George III Wickersham
Hosting a new exhibit, artist Nikki Wickersham, (Lindsay Price) and her husband George Wickersham, (David Jones) are called out to Maine to sort through his father's belongings after he dies. Arriving there to find they've inherited an island with a large mansion on it, they quickly learn of an old story surrounding the house about it being haunted through the years, yet friends Margie Mancuso, (Sadie LeBlanc) and Peter Hughes, (Niall Matter) convince them to stay there anyway. While working on a special project, a series of strange events around the house has them convinced that the house has indeed a spirit roused by a secret from the past, and they work to rid it from their house before it strikes them as well.
Wilbur Newman
Фильм повествует о Рождестве, о популярном комическом герое Деннисе и его непростых взаимоотношениях с соседом Мистером Вилсоном. В итоге всех неурядиц, каждый получает хороший и ценный урок об истинном значении предпраздничного сезона Рождества.
Ojciec James
Когда до свадьбы остается всего один день, девушке положено паниковать, пить вино с подругами, плакать на коленях у мамы и с ненавистью разглядывать свадебное платье. Вместо этого Ванесса гуляет по городу и с вожделением смотрит на проходящих мимо мужчин — она готова заняться сексом с каждым из них прямо на улице. Девушка решает избавиться от напасти, бежит в церковь и как на духу рассказывает о своих фантазиях местному священнику. Не зная, что в соседней кабинке сидит совсем не священник, а тот, кто с удовольствием воспользуется желаниями Ванессы…
President Taft
Спортивная статистика тщательно регистрирует все рекорды. Но лишь живая память способна сохранить драгоценные мгновения триумфа человеческой воли к победе. Ведь сухие цифры на бумаге никогда не передадут того ощущения чуда, которое вызывают некоторые поистине фантастические достижения.А то, что произошло на первенстве по гольфу US Open в 1913 году, уместнее назвать именно чудом. Тогда никому не известный 20-летний паренек Франсис Уиме, считавшийся аутсайдером, наголову разгромил слывшего абсолютно непобедимым чемпиона Гарри Вардона. Причем разгромил элегантно, стильно и не без чувства юмора.
Filmmaker Karen Cho travels from Montreal to Vancouver to uncover stories from the last survivors of the Chinese Head Tax and Exclusion Act, a set of laws imposed to single out the Chinese as unwanted immigrants to Canada from 1885 to 1947. Through a combination of history, poetry and raw emotion, this documentary sheds light on an era that shaped the identity of generations.
Principal Haney (voice)
When the prospect of an Elwood City concert by the Backstreet Boys drives everyone else into a frenzy, a disgusted Francine decides to counter with an "anti-cute" band of her own called U Stink. But things don't go quite the way she had planned.
The woman who birthed the most children in the City of Toronto within a certain time period would inherit a fortune in the midst of the Great Depression
Marchand anglais
In 1838, Francois-Xavier Bouchard (Francis Reddy) fights beside his Quebec countrymen and the English minority.
Monet's glorious summer of painting ends abruptly with harsh attacks from his father and art critics. He intends to abandon everything, but is convinced otherwise by aspiring young artist Daniel. Having been abandoned by his own father, Daniel refuses to let Monet do the same to his son. As Monet shows Daniel a new way of seeing the world through art, Daniel helps Monet see the importance of family.
Phillip the Producer
В этой картине, известной также под названием «Миссис Паркер и круглый стол», раскрывается биография Дороти Паркер, американской писательницы. Внимание авторов фильма сосредоточено на её взлёте и падении в Нью-Йорке и Голливуде в тридцатых и сороковых годах...
Doctor (voice)
An animated version of the classic David Copperfield story. Filled with music, color, and anthropomorphic versions of the classic characters.
Engineer Thomas Wardrope Eadie develops the Trans Canada Microwave telecommunications network.
Bank Manager
A woman is stalked by a psychopathic killer. She eventually kills him, only for the man to show up again, this time sane and without any knowledge of the attacks. The police don't believe her, but one detective agrees to look into it.
Guy Pehrsson is summoned by his grandfather to return to the farming community of his childhood. He arrives from the City to find that his mother has finally left his alcoholic and abusive father and now lives among the Indians, Guy's childhood friends and neighbours. He also discovers friction between the white farmers and the local Indians, now faced with the choice of selling or retaining their land. A choice made harder by poverty. Guy's boyhood friend, Tom Redfox, leads those Indians who wish to keep their land. Against the background of ensuing confrontation, Guy becomes reacquainted with his estranged parents, his childhood friends and old values, leading to a tragedy that affect the whole community.
Using splashy hand-drawn animation, the story about a man who ends up in the hospital and probability theory is illustrated. When the guy awakens in a hospital bed, the doctor begins spouting all sorts of statistical probabilities--at which point the patient seems confused. So, the doctor explains the history behind probability theory as well as its application.
A business man plans to dump toxic waste on a city park, but it doesn't go according to plan.
