Fabrizio Nicora


Невеста в красном
Production Design
Роберта и Леон, молодые люди среднего возраста, принадлежащие к поколению, которое часто не получает должного от сегодняшней жизни. Как в самой традиционной итальянской комедии, история приведет их к исключительным и полным препятствий делам, из которых эти двое попытаются выкрутиться. И даже нечто большее, возможно, трепет великой любви, которая приходит именно тогда, когда кажется, что всё потеряно.
Roll the Drum!
Production Design
In the spring of 1970 a small village in Valais experienced unusual turbulence. Is it because of the federal vote on women's suffrage? Or in the upcoming foreign infiltration initiative? No, it's worse: the brass band is falling apart! Half of the village blames Aloys, the other half blames Pierre. What begins as a musical conflict soon leads to a political conflict and even extends to love.
Лучший враг
Production Design
Энцо - преподаватель астрофизики. Однажды он спасает раненого человека, который на самом деле оказывается киллером. В благодарность наёмный убийца предлагает своему спасителю "убрать" любого его врага. Энцо уверен, что его окружают только родные и друзья, а врагов у него нет. Но так ли это на самом деле?
Animal Heart
Production Design
Suddenly he thinks her alone, his wife. This person whom he doesn't know how to love and who is now falling prey to a gnawing disease. This woman whom he knows so little about and whom he would like to be with him. Right now, Just like before.
Fuori dalle corde
Production Design
Pas de panique
Art Direction
It is time for thirty-something Ludovic Chambercy to succeed his father Jacques at the head of the family business: the Chambercy Galleries. But faced with his new duties, Ludovic begins to sweat, has panic attacks and even dizzy spells. He is diagnosed with hypegiaphobia or extreme fear of responsibility. This man with everything for a happy life seems to be shying away from the expectations of his family. Reluctantly, without a word to his father and girlfriend, Ludovic starts group behavior therapy. While his lies spark off an incredible series of tragicomic events, Ludovic strikes up a friendship with the other phobics in his group: Léon, trader in bric-a-brac, who can no longer stand untidiness; Clémence, a student who cannot bear even one second of her own company and Margaux, who can no longer touch or be touched. And if Ludovic is to find a cure at the end of the road, there will be a few surprises in store for him along the way...