Dorit Chrysler


Electric Storm: 100 Years of Theremin
"Electric Storm" celebrates the beginning of electronic music marked by the 100th birthday of the Theremin - Dorit Chrysler envisioned its setting in a “Cathedral of Science” namely at CERN, the international Nuclear Research Center at Geneva. Teaming up with Film Maker Marie Losier, “Electric Storm” was filmed (by Marie on 16mm) at the CMS collider cave of CERN in mid march.
The Nameless Spectacle
Borrowing its title from the William Carlos Williams poem of the same name, Nameless Spectacle revela in the beauty of ordinary life through themes of voyeurism, power, and sexual violence. Projected on two duelling screens the viewer is unable to focus on the parallel perspectives of the film’s dual perspectives.
A Voyage in Dwelling
The films register as an uneasy mapping of female desire, as they chart the slippage between one woman's actual and imagined sexual self. Just sensitively explores the idea that "the received paradigm of a man's journey is that he always returns to the point of departure expecting to find his home and wife unchanged, unaffected. Benedikte's experience, by contrast, is one of pleasurable displacement - she becomes a nomad in her own mind, never returning to her former status quo." Shot on a remote island and on a dilapidated Polish ferry, the trilogy also features an original soundtrack by Theremin composer Dorit Chrysler and American transgender singer/songwriter, Baby Dee.