Shang Hua

Shang Hua

Рождение : 1922-05-01, Longkou, Shandong province, China

Смерть : 2005-04-22


Shang Hua


Shigeshoshi is a chinese Thriller directed by Wu Ma and starring Stanley Fung.
Secrets of the Heavenly Book
County Magistrate (voice)
Yuangong, the deacon, opened the shrine and exposed the holy book to the human world. He also carved the contents of the book on the stone wall of white cloud cave in the mountains. He is now punished to guard the book for life by the jade emperor for breaking heaven's law and betraying the holy secret to human. In order to pass this holy book to human beings, he would have to get by the antagonist fox.
Nanchang Uprising
Nezha Conquers the Dragon King
The film is an adaptation of a story in Chinese mythology (in particular, the epic fantasy novel "Fengshen bang") about the warrior deity Nezha, who became a student of the immortal Taiyi Zhenren. The main part of the story revolves around Nezha's feud with Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea, whom he angers through the killing of Ao Bing, Ao Guang's third son. Through bravery and wit, Nezha finally breaks into the Dragon King's underwater palace and successfully defeats him.
The Monkey King: Havoc in Heaven
Sun Wukong, aka the Monkey King, rebels against the Jade Emperor of Heaven as well as other gods who live there.
Хасан и Камиля
Bandit commander
Хасан и Камиля, уроженцы Синьцзяна – одной из провинций Китая, давно любят друг друга. Но много препятствий лежит на их пути к счастью. Дело в том, что сын местного богатея решил взять себе в жены Камилю против ее воли. Трудно бороться с таким всесильным соперником! И героям приходится покинуть родные места, долго укрываться от преследователей. Вступив в ряды Народно-освободительной армии, Хасан борется за прочное счастье не только для себя, но и для всего своего народа
Anecdotes of An Actor