Michael James Pistone


A Little White Lie
Key Hair Stylist
A handyman living in New York City is mistaken for a famous and famously reclusive writer and brought to a university where he is to deliver a keynote address.
High Holiday
Hair Department Head
In order to lighten up her uptight family, the free-spirited daughter of a conservative politician brings weed-infused salad dressing to their Christmas Eve dinner. Chaos ensues when everyone gets unknowingly high, revealing the family's innermost secrets.
High Holiday
Makeup Department Head
In order to lighten up her uptight family, the free-spirited daughter of a conservative politician brings weed-infused salad dressing to their Christmas Eve dinner. Chaos ensues when everyone gets unknowingly high, revealing the family's innermost secrets.
Красивый, плохой, злой: Начало
Makeup Department Head
Агенты ФБР Кэтлин Макчесни и Роберт Ресслер выслеживают серийного убийцу Теда Банди.
The Wrong Prince Charming
Key Makeup Artist
Successful entrepreneur Bridget (Vivica A. Fox,) has just scored a meeting with the famed Prince of Devonshire about a possible multi-million-dollar investment in one of her properties. She and her young lawyer, Anna, feel like they are living in a fantasy with the handsome prince who seems like the perfect partner for Bridget and the right guy for Anna until they discover that he’s not what he seems. Cristine Prosperi, James Nitti, and Tracy Nelson co-star.
Не тот агент по недвижимости
Key Makeup Artist
Работающая мать-одиночка Джули и ее дочь-подросток Мэдди снимают красивый дом на нескольких акрах земли у дружелюбного агента по недвижимости Чарльза, которого они хорошо знают и который живет неподалеку. Однако после въезда матери и дочери странные звуки и происшествия заставляют их подозревать, что кто-то еще живет на их территории, и они никуда не денутся.
Вместе на Рождество
Key Makeup Artist
Эйва живёт в Нью-Йорке, но на Рождество решает отдохнуть от суеты и проблем большого города и едет в "мировую столицу Рождества", городок Тинсел. Там она знакомится с очаровательной девочкой, которая сдаёт ей в аренду гостевой домик, и влюбляется в её отца.
The Wrong Cheerleader Coach
Key Makeup Artist
When Jon and his daughter Hanna move from Chicago to California to start a new life after the passing of Hanna’s mom, they are delighted when the head cheerleader coach, Ms. Burke, invites Hanna to join the squad. When the new assistant coach, Devan, offers private cheer lessons, it turns out that she is interested in more than helping Hanna – she has set her sights on Jon and will stop at nothing to get what she wants.
Дом Z
Hair Department Head
Эйден забаррикадировался в квартире, спасаясь от жертв жуткого вируса, превращающего людей в агрессивных плотоядных существ. Через 42 дня полного одиночества на грани отчаяния парень обнаруживает, что в доме напротив скрывается девушка.
The Wrong Stepfather
Key Makeup Artist
A happy engagement to a charming college adviser soon turns into real fear when a teacher worries her fiancé may be the wrong stepfather for her daughter.
The Wrong Wedding Planner
Key Makeup Artist
Detective Jones arrives at the house of a young couple, Ashley and Brad, blissfully engaged and preparing for their upcoming marriage. They had a mysterious break in at their home. While Det. Jones discovers nothing at the scene, we later find out it is their wedding planner, Mandy, who starts stalking them. She goes as far as sabotaging Brad at work. Ms. Johnson, his boss, has no choice and places him on permanent leave as this Wrong Wedding Planner will stop at nothing to exact revenge.
Рождественские сводники
Makeup Department Head
Джен и Джон работают помощниками генеральных директоров двух крупных компаний. Они с утра до ночи заняты в своих офисах и у них совершенно не остаётся свободного времени. Чтобы немного разгрузить себя в праздники они решают свести своих трудоголиков-боссов. Удастся ли им провернуть задуманное или их план будет обречён на провал?
The Wrong Cheerleader
Key Makeup Artist
Becky is an intelligent and sociable high school senior that flies heavily under the radar when it comes to receiving attention from the boys of her school. However, this is the year it all flips around when she tries out and earns a uniform on the cheerleader squad lead by Ms. Flynn. Becky’s life is heading in the right direction when she catches the eye of the charming and handsome new student, Rob. Rob seems like the ideal boy, until his affection turns into obsession and he stops at nothing to keep Becky all to himself.
The Wrong Mommy
Makeup Artist
After receiving a promotion and more responsibility at work, Melanie decides to hire Phoebe as her personal assistant. Smart and cunning, Phoebe has an ulterior motive for taking the job and a twisted plan for revenge involving Melanie's mother.
Обманчивое впечатление
Key Makeup Artist
Когда Райли впервые встречает обаятельного парня по имени Крис, он кажется ей самим совершенством, но после вечеринки в его доме она понимает, что у Криса есть и темная сторона.
The Wrong Neighbor
Makeup Artist
A recently separated father and his teenage daughter become the deadly obsession of their neighbor -- a beguiling, deranged young woman willing to do whatever's necessary to take her rightful place as their wife and mother.