Ricky Cheng Tien-Chi

Ricky Cheng Tien-Chi

Рождение : 1956-09-17, Taiwan


Ricky Cheng Tien-Chi


Rendea-Vous Of Japanese Kanto
Action Director
Taiwanese/Korean co-production. Triad based action starring Mark Cheng, Sibelle Hu, and Ko Keung, with cameos from super ninja Ricky Cheng and bad boy Chang Shang.
Rendea-Vous Of Japanese Kanto
Martial Arts Choreographer
Taiwanese/Korean co-production. Triad based action starring Mark Cheng, Sibelle Hu, and Ko Keung, with cameos from super ninja Ricky Cheng and bad boy Chang Shang.
Rendea-Vous Of Japanese Kanto
Stunt Coordinator
Taiwanese/Korean co-production. Triad based action starring Mark Cheng, Sibelle Hu, and Ko Keung, with cameos from super ninja Ricky Cheng and bad boy Chang Shang.
Vampire Kid II
Taiwanese horror comedy
Devil's Dynamite
After spending ten years in prison Steven Cox has recently been released and his former colleagues will do anything to find out where he stashed his fortune. His former mistress now rules the underworld and she plays the various fractions against each other to maintain her power. One of the local drug lords has hired vampires to protect him and keep his drug smuggling business thriving. The vampires pop up around town as they, along with various other thugs, try to knock off Steven Cox and find the whereabouts to his gold. There is a stranger in town that dresses up like a space age super hero who aligns himself with Steven Cox as they take on together the corrupt underworld. A cut n paste movie that uses footage from The Stunning Gambling (Taiwan) and Giant of Casino (HK).
Hello Dracula 2: Son of the Vampire
Action Director
A priest, a nun and a showman sneaks into the morgue and sees a dancing vampire and catches it. It all lead to an assault and abduction of Tien Tien.
The Dancing Warrior
Andy Ho
This flick is about this gung fu dancing, alcoholic beverage guzzler named Andy Ho (Cheng Tien Chi). The title of this flick sounds like this bad warrior who kills with ease, but its not. Actually, Andy is a nice guy who has a hard time keeping a job. He runs into some rich guy who convinces him to come to the United States to work for him. Andy agrees to come to the U.S. of A. but is in for a surprise, as Mr. Big Bucks wants Andy to participate in his slugfest tournaments that he uses to make money via gambling. Andy declines and the next you know, Mr. Big Bucks is devising a plan to get rid of him! (mpongpun, HKMDB)
Shanghai 13
A patriot finds evidence that the government is collaborating with a foreign power. If the people knew about the deception, they would revolt and overthrow the corrupt government. One patriot in office steals the proof and must make it out of the country. He gets assistance from a local rebel leader who is in charge of a motley group of fighters called the Shanghai 13. Not all of them can be trusted, as some of them will turn in the government official. Our weak protagonist must run a gauntlet of the who's who already mentioned.
The Nine Demons
Joey / Zuo Qi
Childhood friend Joey and Gary are the only survivors of a coup against Gary's family. Joey lands in hell, and sells his loyalty to the devil in return for magic powers. As part of the deal, Joey has nine demons enter his body. The demons demand a daily feed of blood, but they must obey Joey. He uses the new powers to help Gary, and to kill the plotters. But events soon get even more complicated.
Ninja Hunter
Wei Chen
The plot centres around Wu Tang villain, Abbot White, who wants to destroy the Shaolin monks and become supreme martial artist. In order to do so, he teams up with a clan of Ninjas, led by three masters – gold lamé ninja, white mustachioed ninja and black ninja – and succeeds in destroying the Shaolin temple and most of its inhabitants. However, there are some survivors. It is their job to pass on the knowledge of the Shaolin finger jab to a new generation, who must defeat the ninjas and Abbott White if peace and order is to be restored.
Attack of the Joyful Goddess
Siu Yuen-Hing / Knife thrower
A troupe of traveling performers stop in a small town. However, the general who controls the town has designs on the group's leading actress. They must figure a way to get out of town before the general has his way with her.
The Weird Man
Taoist Yu Ji
Chang is known for his lone swordsman and hero movies and strangely The Weird Man still reflects this. Cheng plays a righteous, beheaded priest with supernatural powers that returns from the dead to wreak havoc against one of the corrupt kingdoms, making Cheng a heroic swords-ghost.
Ode to Gallantry
Red Bird Angel
In this entertaining, surprisingly lighthearted martial arts extravaganza, Kuo Chue, finds himself being confused with his doppelganger time and time again. With each case of mistaken identity, he becomes drawn into a number of heated conflicts between several rival schools and gangs - a dilemma that he just isn't prepared to deal with! As he is pulled to and fro by circumstances, there's no telling where the day will take him! By the film's end, he's sure to learn some valuable lessons about brotherhood and honor, but at what price?
Ode to Gallantry
Green Dragon Angel
In this entertaining, surprisingly lighthearted martial arts extravaganza, Kuo Chue, finds himself being confused with his doppelganger time and time again. With each case of mistaken identity, he becomes drawn into a number of heated conflicts between several rival schools and gangs - a dilemma that he just isn't prepared to deal with! As he is pulled to and fro by circumstances, there's no telling where the day will take him! By the film's end, he's sure to learn some valuable lessons about brotherhood and honor, but at what price?
Ниндзя пяти стихий
Shao Tien-hao
Лидеры двух враждующих кланов вызывают друг друга на турнир, привлекая своих лучших бойцов кунг-фу. Один из кланов терпит полное поражение. В попытке отомстить лидер побежденного клана использует услуги японских «Ниндзя Пяти Стихий», стили борьбы которого основаны на пяти китайских элементах: золото, дерево, вода, огонь и земля. Ниндзя легко расправляются с лучшими бойцами клана, а затем вторгаются в их имение, истребляя весь клан. Единственный выживший отправляется изучать искусство ниндзя, чтобы потом вернуться и отомстить…
