Jorge Croce


El Día de la Preñota
Short film by the Bombaiii Films team.
Las Almas del Equinoccio
Perlacola's Collection
Filming his latest pornographic film, director Atilio Peracola remembers his deceased actors throughout his 12-year career. To what extent is an actor willing to go for a good performance?
Stand up villero
Stand up villero
Rising Sun Camp
The 80s. Victor Baker opens a new season of his youth summer camp. There are a lot of children, a record is set, and two new counselors, Ali and Tommy, join the classics, Ricky and Gina. But an ideal summer turns into a nightmare when a mysterious masked man begins murdering teachers and children ... and revealing Baker's side activities and the dark secrets that the Rising Sun Camp has trailed in 30 years of existence.