Michael Wiesweg

Рождение : 1960-12-10, Essen, Germany


Director of Photography
Weißbier im Blut
Kreuzeder was once a successful commissioner, but now he rarely solves a case. After more than 20 years in the service, he just wants to retire as quickly as possible and leave everyday life in the homicide squad in Lower Bavaria behind. Kreuzeder is of the opinion that humanity is coming to an end anyway, so he prefers to get drunk in the tavern and flirt with the waitress Gerda Bichler there instead of going about his work.
Das Gesetz sind wir
Director of Photography
A woman goes through a weekend full of ups and downs after a shocking diagnose, according to which she has less than a year left to live.
Director of Photography
How a revolutionary priest named Martin Luther changed the face of Christendom and the path of European civilization forever.
When Stefan's father dies, the theater actor has to return to his hometown Bochum. But it is not easy to get rid of his parents' house, a monument of his life, when he meets Charlie with his old friends, acquaintances and his childhood sweetheart.
Mörderische Stille
Возлюбленные сёстры
Рудольштадт, лето 1788 года. Каролина и Шарлотта фон Ленгефельд, две сестры из обедневшего аристократического рода, ещё в юности поклялись друг другу, что будут делить поровну всё: радости и невзгоды, страдания и даже любовь. Вскоре Шарлотта случайно знакомится с молодым поэтом и драматургом Фридрихом Шиллером. Верная данному обещанию, она сразу представляет ему свою старшую сестру, на тот момент замужнюю даму, тяготящуюся своим несчастливым браком. Вопреки всем условностям, они решают жить втроём, но когда дело доходит до воплощения этой идеи в жизнь, хрупкий любовный треугольник начинает рушиться.
Das unsichtbare Mädchen
Director of Photography
Eleven years ago, an 8-year-old girl disappeared from a small German town on the German-Czech border. Although her body was never found, nor were there any traces of blood or DNA evidence, a mentally-disabled man was coerced to confess to the crime. Even though he withdrew his admission of guilt two days later, the forced confession was enough to convince the ruling judge. The responsible investigator Altendorf was discharged so that the investigation could be sped along by another colleague.
Dreileben: Don’t Follow Me Around
Director of Photography
The police psychologist Jo is supposed to help catch the sex offender Molesch. Since the hotel is fully booked, she stays with her old college friend Vera and her husband Bruno. It turns out that Vera and Jo used to be in love with the same man. The two women's musings are interrupted when Molesch suddenly appears in the garden.
Ganz nah bei Dir
The lonely bank-employee Phillip follows a strict pattern of somewhat compulsive actions keeping his encounters with strangers to a minimum. When his home one day is robbed of all content and he later meets the enchanting blind cellist Lina, he finds, however, he needs to start improvising and taking chances.
The Vow
1818 in the Münsterland: Innumerable pilgrims seeking comfort and consolation visit the bedside of Anna Katharina von Emmerich, a nun whose body bears marks of the holy wounds of Christ on her chest, forehead and hands. Clemens von Brentano, an artist in his prime, visits the nun′s sickbed as a simple "writer of the wonders of God" to take down her visions and beliefs. He believes himself to be in charge of his life as a devout Catholic. The former rake′s encounter with the charismatic nun proves fateful, however. For both of them.
Director of Photography
Анна с супругом Робертом и их общим сыном Максом живет в живописном загородном доме уединённого местечка Уккермарк. Ее пожилая мама, нуждаясь в уходе, также проживает теперь здесь. Во время летних каникул их семья значительно увеличилась: из Берлина приехала дочь Анны Лаура от первого брака со спутником жизни Паулом и двумя детьми. Кажется, пришло необременительное время отпуска: отдых с чистым деревенским воздухом и прохладой от близлежащего водоёма. С приездом Софи, сестры Лауры, которая с недавнего времени живет за границей, рушится семейная идиллия. Общение членов семьи становится поверхностным, а отношения между друг другом и вовсе осложняются.
Director of Photography
Maria is a student at the university of Essen, Germany, living and working in a gray, unpleasant, and anonymous environment. While she has little problem finding someone for a one night stand, she rebuffs her lovers in such a rude way that they actually don't know what's going on. But what seems to be a negative attitude at first glance is in fact much worse: Maria is suffering from borderline syndrome, a serious psychotic disease that makes her fail to develop a continuous, reliable personality, from her own perspective as well as from the perspective of those she meets. Then one day, she bumps into Jan, a student who falls in love with her without delay. He's awaiting a hard time when he has to learn how hard it is to stay loyal and faithful to a person who, in her own words, "has a different world inside of her head" and who feels that "there is something inside of me that eats me up."
A Fine Day
A day in the life of the 21 years old Deniz, who aims to become an actress and makes her living by dubbing movies. After she has split with her old boyfriend she gets to know Diego and spends the evening with him.
Vertrauen ist alles
Can and his girlfriend, Jale, live with their young daughter, Meral, in a tough Turkish neighbourhood of Berlin and barely manage to scrape enough money together for their existence. Can is a small-time dealer and errand-boy for drug boss Hakan, who has to keep his customers supplied within his narrowly staked out territory. Jale, who works in the ware-house of a department store, has been pressing Can to give up this activity. Can, also fed up with his situation, sees a bright new beginning for himself and his family when Hakan offers him the prospective chance to run a bar on his very own. But Can has little control over the pressures that gradually begin to build up around him and soon finds himself floundering in quicksand.
Brothers and Sisters
Thomas Arslan's second feature film and part of his Berlin-trilogy is a slow-paced milieu study of German-Turkish youth in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The film depicts the every day life, domestic conflicts, dreams and disappointments of three siblings and their aimless, meandering strolls through the Kreuzberg district.
Karakum - Ein Abenteuer in der Wüste
A 13-year-old German boy, Robert, (Max Kullman) sets out to try and find his father, who's in Turkmenistan. On his arrival there he meets up with a local boy (Murat Orasov) who agrees to help him, but they are abandoned by their adult guides and must fend for themselves.
Va Banque
Director of Photography
Three ordinary, disillusioned citizens decide to rob an armored car.