Jon Michael Simpson

Jon Michael Simpson


Jon Michael Simpson


Milli Vanilli
The story of Robert Pilatus and Fabrice Morvan, who became fast friends during their youth in Germany. With Rob coming from a broken home and Fabrice having left an abusive household, they shared a similar upbringing, as well as a future goal: to become famous superstars. In a few short years, their dreams came true. Rob and Fab, better known as Milli Vanilli, became the world's most popular pop duo in 1990 and won the GRAMMY for Best New Artist. However, their ascension to success came with a devastating price that ultimately led to their infamous undoing.
Жуткий наборчик 2: Месть Рэда Чэда
Mike Myers
После событий оригинального фильма выжившие присутствуют на похоронах "Рэда Чэда" Бакли, которые быстро превращаются в изощренную серию смертельных ловушек, основанных на любимых фильмах Чэда, вынуждая гостей объединиться и использовать правила ужасов, чтобы выжить в этой кровавой игре.
Hi I'm Blake
After a gymnastics accident leaves him severely brain-damaged, Blake Hyland is given a platform to bring awareness and hope to everyone he meets on the road to recovery while his family wrestles to restore him back to his former self.
Hi I'm Blake
After a gymnastics accident leaves him severely brain-damaged, Blake Hyland is given a platform to bring awareness and hope to everyone he meets on the road to recovery while his family wrestles to restore him back to his former self.
Hi I'm Blake
After a gymnastics accident leaves him severely brain-damaged, Blake Hyland is given a platform to bring awareness and hope to everyone he meets on the road to recovery while his family wrestles to restore him back to his former self.
Hi I'm Blake
Executive Producer
After a gymnastics accident leaves him severely brain-damaged, Blake Hyland is given a platform to bring awareness and hope to everyone he meets on the road to recovery while his family wrestles to restore him back to his former self.
Hi I'm Blake
After a gymnastics accident leaves him severely brain-damaged, Blake Hyland is given a platform to bring awareness and hope to everyone he meets on the road to recovery while his family wrestles to restore him back to his former self.
Hi I'm Blake
After a gymnastics accident leaves him severely brain-damaged, Blake Hyland is given a platform to bring awareness and hope to everyone he meets on the road to recovery while his family wrestles to restore him back to his former self.
Sorry About the Demon
A young man struggling with a broken heart learns that his new place is full of restless spirits.
Тот, с кем ты сейчас
Neighborhood Craig
Девушка, бегущая от своего прошлого, заводит знакомство на одну ночь с парнем, у которого в голове свои тараканы. Когда они просыпаются на следующее утро, их ждёт сюрприз: в стране введено чрезвычайное положение и им придется жить какое-то время вместе.
Тот, с кем ты сейчас
Девушка, бегущая от своего прошлого, заводит знакомство на одну ночь с парнем, у которого в голове свои тараканы. Когда они просыпаются на следующее утро, их ждёт сюрприз: в стране введено чрезвычайное положение и им придется жить какое-то время вместе.
The Tiny Life of Butcher Duke
A comedy about retired tennis legend attempting to win his life back by competing in a tennis rematch to win his very own tiny home.
The Get Together
A recent college post-grad, a soon-to-possibly-be-engaged couple, and a failing musician all deal with the realities of growing up as their three stories intersect over the course of one night at a house party in Austin.
Жуткий наборчик
Mike Myers
Чед, владелец проката кассет фильмов ужасов, рассказывает несколько зловещих кровавых историй своему новому сотруднику, чтобы объяснить основные законы жанра ужастиков.
Комплекс Адониса
Четверо друзей арендуют уединенный домик на озере для отдыха на выходных. В то время, пока друзья выясняют отношения, их постоянно прерывает владелец дома: одержимый здоровьем бодибилдер по имени Тэд. Вскоре приветливость и внимание Тэда становятся все более назойливыми и пугающими, превращая отдых в настоящий кошмар.
Комплекс Адониса
Четверо друзей арендуют уединенный домик на озере для отдыха на выходных. В то время, пока друзья выясняют отношения, их постоянно прерывает владелец дома: одержимый здоровьем бодибилдер по имени Тэд. Вскоре приветливость и внимание Тэда становятся все более назойливыми и пугающими, превращая отдых в настоящий кошмар.
Apartment 413
Marco is running out of time to find a job before his girlfriend, Dana, has their first baby. He's also losing his mind.
Apartment 413
Marco is running out of time to find a job before his girlfriend, Dana, has their first baby. He's also losing his mind.
First Kiss
When two anxious teens sneak away from a Halloween party to share their first kiss, they soon realize someone…or something…may be watching them.
Don't You Go Nowhere
A jazz dynamo belts his way through his weekly set until he makes an unexpected connection with an audience member.