In pre-revolutionary China, two young girls, Chunhua and Yuehong Xing, rise through the ranks of Chinese opera, but with their artistic success comes a new series of personal and social challenges. After they're sold to a Shanghai opera and the revolution dawns, Yuehong radicalizes and devotes her career to politically progressive performances, while Chunhua flees to avoid turmoil. As the world changes around them, they fight to maintain their friendship.
Hua wanted to be a professional barber, but her husband Jia didn't support her. But Hua joined a barbershop and became a popular barber when Jia was on a business leave. What will Hua do when Jia coming back?
Hua wanted to be a professional barber, but her husband Jia didn't support her. But Hua joined a barbershop and became a popular barber when Jia was on a business leave. What will Hua do when Jia coming back?
Сталевар Дин Да-ган получил тяжёлые ожоги при аварии. Положение пострадавшего было почти безнадёжным, но, чтобы спасти Дин Да-гана, за его жизнь вступились люди со всех концов страны, и смерть отступила.
Этот фильм рассказывает о мужестве простых людей, в столкновении со смертельной опасностью не павших духом и с честью выдержавших тяжёлое испытание. В центре фильма — образ смелого, находчивого комиссара Вана, подвиг которого спас сотни человеческих жизней.
San mao (3 hairs) was a very popular Chinese comic strip first published in 1935-37, continued from 1948 into the 1990s, about a young orphan boy struggling with life in Shanghai.