House of Traps
Xu Qing
It all started with The Five Venoms, the internationally loved kung-fu thriller. It continued through more than a dozen bloody good entertainments featuring the same actors in different roles. This is considered the last official "Venoms" movie, but what a film it is. There's one plasma-spurting attack after another as heroes and rogues alike try to solve the secrets of this hell house. The core Venoms themselves choreograph the gory fun in this fond farewell to their worldwide film series sensation!
Храбрый лучник 3
Iron Palm student
Куо и Хуанг Йинг сталкиваются с предводителем клана Железной Ладони, Кау, который смертельно ранит Хуанг Йинг. Спасти ее теперь может только император Туан, практикующий исцеляющее кунгфу. Однако Туан давно отошел от мирских дел и ушел в монахи, а путь к нему охраняют четверо его верных учеников, которые не позволят гостям побеспокоить своего хозяина.
The Secret Rivals 3
John Liu stars as Shao Yu Pai, master of the "northern kick" kung-fu, still seeking revenge for the death of his brother. Evidence mounts that Lu Tung Chung (Alexander Lo), master of the "southern fist" kung-fu, is the culprit. What Shao doesn't realize, however, is that the true villain is subtly manipulating both the martial artists behind the scenes, hoping to force them into a confrontation and have the dirty work done for him.
Chivalry Deadly Feud
When he was a child, Champ Wang was adopted by a noble man, and as years went by, he fell in love with the man's daughter. After the girl's family was slaughtered, he hid the girl in a secret place and attempted to fine the murderers. During his chase, he killed some great fighters, and their families decide to contract killers in order to get rid of him.
A Wily Match
A martial arts expert trains the son of a wealthy man while dealing with various enemies.
Seven Steps of Kung Fu
Hsiao Hu/Little Tiger
A general and his band of thugs plot to take over a village. Tiger, a local kung fu protege, brings this information to his uncle, a master of the seven steps style of kung fu. His uncle teaches him the style, and together they take on the general and his thugs.
Scorching Sun, Fierce Wind, Wild Fire
During China's 1920s Republican Period, warlords carve out personal fiefdoms across the country and impose self-serving laws with the barrel of a gun. Into this anarchy rides a masked feminine Zorro, nom de guerre Violet, to do battle, right wrongs and foment rebellion against the most corrupt and brutal warlord of all, Tung Ta-Chou. Unbeknownst to Tung, however, Violet is his own daughter. Tung orders his psycho enforcer Master Wu to track down and dispose of this pesky rebel queen. Meanwhile, Violet begins a flirtation with an attractive stranger who comes to town with the other half of a treasure map held by Tung. Ultimately, Master Wu betrays the warlord on the lure of the complete treasure map, enabling Violet and the stranger to apprehend Master Wu and beat the warlord at his own game.
Бесстрашная гиена
Willow Sword
На глазах юноши Ланга убийцы расправляются с любимым дедом, в прошлом знаменитым бойцом. Под руководством старого учителя Ланг обучается искусству борьбы, чтобы отомстить бандитам.
Incredible Kung Fu Mission
Knife Thrower
When a comrade is captured by a hostile warlord, five martial arts masters confront the villain's foot soldiers, valiantly battling through their resistance until they come face to face with the warlord himself.
The Mystery of Chess Boxing
Lee Yi Min stars as an eager young kung fu student who seeks to improve his fighting skills with an aim to avenge his fathers murder at the hands of the Ghost Face Killer an overwhelming force of destruction and master of the death dealing Five Element Fist. Lee eagerness to study attracts the attention of the master of Chess Boxing Jack Long who is the Ghost Face Killers arch enemy. Together master and student devise a wicked cross fertilization of the Chess Boxing and Five Element Fist styles and set out to put an end to the Ghost Faces deadly reign.
One Arm Chivalry Fights Against One Arm Chivalry
The story centers on a secret society that plots to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and resume the Ming monarchy. The organization gains the support of numerous righteous martial clans, but the Qing government has its own plans of squashing the rebellion. The scheming prince of Qing poisons the rebels' central figure, Chi Zi Qiang (Jimmy Wang), and uses the antidote to force him to surrender. Being the hero that he is, Chi would rather cut off one of his own arms to save his life than submit to the prince. He then, single-armedly, defeats all the Manchurian minions...
The Prominent Eunuch Chen Ho
Cheng Ho was a Chinese mariner, explorer, diplomat, fleet admiral, and court eunuch during China's early Ming dynasty. This film depicts some of the adventures and battles he had when he explored the southern Asian regions.
Shaolin Iron Finger
Martial arts superstar Carter Wong portrays a revolutionary who is an expert in the Iron Finger style of kung fu. When his mother is kidnapped, he is forced by his enemy James Tien to destroy a group of subversive warlords, including renegade monk Kam Kong and five element venom man Ricky Cheng. Non-stop, no-holds-barred fight action make this a must for any fan of the martial arts.
The New Shaolin Boxers
Gang member
An honourable carriage driver finds love and death when he battles particularly homicidal street punks
Армия семерых бойцов
Martial arts student
Разгар Второй Мировой войны, японские войска продвигаются вглубь Китая. После очередной битвы от китайских войск остается лишь несколько человек, которые окапываются в полуразрушенном форте, в котором не осталось никаких средств связи, и решают держать оборону, во что бы то ни стало.