Andreas Malandrinos

Рождение : 1888-11-14,

Смерть : 1970-07-11


Man of Violence
Moon (Michael Latimer) is a mercenary who joins forces with two crooked cops in an attempt to steal 90 million dollars in gold from an Arab country decimated by political chaos. Sex, violence and mayhem accompany the group of double-crossing heavies who covet the purloined loot. A bevy of females willingly submit to seduction, and a sadistic homosexual murderer trails Moon and his malevolent gang for the gold in this compelling crime drama.
Продолговатый ящик
Baron (uncredited)
Из своих владений в Африке возвращаются два брата. В результате наложенного заклятия один из братьев превратился в монстра-убийцу, и его содержат взаперти в замке. Чтобы сбежать из заточения, он притворяется мертвым, и его случайно хоронят...
Экранизация известного романа Фаулза "Волхв". Молодой учитель приезжает пожить на греческий остров и вовлекается в причудливые психологические игры сумасшедшим фокусником и красивой молодой женщиной.
The Magnificent Two
Two salesmen travel to a small South American Country to peddle their wares. However the country is in the middle of a major conflict between the Government led by Diaz and the rebels led by Torez. When Torez is accidentally killed the rebels mistaken pick up one of the salesmen, Eric, as he looks like Torez. Eric and Ernie are promised millions to carry on the charade once the rebels take charge. However once Eric takes charge he finds himself back in danger as scheming general Carillo plans to remove the impostor from his role.
The Magnificent Two
Drunken Soldier
Two salesmen travel to a small South American Country to peddle their wares. However the country is in the middle of a major conflict between the Government led by Diaz and the rebels led by Torez. When Torez is accidentally killed the rebels mistaken pick up one of the salesmen, Eric, as he looks like Torez. Eric and Ernie are promised millions to carry on the charade once the rebels take charge. However once Eric takes charge he finds himself back in danger as scheming general Carillo plans to remove the impostor from his role.
The Mummy's Shroud
The Curator
Archaeologists discover the final resting place of a boy king, removing the remains to be exhibited in a museum. By disturbing the sarcophagus they unleash the forces of darkness. The Mummy has returned to discharge a violent retribution on the defilers as the curse that surrounds the tomb begins to come true. One by one the explorers are murdered until one of them discovers the ancient words that have the power to reduce the brutal killer to particles of dust.
Бал вампиров
Профессор Абронзиус и его неопытный ассистент Альфред отправляются в Трансильванию, их цель- охота на вампиров. В заснеженных Карпатах, на постоялом дворе, где они остановились, Альфред знакомится с дочерью хозяина — прекрасной Сарой. Это знакомство было недолгим: коварный вампир похитил рыжеволосую красавицу и унес ее в свой мрачный замок в горах. Профессор и Альфред нашли прибежище нечисти. Удастся ли им перехитрить кровососов и спасти Сару, пока она сама не превратится в вампиршу?
San Ferry Ann
Garage Owner
A motley crew of British characters ride The San Ferry Ann to the shores of France where they embark on a weekend of calamity. The campervan family led by Dad and Mum (David Lodge and Joan Sims) create chaos from the moment they set their tires on the shore resulting in frequent run-ins with the Gendarme, while Lewd Grandad (Wilfred Brambell) finds his own misadventures with a newly acquainted friend, a mad German ex-soldier (Ron Moody). Also aboard for the ride is a saucy hitchhiker (Barbara Windsor) who causes a few heads to turn including that of a fellow traveller (Ronnie Stevens) who pursues her affection with comic results. By the end of this weekend the French may well be wishing to say 'au revoir' to these trouble-making tourists. San Ferry Ann is a humorous take on the tradition of the British get-away. A classic sound effect comedy that sits with the likes of similarly praised titles such as 'The Plank', 'Futtock's End' and 'Rhubarb Rhubarb'.
Желтый Роллс-Ройс
Italian Hotel Manager (uncredited)
Три новеллы о любви и разлуке. Объединяет их «Роллс-Ройс»- именно он служит пристанищем для влюбленных. Увы, их первое свидание в силу разных обстоятельств обычно оказывается и последним, после чего владелец машины предпочитает избавиться от нее, но, похоже, этот «Роллс-Ройс» заколдован — с каждым следующим покупателем происходит то же самое….
