Carmen Salinas

Carmen Salinas

Рождение : 1939-10-05, Torreón, Coahuila de Zaragoza, Mexico

Смерть : 2021-12-09


Carmen Salinas Lozano (October 5th, 1939 - December 9th, 2021) was a Mexican actress, impressionist, comedian, politician, and theatre entrepreneur. She was associated with the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) during her later career as a politician. She appeared in 115 films, 70 theater works, 23 soap operas, and 9 television series.


Carmen Salinas


Всемирно известной кинозвезде Оливии грозит пиар-катастрофа, когда папарацци фотографирует её с женатым любовником Винсентом. Трудолюбивый камердинер Антонио случайно появляется на той же фотографии и выдаёт себя за нового бойфренда Оливии в качестве прикрытия. После этой уловки Антонио оказывается в центре внимания и это приводит к настоящему хаосу.
El Día de la Unión
Doña Tere
Norte estrecho
The legal and illegal status of immigrants and the discrimination endured by a segment whom are only looking to a better way of life.
My First Movie
It narrates the obstacles Sebastian Delgado, a slacker and aspiring writer faces when, to win the love of a beautiful girl, finally decides to do something: a movie.
Martin at Dawn
When Martin's car breaks down in the middle of the desert, he has no choice but to head off across the empty landscape to look for help. Along the road he happens upon a mysterious brothel. He has no choice but to go there. But when he goes inside he unknowingly is drawn into a fateful game of chance. In this suspenseful film from Mexico, not everything is what it seems.
Cartas a Elena
Vieja Samora
In the beautiful hills of the Copper Canyon in Chihuahua, Mexico, a young boy (Emilio) is adopted by the mailman (Teo). As part of their daily tasks, they not only deliver the mail but read letters to the villagers, as well as take dictation, since most are illiterate. Young Emilio quickly learns to read and write but feels saddened by the mostly difficult stories sent by relatives, that moved north to Denver, Colorado in pursuit of a better future. One day Teo becomes disabled and Emilio takes over the mail route and with great imagination, he changes the letters to happy and optimistic stories. Within days, the village is transformed. The elders, once hopeless, lonely and sad, are now happy and enthusiastic, enjoying the "supposed" success their loved ones write from the United States. But the enjoyment is short lived, as they realize that all the wonderful stories are the same...
Have You Seen Lupita?
Lupita, a young mexican girl, runs away from her family who want to commit her into a hospital. She will start a journey that will take us into a world that seems crazier than she is. With her sensuality, innocence and romanticism, Lupita invites us to think that the world can be experienced in other ways.
Другая семья
Doña Chuy
Семилетний Хендрикс растет в неблагополучной семье матери-наркоманки и ее безработного сожителя Патрика. Когда Нина, мать Хендрикса, ложится в клинику по программе реабилитации, Патрик решает продать мальчика, чтобы расплатиться с огромными долгами. Но мальчик исчезает — подруга Нины, перед поездкой в США, оставляет его своим друзьям. И пока мать сходит с ума в клинике, а ее сожитель бегает от кредиторов, Хендрикс привыкает к жизни в другой семье.
Hermoso Silencio
Hermoso silencio (Beautiful Silence) is a film that tells the story of a man (Cruz) born and raised in the mountains of north Mexico, unaware of modern society. After his Parents death he sets himself on a journey to the discovery of the world long kept from his simple existence. His path into the unknown reveals the evil and good in the human heart and the harsh realities of life.
Me importas tú... y tú
Nerdy college boy gets romantic advice from the apparition of a dead film star.
A story of redemption, drama and action, where only love can overcome all obstacles.
Under the Same Moon
Doña Carmen 'La Coyota'
Tells the parallel stories of nine-year-old Carlitos and his mother, Rosario. In the hopes of providing a better life for her son, Rosario works illegally in the U.S. while her mother cares for Carlitos back in Mexico.
Magdalena is fifteen, but unlike many girls her age, her life is apathetic and somber, due to the abuse she receives from her father, a hopeless alcoholic, and her strange passion for Carlos, a neighborhood thug. A series of complex characters parade through Magdalena's life looking for themselves, such as Gabriel, the homosexual brother, and Huker, a violent judicial policeman who has an important secret. A portrait of the emotional depths of the strange and terrible Mexico City.
Veritas, Prince of Truth
Elva Maria
Kern has to fight an evil menace that could destroy the earth when Veritas, his favorite comic book hero, comes to life and seeks his help.
Santos Peregrinos
When greed comes calling, say goodbye to saintliness. An irresistible comedy about what happens when the residents of a Mexico City apartment building discover that three religious figurines passed down through the decades from Emiliano Zapata are full of solid gold. Tempers fly, libidos flare and no one emerges unscathed, including viewers overcome by a heavenly dose of hilarity in Santos Peregrinos.
Guardian Three
