Наташе Романофф предстоит лицом к лицу встретиться со своим прошлым. Чёрной Вдове придется вспомнить о том, что было в её жизни задолго до присоединения к команде Мстителей, и узнать об опасном заговоре, в который оказываются втянуты её старые знакомые — Елена, Алексей (известный как Красный Страж) и Мелина.
Deep It is a powerful drama that explores the real impact of carrying a knife on young people and their communities. The message is loud and clear, there is no such thing as a victimless crime. Everyone gets hurt in the process.
A chance meeting with a girl leads to murder as a teenage boy is engulfed by a web of lies in this innovative and gripping factual drama. My Murder tells the true story of Shakilus Townsend, a 16-year-old boy who was led to his death by the 15-year-old he thought of as his girlfriend, in what became known as the honey trap killing.