В поисках потерпевших кораблекрушение
Crooked sailor
Землетрясение, наводнение, вулкан, аллигаторы, ягуар и кровожадные людоеды-маори. Все это могло стать непреодолимым препятствием для кого угодно, но только не для профессора Паганеля, который вместе с двумя детьми капитана Гранта, лордом Гленарваном и его сыном рыщет по всему Южному полушарию в поисках пропавшего без вести капитана Гранта и его судна…
The Boy Who Stole a Million
A boy gets involved in a bank robbery
Нет времени умирать
Italian Cook
1942 год, Северная Африка. Даниэль Тэтчер - американский сержант, служит в британских танковых войсках. Во время сражения он и член экипажа его танка попадают в плен, их перевозят в итальянский лагерь для военнопленных. Там немцы выясняют, что Тэтчер - это тот человек, который однажды пытался убить нацистского бонзу Йозефа Геббельса. Жена Тэтчера погибла в концлагере, а сам он теперь настоящий приз для нацистов. Но Тэтчер и его товарищи-танкисты не мирятся с судьбой пленников и готовятся совершить побег...
Принц и танцовщица
Valet with Violin
Начало прошлого века, Лондон. На коронацию нового короля прибыли многочисленные гости, среди них принц-регент королевства Карпатия Чарльз. Чтобы развлечься, он инкогнито посещает кабаре «Коконатс», где за кулисами знакомится с хорошенькими хористками. Одна из них, Элси, хотя и не обучена хорошим манерам, но может многому научить высокомерного принца…
Night Watchman
Stanley Baker's O'Donovan is sent to steal the plans of a rival company's racing car designs, to ensure his employers win the competition. However, when opening a safe containing the plans, he triggers an alarm leading to a gun battle where he kills a number of people. James Robertson Justice, alarmed by the scandal surrounding the killings, orders his agent be killed surreptitiously to hide his involvement with the plot. The film uses original footage from the Mille Miglia , an Italian open-road endurance race, featuring classic period racing cars.
Blonde Blackmailer
Papa Pelassier
A man (Richard Arlen) wants answers when he gets out of prison after spending seven years for a murder he did not commit.
Contraband Spain
Proprietor of 'Magasin Gautier' (uncredited)
An FBI agent goes to the French-Spanish border to round up some smugglers and counterfeiters after his brother is murdered.
The Teckman Mystery
Small Waiter
A fiction writer begins working on a biography of a pilot who went down during the test flight of a new plane and finds himself soon involved in a series of murders.
Calling Scotland Yard: Falstaff's Fur Coat
Because of his luxurious fur coat, a hammy actor becomes involved with crooks. His coat resembles the one that a gang's fence wears, and he is continually finding stolen jewelry in his coat pockets. When the gang learns that he is planning to turn the loot over to Scotland Yard, they go gunning for him and wound him while he is on stage performing 'Falstaff.' And, although wounded, he continues with his performance, trouper that he is that believes the show must go on, while the police are apprehending the gunmen.
A Day to Remember
French Café Owner (uncredited)
Based on The Hand and the Flower, a novel by Jerrard Tickell, A Day to Remember stars Stanley Holloway as Charley Porter, captain of London darts team. When the team travels to the French town of Boulogne for the annual darts tournament, a good time is had by all--and more besides. Jim Carver one of the team's members, is reunited with a little French girl he'd befriended during the war, who has now developed into a beautiful young woman. And Fred Collins makes a poignant journey to the hotel where he'd honeymooned with his late wife. The film works best as a low-key comedy-drama; it is least successful when it ventures into O. Henry territory and strains for "surprise" story twists. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi
Sea Devils
A Gardener
Gilliatt, a fisherman-turned-smuggler on the isle of Guernsey, agrees to transport a beautiful woman to the French coast in the year 1800. She tells him she hopes to rescue her brother from the guillotine. Gilliatt finds himself falling in love and so feels betrayed when he later learns this woman is a countess helping Napoleon plan an invasion of England. In reality, however, the "countess" is an English agent working to thwart this invasion. When Gilliatt finds this out, he returns to France to rescue the woman who's true purpose has been discovered by the French.
Paul Temple Returns
Sammy Wren
A serial killer terrorizes London. Each victim is found with a telegram signed "The Marquis." There seems to be no other common thread between the victims, and Scotland Yard is baffled. Novelist and amateur sleuth, Paul Temple, is warned to stay away from the case, but he and his glamorous wife Steve can never refuse a good mystery.
Hammer the Toff
A detective proves that a Robin Hood-type crook did not steal a metal formula.
Song of Paris
An archetypal Englishman returns from a jaunt abroad to face a dastardly foreign count in a screwball duel for the hand of a beautiful mademoiselle.
Salute the Toff
Frederico (uncredited)
The Toff solves the mystery of a missing employer. One of the BFi's most wanted films.
