Georgia Zoi


Pencil Knife Baton
Two countries,two languages,two groups of friends. Between black humor and bitter realism the film Pencil Knife Baton composes a tragicomic puzzle about friendship in the paradox world we live in.
Watch Out! Red Light
Mitera tis Tzinas
The occupation of students just before the Panhellenic effervescence inducing s`ena public high school in Piraeus. On the first day of the Panhellenic found dead in the toilets George, with a syringe stuck in the arm. All his friends swear that their informal leader never took drugs. The investigations are difficult and the youth does not show any willingness to cooperate.
Ο Παπασούζας φαντομάς
Ο Παπα-σούζας
Το Κόκκινο Τρένο
Electric Angel
A typical experimental film, in which a variety of audiovisual techniques are used to create the sense of polymorphic eroticism as developed by European and Mediterranean cinematography of the 20th century. Combining the methods of “animation” and “live action”, this intricate work embodies the idea of an “ars combinatoria”. The structure is loose, with neither a central axis nor a point where everything converges, contributing greatly to the open-ended character of the film, where rhythm is the key element.
Ξεβράκωτος Ρωμιός
Special Agent
A Month of Sundays
Older Woman
The second part of a trilogy which focuses on a young Greek woman in three stages of her life as she recalls leaving her homeland of Constantinople. The trilogy is based on the infamous “Septemvriana” events of 1955 — the worst anti-Greek riots in history.