Nuri Neva Sangro


City at Night
A young girl falls in love with an actor. She persuades her father to support his acting company, but when she discovers him with another girl she runs away. Then everybody try to find her.
La moglie è uguale per tutti
The Dancer in Leopoldo Rossi's Dream (uncredited)
Antonio De Papis is a lawyer and his specialization is separation by mutual consent. He is contrary to marriage because he sees so many of them going wrong. So when his nephew calls on him asking for his approval to his marriage, Antonio suggests to him to spend a day in his office to see what marriage really is.
Sins of Casanova
moglie del capo della polizia
1760 Spain provides the setting for Giacomo Casanova's romantic escapades, every woman he encounters unable to resist his disarming charm, be they single, engaged, or even married.
Дама без камелий
Clara's stunt double (uncredited)
К молодой актрисе Кларе Манни, прежде работавшей продавщицей в магазине, приходит неожиданный и громкий успех. Режиссер Джанни Франки, снимающий ее в новом фильме, начинает за ней ухаживать и вскоре уговаривает ее выйти за него замуж. Движимый ревностью, он не может позволить своей супруге сниматься в легкомысленных мелодрамах, прославивших ее имя. Поэтому он начинает амбициозный проект с целью создать Кларе имидж серьезной актрисы…