Банда с Лавендер Хилл
Customs Official
Ограбление века — вот о чём мечтает перевозчик золотых слитков с мягкими манерами, вылитый божий агнец, потаённые мысли которого нездоровы, как у всех бледных поганок… После 20 лет безупречной службы он вдруг решает украсть золота на миллион фунтов стерлингов…
Night Without Stars
Customer in Café Max (uncredited)
A partially blind Englishman retires to the French Riviera. He meets and falls for the Widow of a French Resistance fighter but is horrified when he discovers she is involved with smugglers and murderers.
Her Favourite Husband
Customs Officer
While casing a bank he intends to rob, gangster Leo discovers one of the clerks, Antonio, is his exact double. He kidnaps Antonio and robs the bank, posing as Antonio. But Leo hadn't accounted for the involvement of Antonio's wife, Dorothy.
The Spider and the Fly
Bank Watchman (uncredited)
"The Spider and the Fly is set in Paris during the cloud-cuckoo days before WW I. The storyline intertwines the destinies of three people. Guy Rolfe plays Phillipe de Ledocq, a resourceful safecracker who always manages to elude arrest. Eric Portman is cast as police-chief Maubert, who will not rest until Ledocq is behind bars. And Nadia Gray is Madeleine, the woman beloved by both Ledocq and Maubert. Just as Maubert has managed to capture his man, Ledocq is released at the behest of the government, who wants him to steal secrets from the German embassy revealing the whereabouts of the Kaiser's secret agents. And just how does Madeleine figure into all of this? Spider and the Fly is a diverting precursor to the 1960s TV series It Takes a Thief." ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi
Trottie True
Head Waiter (uncredited)
Tottie True is a gay-90s British music-hall performer who has her sights set on moving from rags to riches, who loses her heart to the pure-and-true blue balloonist, Sid Skinner, but continues her upward search on improving her social status. She finally settles for Lord Landon Digby who has lots of assets and a very-stiff upper lip. She gets a lot of the latter and very little of the former, and decides Sid might have been a better choice.
For Them That Trespass
In this drama, a frustrated upper-class writer decides that he will find real inspiration by examining his subjects first-hand. This leads him to begin wandering about the seamiest side of town where he witnesses a murder. When an innocent man is arrested, the writer refuses to assist him as the knowledge that he has been "slumming" could destroy his career. The young man is sentenced to 15 years in prison.
For Them That Trespass
In this drama, a frustrated upper-class writer decides that he will find real inspiration by examining his subjects first-hand. This leads him to begin wandering about the seamiest side of town where he witnesses a murder. When an innocent man is arrested, the writer refuses to assist him as the knowledge that he has been "slumming" could destroy his career. The young man is sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Café Owner (uncredited)
Set on Blackpool’s Golden Mile, Jim (Douglass Montgomery), a once promising scientist, sets up in business as a patent medicine man selling hair tonic at the fair with his ex-army colleague Dan (Ronald Shiner). Following a fight with local hoods over pitch spaces, Jim falls for Jane (Hazel Court), the girl on a nearby candy floss stall. The two begin dating but Jim fails to mention he is already married.
My Brother Jonathan
French Postman
Jonathan Dakers' early ambition was to become a great surgeon and to marry Edie Martyn. But, on the death of his father, he is obliged to start work as a partner in a poor general practice in the Black Country. Edie falls in love with Jonathan's brother, Harold, who is killed in the Great War, and Jonathan marries her as planned. It is only afterwards that he realises he now loves another.
Dual Alibi
(as Andre Malandrinos)
A French PR man (Terence de Marney) and his girlfriend (Phyllis Dixey) steal a lottery ticket from twin trapeze artists (Herbert Lom), prompting murder.
White Cradle Inn
This drama is set in Switzerland and chronicles a fight between an innkeeper and her husband, a chronic adulterer. The trouble begins when she wants to adopt a French orphan and he doesn't.
While the Sun Shines
Lady Elisabeth Randall is an English Air Force corporal during World War II. She is on her way to marry her fiancé when she finds herself being romanced by two different men.
Champagne Charlie
A man from the countryside becomes London’s newest music hall sensation, and competes with a rival music hall performer for the audience’s attention.
English Without Tears
Man in Gallery
While Lady Christabel Beauclark, a bird fancier, is scurrying about demanding certain territorial rights for British birds from other countries, Her Ladyship's niece is falling in love with the family butler, Tom Gilbey. The birds are forgotten when war breaks out, and Gilbey now finds himself in love with the niece whose love was previously unrequited. Written by Les Adams
The Way Ahead
Gendarme in Café (uncredited)
A mismatched collection of conscripted civilians find training tough under Lieutenant Jim Perry and Sergeant Ned Fletcher when they are called up to replace an infantry battalion that had suffered casualties at Dunkirk.
