose

Рождение : 1959-01-01, Hamburg, Germany


Jens Peter Brose


Главный герой - гангстер Пробек, кажется, все точно рассчитал: в то время как его сообщники грабят банк и требуют от полиции миллионный выкуп, он спокойно наблюдает за происходящим и передает указания из соседнего отеля. Сначала все идёт по плану. Однако скоро тщательно спланированное ограбление превращается в психологическую игру в кошки-мышки между Пробеком и руководителем полицейской операции, который подозревает, что грабителями в банке управляет кто-то со стороны.
Theo, Agnes, Bibi und die anderen
Heute fängt mein Leben an
For a lifetime, Hedi Ohlsen subordinated her needs to the family. She raised a child, took care of the house and learned the unloved profession of dental assistant for the sake of her husband Johannes. And although John has left her for a younger one, Hedi still cares for her elderly mother-in-law Agnes. As this now blesses the time and Hedi finally wants to start her own life, suddenly her pregnant daughter Leonie is attacking at the door. She has quit, no money and no father for the child Hedi is to raise for her. Is the dream of late freedom back?
Peas at 5:30
Man at Kiosk
It all starts with a bang. The car breaks through the crash barrier and falls off the bridge. The lights go out. After that, he is not able to see anymore. His optic nerve is severed, from now on the young stage-director Jakob is blind. His life will change and nothing will ever be the same. Jakob cannot handle the idea of never being able to see again and screams at the only woman who is able and willing to help him, Lily. A rehabilitation teacher, she helps the blind deal with the darkness. Lily has been living with it since birth, she too is blind.