Pau Calpe Rufat


Adrià is a boy who lives from village to village with his older brother and his older brother's girlfriend. He is mute, can't stand enclosed spaces, and finds it hard to keep his attention when spoken to. Adrià has a secret: on full moon nights, he can't sleep and wanders the streets.
Adrià is a boy who lives from village to village with his older brother and his older brother's girlfriend. He is mute, can't stand enclosed spaces, and finds it hard to keep his attention when spoken to. Adrià has a secret: on full moon nights, he can't sleep and wanders the streets.
Adrià is a boy who lives from village to village with his older brother and his older brother's girlfriend. He is mute, can't stand enclosed spaces, and finds it hard to keep his attention when spoken to. Adrià has a secret: on full moon nights, he can't sleep and wanders the streets.
A Piece of Land
Joan, a sullen old peasant tired of being robbed, decides to join the peasant patrol that watches over the fields. His son Pepe, who has just returned from the city, accompanies him. During the nightly patrol Joan and Pepe come across a thief.
Византийская принцесса
Delegated Producer
Византия, XV век, турецкие войска взяли Константинополь. В качестве мирного договора Великий султан Турции Мухаммед II просит руки Карменсины — дочери византийского императора. Гордый правитель Византии не хочет отдавать в руки врага и дочь, и столицу своей империи. Но выбор неизбежен. Его лучший полководец Тирант, сгорающий от страсти к красавице Карменсине, бросает вызов несметным полчищам турков. Но волнует его не исход великой битвы, а взятие неприступного сердца прекрасной и непорочной дочери императора.