After 5 years in Tokyo, 5 part-time jobs, 5 boyfriends, Sawako's life is going nowhere. When her father gets seriously ill, she has to take over his struggling factory. Gradually she becomes the decider of her own life.
A young man in a green Martian costume allows himself to be dragged hither and thither by a bossy housewife. In this way the film swerves between deceptively ordinary realism and a fantastic absurdism. The housewife Junko (Otori Rei) has started to behave increasingly strangely since the death of her son. Her husband can't put up with it any more and goes off with a female colleague. The man in the green suit, Katsura Tombo (Oda Yonosuke), is a bread salesman but he forgets his work. His strange costume is supposed to lure new customers, but he seems to have forgotten that. He is more or less kidnapped by Junko and falls in love with her. Junko however has other intentions with the rather naive salesman. The failed Martian drives her around in his aunt's van, but his helpfulness doesn't get rewarded.
Saeko is a normal schoolgirl who just happen to witness two rockets collide in the sky one day. Finally, this is something out of the ordinary. She attends school, but it is dull. Life is boring. The teacher has other things on his mind. Her father stinks. Her father's factory is going broke. Perhaps she can save it. That would be something different.
28 year old freelance writer Sakura Asuka wakes up tied in a white room. The white room is a protected room located in an isolated ward of a psychiatric hospital. Sakura first became unconscious because of heavy alcohol use and a druge overdose. She’s confined in the single room because of her high risk of committing suicide. Sakura tried to talk to the nurses and doctors but they didn’t listen to her. Under the circumstances another patient Miki, who suffers from an eating disorder, leads her to understand the unknown world. But, Sakura is looking for the way to get back to the real world as soon as possible.
В далеком будущем Азия стала центром мировой экономики. Полицейские оккупационные власти руководят странами Евразии, жестоко подавляя любые попытки сопротивления. На далеких фронтах не утихает война, природные ресурсы на исходе, и даже в мирных городах Японии лютуют страшные болезни. В связи с возрастающим уровнем смертности населения, правительство решает одобрить новый проект доктора Азумы, лучшего специалиста в области генной инженерии. Суть эксперимента предельно проста — выращивать любые человеческие органы и части тел, и пересаживать их людям в случае надобности. Но проект завершается неудачей — выращенные Азумой тела оживают! Армия клонов развязывает войну против своих же создателей. У человечества остается лишь одна надежда на спасение: Тэтсио — сын доктора Азумы. Погибший на войне, и вернувшийся к жизни благодаря эксперименту отца, Тэтсио наделен необычайной силой, а его тело заключено в особый сверхпрочный скафандр, что делает его практически неуязвимым…