Stephanie Matson


Sweet Navidad
Anna Garza
A pastry chef dreams of opening her own dessert shop; she is paired with another chef for a grand event during which they must learn from one another and eventually come together to create a menu in time for Christmas.
Psycho Party Planner
When young art gallery owner and mother Kayla Anderson finds herself drowning in work and in need of help planning her daughter Kerry's big upcoming Sweet Sixteen bash, she hires pretty, spirited party planner Lindy Shores to help out, having no clue that Lindy is unstable and recently murdered her husband, and will stop at nothing to make Kerry a daughter of her own.
The Punisher: Dirty Laundry
Girl #3
Фрэнк Кастл просыпается в своем фургоне в захудалом районе города, чтобы отнести грязное белье в прачечную. По дороге к ней Фрэнк становится свидетелем нападения бандитов на проституток. После того, как эти же бандиты напали на маленького мальчика, Фрэнк идет в близлежащий магазин и покупает бутылку Jack Daniel`s…