George Small


В поисках одноглазого Джимми
Original Music Composer
Во время работы над документальным фильмом молодой студент переводит фокус своей работы на исчезновение местного чудика…
Film House Fever
Sound Mixer
A compilation of film clips and trailers from exploitation films, hosted by actor Steve Buscemi.
Film House Fever
Original Music Composer
A compilation of film clips and trailers from exploitation films, hosted by actor Steve Buscemi.
Last Rites
Original Music Composer
A small-town funeral director, doctor and sheriff are vampires who suck blood from the recently not-quite-dead on the embalming table and then immediately kill the newly converted vampire. When one of their victims disappears before being staked, they are threatened with being exposed if the new vampire surfaces.