Состоятельные жители Мехико в панике: всего за шесть дней в городе пропали 24 человека! Бывшего агента ЦРУ Джона Кризи нанимают телохранителем девятилетней дочери промышленника Сэмюэля Рамоса, Питы Рамос. Поначалу Кризи с трудом терпит соседство не по годам развитой девочки.Но со временем они становятся друзьями. Кризи вновь почувствовал вкус к жизни, но все рушится, когда Питу похищают. Кризи клянется убить любого, кто втянут в похищение Питы. Теперь его никто не остановит…
Mi Verdad
Carmen Salinas
Film about the scandal of TV producer Juan Osorio with Cuban dancer Niurka Marcos.
Секс из сострадания
La madame
Мудрую Долорес любят все жители ее маленького увядающего городка. Все, кроме ее мужа Маноло, который, доведенный до отчаяния ее непостижимой щедростью, попросту сбежал. Оставшись одна, Долорес решила впервые согрешить, переспав с мужчиной, однако таким образом она спасла ему жизнь, и поэтому ее грех тотчас же превратился в благодеяние. Тут и другие мужчины потянулись к Долорес в надежде, что ее ласки подарят им удачу. Жены же, видя, как щедрая женщина преображает их благоверных, решили не вмешиваться. Вскоре все нарекли Долорес святой, а ее пыльный городок расцвел от улыбок счастливых супругов, чье семейное счастье она спасла столь чудесным образом. Однако события приняли неожиданный оборот, когда вернувшийся домой Маноло, взбешенный поступками супруги, назвал ее шлюхой. Неужели теперь все соседи и друзья встанут на его сторону и никто не заступится за несчастную святую? Кто поможет бедной женщине, которая хотела лишь подарить людям немного счастья?
Todo el poder
Doña Cleofas
Gabriel is a filmmaker in Mexico City, where he is a victim of crime and violence sometimes even three times a day. This is a black comedy that shows the extreme situation Mexico City is suffering as far as crime is concerned, and the tension the city and it's inhabitants live day after day.
Carmen García (segment 'Sangre entre mujeres")
The human and divine justice are exposed through five real life stories related to the legal processes of a prison. The cases presented are: "I want to stay in jail", "Blood between women", "The raped prostitute", "The kidnapped policeman", and "Euthanasia or murder?"
El superman... Dilon
In this movie, Rafael Inclán stars as a man who claims at work that he is the "boss" at home but the truth is that his wife is the one who rules the house.
Cita en el paraíso.
Alejandra (Gutiérrez), a drugstore clerk, receives a note from a strange man (Alcázar). The note only shows a number, but Alejandra seems to understand its meaning. That night, Alejandra walks directly to a creepy downtown hotel, climbs the stairs and finds the man waiting for her in a room. The strange rendez-vous is not what it seems to be.
Doña Tí
A telephone operator from Mexico City tries to support a family and her passion for popular dance.
Goza conmigo
No hay quinto malo
Me muero de la risa
A film full of comedy skits of all kinds.
Comezón a la Mexicana
This belly-laugh funny theatrical hit spawned a genre of racy comedies revolving around "The Seven Year Itch." As several wacky bumblers find out, the "itching" can be true love, the "scratchin" a whole lot of fun, but what happens when the inevitable embarrassing situations ensue is pure hilarity.
La corneta de mi general
Almorrana Monroy 'La Corcholata'
The Scent of Death
The Chemos and the Pachecos are two gangs whose adventures are witnessed by the doctor, the assistant and the social worker of a clinic where they know of the young men's problems.
Appointment with Death
Four different director contribute a segment to this horror anthology.
All Souls' Day
Two families gather at a cemetery to honor their departed.
Alicia en el pais del dolar
La chica de la piscina
A famous television showman is suffering a mental and spiritual crisis. But fortunately three friends who once have all been lovers of his try to help him...
Esta noche cena Pancho
Four friends gather to organize a wild and sleazy bachelor party.
5 pollas en peligro
Five young women visiting relatives in Acapulco are targetted by white-slave kidnappers.
Casos de Alarma
Stranger with a dark past infects a small-town girl with HIV, and the contagion spreads out from there. Public health officials get involved...
Mexicano ¡Tú puedes!
Vicente and Carmen, are spouses, he works in a factory, although he is a womanizer and irresponsible; she sells cosmetics or fayuca. Both dream of owning a home. Vincent did not want to leave their neighborhood but after several discussions they decide to buy a land...
Masacre en el Río Tula
La Madrastra
Based on a real event, twelve dead bodies are found in the Tula River, we see the events that lead up to the massacre in a tale of crime, vice, corruption and sleaze.
Tiempo de lobos
Two young emigres return home from USA to their family farm to visit for a week.
El rey del masaje
La pulquería 3
After regaining his manliness, he escapes from hell Satan for embezzling Secretary of infernal hacienda, being chased by a couple of poor devils good for nothing, and took refuge in the cabaret ends up working as a transvestite.
El tonto que hacía milagros
A movie projectionist discovers that he has magical powers.
Piernas cruzadas
Cabaret Singer
Lucerito is a Spanish star who has come to Mexico, accompanied by her godfather and her agent, to find work. Rosario is from upper class society and has grown tired of the demands made upon her by her family. When they meet each other in a Mexican hotel, they discover that they could be each other's identical twin and decide to change places.
