In a police station in a small village, a sergeant interrogates a young and frightened postman, known as "Cacasotto". He, normally known for being calm and good-hearted, was arrested for having threatened a policeman on patrol with a knife. Eventually, Cacasotto begins to speak with the cop. And he tells what happened twenty years earlier to him and to his five best friends: Gianluca, Walter, Peppino, Margherita and his little brother, Andrea.
Michele Esposito
Filumena has lived for years with a wealthy pastry chef. She forces him to marry her, but he soon asks to annul the marriage. She then reveals that one of her children is his, making him obsessed to know which one.
An international incident threatens to break out a war between major European powers that only an unlikely couple of bickering lovers seems able to stop.
In recent days, Rome has been the scene of an unusual event: when it rains, the manholes exhale a dense steam of unknown origin and composition. No one knows that those who breathe in the mysterious substance will have to deal with what they repress, their darkest instincts, their anger. Not even the Morel family. Since Cristina’s death in an accident a year earlier, the love of her husband Thomas and their son Enrico has given way to a forced cohabitation, while the youngest of the family, Barbara, would only like to see them united again as they were before. The accident could have been avoided, both Thomas and Enrico know it. Instead of taking responsibility and moving on, they stopped talking to each other. Now they are two souls full of rage, trapped in a Rome that resembles them: dark, nervous, on the verge of exploding.
Patrick and Julia have an enviable, stable marriage, there is security and inspiration. But no sex. The couple's well-established life structure falls apart when they outsource the deficit with the help of a confident, attractive young woman, who completely underestimates her feelings.
Mimo siciliano
Останки писателя и драматурга Луиджи Пиранделло везут из Рима на Сицилию.
У сумасбродного врача-алкоголика, работающего на вызовах, внезапно возникают проблемы со здоровьем, из-за которых он не может оказывать помощь своим пациентам. Поэтому он уговаривает простодушного курьера поработать за него. Однако, это непростая задача для обычного доставщика, который никогда не имел отношения к медицине.
В этом жутком саспенс-фильме незнакомцы, путешествующие по южной Италии, оказываются в лесу, где им приходится отчаянно бороться, чтобы выбраться живыми.
Francesco Russo
The king of a secret modern-time Medieval kingdom leaves his throne in inheritance to his son, who struggles to lead the kingdom in fight for its independence from the Italian state.
Roberto is a student in a corrupt university where teachers sell exams and only hire friends and relatives.
Gaetano decided that he would bury his deceased brother with his family at all costs, even if it meant defying the laws of his Sicilian village and putting himself and his family in danger.
Ugo Malavasi
Трое учеников естественно-научного государственного лицея "Декарт" по решению комиссии переводятся в класс для отстающих, в котором учатся худшие ученики лицея. Преподаватели давно не питают никаких надежд в отношении учащихся данного класса, пока в школе не появляется новый преподаватель - Марко Андреоли. Этот неординарный человек становится для ребят настоящим другом и их путеводным билетом в зрелую жизнь.