Takeshi Okubo


Kyotaro Nishimura Travel Mystery 68: Disappearing Woman in Yamagata
Lighting Technician
Inspector Totsugawa of the First Investigation Division goes to Tsuruoka in Yamagata to attend the wedding of the son of Inspector Mukai, his former colleague who now works for the Yamagata Prefectural Police. While sightseeing at Mt. Haguro after the ceremony, he notices a young woman drawing him in her sketchbook. She introduces herself as Yuka Shiraishi and says she came to draw the Dewa Sanzan. Signing the drawing of Totsugawa next to the five-story pagoda with her initial, a 'Y' in the corner, she gives it to him as a present. The next morning, the corpse of a young woman who has been stabbed is discovered in a forest in Tsuruoka. When Totsugawa, on his way back, hears that a sketchbook signed with a 'Y' was found at the scene, he follows Mukai there. However, the body is not Yuka, the woman Totsugawa had met, and while no items pointing to her identity are found, the sketchbook is the same one Yuka had the day before.
Prosecutor Yoko Asahina 17
Lighting Technician
Lighting Technician
Макико Учида прибывает в порт Южной Японии в надежде найти судно, которое может отвезти её к месту, где 60 лет назад обрёл покой корабль Императорских Военно-Морских Сил Японии — «Ямато». Дело в том, что она — дочь офицера, который служил на этом корабле. Неожиданно встретив армейского товарища своего отца, девушка узнаёт историю о сражении за Окинаву.
Kyotaro Nishimura's Travel Mystery - Soya Honsen Murder Incident
Lighting Technician
While returning from a business trip to Hokkaido, Detective Kamei of the MPD greets a middle-aged traveler in the waiting room of Minami-Wakkanai Station but is ignored by him. On the limited express to Asahikawa, the same man happens to entrust Kamei with a floppy disk before dying. The floppy contains his investigative notes on a murder that happened two years ago...
After the Wind Has Gone
Moon Angel
Lighting Technician
Two female truck drivers detest each other, and try to steal each other's business. Their rigs are both painted with elaborate large pictures of beautiful naked women. One day, whilst hauling loads of fish in Hokkaido, they are separately stopped by traffic police, who impound their trucks for various violations. About this time, one of the women meets a handsome man, with whom romance is a possibility. Then, the women discover they have been tricked. The cops were connected with the Russian mafia, who intend to ship their trucks offshore and sell them.
Manila Gokudo Wars
Lighting Technician
Shuji Kanzaki, who lives in the underworld of Manila, winds up in a fierce battle with Japan's biggest gangster.