The Glories of the Great Púas
Journalist becomes a member of a boxing champion's entourage to write a book about the boxer's career.
Noche de carnaval
Nos reimos de la migra (Destrampados y mojados)
Las modelos de desnudos
Three interlocking anecdotes about boy/girl stuff. Two gigolos make a bet to see which can boff an heiress first, a young artist tries to persuade his upper-class parents that his artist's-model fiance is a good choice for marriage, and a guy on the run from the mafia hides from them by cross-dressing.
Se me sale cuando me río
Mexican feature film
Los fayuqueros de Tepito
Sttreet vendors get caught up in the beef between their wholesale supplier and one of his competitors.
Huevos rancheros
Two "naughty" comedy episodes with naked women and bodies of water.
Fieras contra fieras
In a small town governed by two rival families, the children break a decades-long feud by running away to the circus.
(AKA: Ratero 2 or Cada quien su madre.) Innocent man forced to hide from the police, ends up taking refuge in a brothel.
La pulquería 2
Las pobres ilegales
Escaping from an abusive stepfather, a young woman decides to cross the border as an undocumented worker. She ends up working on a farm where things aren't what they seem...
El diablo en persona
Young rural-gentry dude sows wild oats, settles down to raise a family, and fights in the Revolution, all at the same time.
El rey de los albures
El día que murió Pedro Infante
Mexican feature film
D.F./Distrito Federal
Anthology film, six little anecdotes about life in the big city.
La pulquería
La Corcholata
The Devil offers a man to help him if he can show him to love.
El testamento
Doña Cleo
After the death of her husband the industrialist, unprepared trophy-wife takes over the management of his business concerns.
Long live Tepito!
Slice of life covering four or five days in a badly run-down neighborhood. Matriarch of a slum family dies unexpectedly; relatives from neighboring blocks cope with the loss and arrange her funeral.
Las tentadoras
At a Lame Pace
Ragtag crew of indigents from an asylum for the handicapped form a squadron to defend the Church during the Cristero Uprising.
Muñecas de medianoche
Two young men go into hiding to escape from a contract killer; they put on women's clothing and hang around in bars.
The Loving Ones
La Corcholata
Juan Alonso goes through life without giving himself time to smell the flowers along the way. He stumbles upon a cabaret show and falls in love with the star. What he finds out later is that the lead dancer is actually a transsexual and he is torn by her feelings for her. Surprisingly beautiful, this story really takes a lot of twists and turns.
El sexo sentido
Tía Lupe
About a nymphomaniac and an artist that constantly spies on her.
Solovino is called like that because no one knows where he came from. He is a miserable province man trying to improve his life, but sees himself forced to steal to survive. When he comes up with a large jewelry bounty a pair of cops offer him his freedom in exchange of the bounty and becomes the target of the police harassment.
Noches de cabaret
The Place Without Limits
Father and daughter compete for the same passion in a ruthless place where kindness mixes with hate.
Las ficheras (Bellas de noche II)
La corcholata
Bellas de noche continues. The ex-fichera who bought the cabaret continues to work with several of her former companions, the waiter Fabian, the pugilist Bronco who returns to boxing, Carmen, his wife, who returns to booking, the drunk “La Corcholata”, in love with an old man, and a French woman and the pimp “El Vaselinas”, whose favors are disputed by all the women, but who loses his virility and fights to regain it.
La palomilla al rescate
Cute elementary-school kids get mixed up with black-marketeers.
The Living Forces
It narrates the phenomenon of the Mexican Revolution, satirically reflected through what happens in a town far from the places where the true Revolution was fiercely fought.
Bellas de noche (Las ficheras)
La Corcholata
The Boxer Germán Bronco Torres loses his license, and works as bouncer at the cabaret El Pirulí, where he falls for the fichera Carmen, and befriends of the pimp Margarito Fuensanta El Vaselinas, who lost a bet and has to pay to a gangsters. For 500 pesos for El Vaselinas, Bronco prepares a trap in the cabaret to the taxi driver Raul, to seduce his girlfriend, not knowing that the victim is his own sister Lupita.
While trying to save the famous Tivoli burlesque theater, the participants uncover a web of commercial corruption.
Albures Mexicanos
Inspector Calzonzin
Doña Eme
Mexico's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1974
El rincón de las vírgenes
Pancha Fregoso
"Faith-healer" develops a cult-like following in 1920s Jalisco.
Doña Macabra
The story of Armida (named ¨Doña Macabra¨ by her neighbors) and Demetria, two old women who live in an old house with Octavio, a kind of mad scientist. Their lives take an unexpected turn when the nephew of Armida, Lucila, recently married with Othón, arrive to the house looking for and old treasure, believed to be buried in the house. They will find a lot of dark and unexpected secrets.
Kilogram Per Gram
A drug cartel disguises their activities as benefactors of different charities. When someone refuses to comply with this, they have their own methods to persuade people to help them out with their crimes.