Zackary Steven Graham

Рождение : 1986-04-27, Moore, Oklahoma, USA


The Line
Second Second Assistant Director
Tom, a passionate ‘brother’ of this fraternity, is charmed by the promises of high social status and alumni connections that open doors. But as a classmate outside of his social circle named Annabelle enters his life, his devotion begins to falter. Once the scheduled hazing of new fraternity members comes to a disturbing head, Tom is faced with the decision of a lifetime.
My Terrorized Teen
Second Assistant Director
When her daughter is tormented by the mean girls of her high school, one mother must find a way to put a stop to it before the bullying becomes deadly…
Sorority Sister Killer
Set Dresser
When a feisty sorority pledge's best friend is murdered she must track down the killer before she gets charged with the crime - or becomes the next victim herself.
How I Met Your Murderer
Second Second Assistant Director
Mack Meyer has built a large fanbase discussing true crime on her wildly successful podcast "How I Met Your Murderer." However she finds herself the center of the story after learning her husband, Henry, was involved in the death of his high school sweetheart, Lily. With the help of her new neighbor, Oliver, Mack links Lily's death to other murders in the area and fears she may be living with a serial killer.
Deadly Radio Romance
Second Assistant Director
A radio DJ begins questioning her ex's intentions when he suddenly re-enters her life just as a mysterious stalker begins targeting her at her radio show.
Set Production Assistant
Молодая корейская семья переезжает в американскую глубинку, где отец-мечтатель намеревается в чистом поле возвести сад, построить ферму и наконец-таки стать успешным членом общества. Следом приезжает бабушка, которая почитает традиции, относится ко всему с юмором, но становится незримой поддержкой для молодого семейства, которому предстоит испытать невероятные сложности на пути к осуществлению «американской мечты».
Art Direction
Джон Доу просыпается в больнице после травмы, не помня, кто он. Вскоре он узнает, что полиция разыскивает хитроумного маньяка за совершение серии убийств. Все улики указывают на Джона. Пытаясь понять, что происходит, и кто он на самом деле, Джон начинает свою собственную игру.
Если бы взгляды могли убивать
Art Direction
Ответственная и порядочная Фэйт начинает работу в полиции и становится напарницей Пола, её старого друга. Вскоре Фэйт замечает, что обворожительная девушка Пола по имени Джессика странно себя ведёт. Героиня начинает тайное расследование и неожиданно для себя узнаёт опасные тайны роковой красотки.
Great Plains
Production Design
Inspired by True Events An abused wife and mother to a young boy escapes her violent husband and heads for California with her son. She soon learns that her husband has accused her of kidnapping and the law is in hot pursuit. Now a fugitive, she must risk her life and freedom to protect them both from this predator of a man.
2016: Obama's America
Dartmouth College Student
2016: Obama's America takes audiences on a gripping visual journey into the heart of the worlds most powerful office to reveal the struggle of whether one man's past will redefine America over the next four years. The film examines the question, "If Obama wins a second term, where will we be in 2016?" Across the globe and in America, people in 2008 hungered for a leader who would unite and lift us from economic turmoil and war. True to Americas ideals, they invested their hope in a new kind of president, Barack Obama. What they didn't know is that Obama is a man with a past, and in powerful ways that past defines him--who he is, how he thinks, and where he intends to take America and the world. Immersed in exotic locales across four continents, best selling author Dinesh DSouza races against time to find answers to Obama's past and reveal where America will be in 2016.