German Acevedo


The Last Runway 2, Commando Yaguareté
Sound Director
Betty Jara reassembles the Yaguareté Commandos to exchange an imprisoned criminal for one of her own agents. A risky operation becomes even more so when she realizes they are not just fighting a drug ring but the highest spheres of power.
Cadet Amarilla, My Son
Sound Designer
A documentary about the death of Cadet Marco Amarilla in a military academy in Paraguay, a death that was initially reported as a suicide, but was revealed to be a cover-up in a country where dozens of other young men have died in military facilities.
7 ящиков
Sound Editor
Главный герой получает загадочное предложение, от которого невозможно отказаться. Герою предлагают доставить 7 ящиков с таинственным содержимым за щедрое вознаграждение. Но легкая «халтурка» оборачивается смертельно опасными «американскими горками»…