Michael Lehmann


Детективы из табакерки и сокровища морских глубин
Морской биолог Ясвиндер находится в большой опасности: ей приходят письма с угрозами, вор врывается в ее ирландскую лабораторию и, наконец, она бесследно исчезает с борта своего исследовательского судна. К счастью, ее сын Тарун со своей подругой Алисой — настоящие детективы из табакерки. Они берутся за новое дело и раскрывают его с храбростью и смекалкой.
3 1/2 Hours
August 13, 1961: The passengers on the interzonal train from Munich to East Berlin learn 3½ hours before crossing the border that the Wall is being built in Berlin. They have 3½ hours to make a life-changing decision: to get off the train or keep going.
Lindenberg! Mach dein Ding
Long before his big stage breakthrough in 1973 in Hamburg, and 4.4 million records sold, the rock musician Udo Lindenberg from the Westphalian province, the man with the long hair and the hat, had many adventures. Before it all started, he moved from the remoteness of Gronau to Hamburg, where he met Paula, who was not his great love, but was quite a hottie. When the team of three was complete with Steffi Stephan, the idea of founding a band developed. But the road to get there was a long one: he drummed as a jazz drummer in bands, had a highly dangerous performance in a US military base in the middle of the Libyan desert and always believed in making it to the very top.
My Brother Simple
Ben and Barnabas are unseparatable since they are small. The two of them, however, are no ordinary pair of brothers, for Barnabas, with his twenty-two years, remained mentally at the age of three.
The Peppercorns and the Curse of the Black King
Mia and her partner Benny, along with Mia's sister, Alicia, will be in charge of solving some puzzling cases that are happening in their city Hamburg. Surrounded by ghosts and mysterious characters this group of friends, accompanied by other young people, follow their clues.
Executive Producer