Mr. Peters
Доброго парня-бейсболиста сбивают на машине подонки-тинейджеры. Его возвращает к жизни в виде зомби колдунья-вудуистка дабы он совершил великую месть. Сказано-сделано. С помощью своей любимой биты и под рок-музыку 80-х, зомби крошит подростков направо и налево.
The daughter of a leading politician tries to carve out a career in the world of international journalism.
Фильм рассказывает историю взлетов и падений успешного канадского гребца Неда Ханлана.
Using archival documents, fictions, current accounts, and excerpts from a theatrical creation, Paul Tana paints a nuanced portrait of the Italians of Montreal. From the first waves of immigration at the beginning of the century to the men and women taken to a prisoner of war camps during World War II, to the hardships and joys of building vibrant lives in Montréal. Caffè Italia Montréal chronicles a significant chapter in Canada’s history.
John Westmore
A dissatisfied Montreal director of TV commercials is taught to astrally project himself by a mysterious woman. But soon he finds that he does it against his will when he sleeps, and while he does it, he commits savage acts against those in his life.
District Attorney
Питтсбург, 1901 год. В камере смертников Эд и Джек Биддл ожидают смертной казни за убийство, которого они не совершали. Жандарм Соффел разрешает своей жене Кейт передать Библию заключенным. Он и не подозревает, что акт милосердия обернется для него горькой утратой и несмываемым позором. Кейт, оказавшись во власти чар обаятельного Эда, не только поможет возлюбленному организовать побег из тюрьмы, но и сама примет в нем участие.
Ron / Robertson
A girl starts her own investigation after the police fail to catch a local serial killer.
Narrator (voice)
Conventioneer Leader
У Вирджинии не за горами День рождения, ей исполняется 18 лет. Прошлый свой праздник она даже толком вспомнить не может, так как очутилась в реанимации. В тот раз она с матерью ждала друзей, но те в это время были на закрытой крутейшей вечеринке. Мать Вирджинии решила вместе с дочерью приехать туда и закатить скандал. Естественно их никто не пустил.
Julie's Father
A downbeat story of life inside a women's prison. There is more crime inside than out. When the inmates see that a woman is soon to be admitted for killing a young boy, they begin to plan her murder.
A drifter stranded in Kansas accepts a job offer from a wheat harvester who, in desperation over his cancer and financial woes, attempts suicide but becomes a father-figure to the young man.
Concierge Hotel
Ромэн Дюпре приезжает в Канаду чтобы опознать убитого сына. Но погибший оказывается ему не знаком. Желая найти отпрыска, давно вступившего не на ту дорожку, Ромэн остается в Канаде... Пожалуй, именно Клод Пиното смог наиболее глубоко раскрыть драматический талант Лино Вентуры как актера. Такая психологическая картина, даже при всей внешности боевика, как «Разгневанный», я лично считаю, входит в свод лучших работ великого актера! Здесь он предстал не самоуверенным громилой или обличенным властью полицейским, а простым обыкновенным человеком с небольшой лишь поправкой на его мускулы и основательную стать.
Nobody ever listens to Jacob, so he always has to repeat himself. A trip to the grocery store leads to a misunderstanding and Jacob falls asleep hiding in a park. When he wakes up, he discovers that he is in trouble for insulting the store clerk. He is sent to a prison for children that is located on Slimer's Island and is run by the Hooded Fang, an ex-wrestler who outwardly hates children. Meanwhile, Child Power representatives the Intrepid Shapiro and Fearless O'Toole try to find the prison's hidden location to help free the children.
Coming back from an extended business trip, Frank discovers that his girlfriend Janie is now working at a new resort hotel where the owner has given her a permanent place to stay, as well as other gifts, in exchange for her affections. The two of them get into a fight and things quickly get out of control and the police are called and in turns into a hostage situation...
M. Lowery
A Montreal police inspector cracks a murder case with clues from the victim's diary.
There's a "silver lining in every cloud" as Donald O'Neary turns every misfortune his two neighbours can engineer into gold coins. Against the background of the Irish countryside, the customary "rich but dumb" characters meet their match in the "poor but crafty" hero. The story introduces the student to our rich multicultural background through the exploration of folklore of one of the peoples that make up Canada's cultural mosaic.
Mr. Wilson
The wife of photographer J.A. Martin decides to go with him in his tour of the hard Canadian countryside at the turn of the century. She hopes the intimacy will revive their marriage.
A TV news cameraman's appetite for fine wine, fast cars and beautiful women draws him into the grip of a heroin smuggler.
Men struggle with day-to-day tasks in a world where all of the women have disappeared.
A BAFTA award nominated animation based on a poem by Earle Birney and a painting by El Greco. The theme concerns the responsibility of the innovator for the thing he makes. In the film, a carpenter builds a cross but is reluctant to become involved in the right or wrong of situations that bring men to die on crosses. His interest is in his own craftsmanship. To illustrate this moral, the filmmaker used light-pen drawings, giving colour and emphasis through optical processes.
The lives of a businessman and his family begin to spiral downward after he has an affair at an insurance convention.