The Bells Go Down
Mr. Vanetti (uncredited)
Comedian Tommy Trinder plays it straight in this tribute to the wartime AFS (Auxiliary Fire Service). The dedicated band who kept the fires of London under control during the blitz and fire bombings of WWII.
Thunder Rock
Italian Police Chief (uncredited)
David Charleston, once a world renowned journalist, now lives alone maintaining the Thunder Rock lighthouse in Lake Michigan. He doesn't cash his paychecks and has no contact other than the monthly inspector's visit. When alone, he imagines conversations with those who died when a 19th century packet ship with some 60 passengers sank. He imagines their lives, their problems, their fears and their hopes. In one of these conversations, he recalls his own efforts in the 1930s when he desperately tried to convince first his editors, and later the public, of the dangers of fascism and the inevitability of war. Few would listen. One of the passengers, a spinster, tells her story of seeking independence from a world dominated by men. There's also the case of a doctor who is banished for using unacceptable methods. David has given up on life, but the imaginary passengers give him hope for the future.
Crook's Tour
Nightclub Manager (uncredited)
Charters and Caldicott are touring the Middle East. After visiting Saudi Arabia they find themselves in Bagdad where they are mistaken by a group of German spies for the messengers who are to carry a song record by beautiful singer La Palermo which contains secret instructions of the German Intelligence. Realizing their error, the German spies follow Charters and Caldicott to Istanbul and Budapest, trying to eliminate them and retrieve the record.
21 день
Cafe Tyrol Waiter
Ларри Дарран случайно убивает мужа своей любовницы Ванды. Виновным признают бродягу Эванса, которого обнаружили рядом с трупом. Теперь у Ларри есть только три недели на то, чтобы сделать выбор: сознаться в содеянном или отправить невиновного на виселицу.
War and Order
Police work during World War II in Britain.
London has become enthralled by the antics of the contemporary Robin Hood, but when a band of bad guys start framing him for their misdeeds, the hero has to catch the criminals and clear his name.
Carla de Hulvea is a rumba dancer who makes news by posing as a South-American heiress. She is doing fine with her hoax until she meets American Peter Jackson, a high-pressure promoter who is looking for movie-producing money. He does some big-time bluffing on his own in order to get Carla to invest in a film he is making with his partner, Roy Harley. Through Carla, Roy meets actress Diana West, who is given a role in the movie, and Roy falls in love with her.
I See Ice
Lotus Club Manager
George Bright is a props man in an ice ballet company, and a keen amateur photographer who accidentally snaps crooks at work. Comic complications ensue....
The Price of Folly
When Leonora Corbett phones Colin Keith-Johnson that she wants to give their marriage another chance, he tries to buy off his lover Judy Kelly. She wants to stick around for the wife, with a gun. There's a struggle, and Keith-Johnson sticks the inconvenient body in a trunk and begins to figure out how to get rid of it.
Bombs Over London
When a reporter is killed under mysterious circumstances, the political cartoonist on his paper begins to investigate on his own. He finds that a vengeful industrialist may be trying to manipulate an international peace conference to stage a bombing attack on London.
A Romance in Flanders
During World War I, in Flanders, Berry and Morley were in love with the same girl, Yvonne. During a battle in the Widow's Island sector, Morley is wounded and abandoned by Berry. Morley being reported missing, Berry now has a clear path to marry Yvonne. Two decades later, Yvonne incidentally meets a tourist guide in the former combat zone region who looks fiendishly like - Morley. —Guy Bellinger
Command Performance
Film Director
Secret of Stamboul
A man travels to Istanbul to try and prevent a revolution.
The Amazing Quest of Ernest Bliss
A bored millionaire wagers his doctor that he can support himself at a working class job for year without touching his inheritance.
Секретный агент
Manager (uncredited)
Действие происходит во время Первой мировой войны. Британский агент Эдгар Броди послан правительством в Швейцарию для ликвидации немецкого агента. В сопровождении Эльзы Кэррингтон, под видом его жены, и мексиканца — киллера они останавливаются в отеле. В результате ошибки был убит не тот человек, а немецкий агент остался невредимым. В руке у убитого осталась оторванная пуговица, которая и послужила причиной роковой ошибки.
Prison Breaker
A British secret service agent falls in love with the daughter of a leading London criminal, and soon after becoming involved with her father finds himself in prison facing a charge of manslaughter..
The Improper Duchess
The King of Moldavia tries to negotiate a loan from the United States in return for oil concessions, with the wily assistance of the Duchess of Tann.
The Invader
Carlos the Barman
A bumbling yachtsman sails to the South of Spain with a fiery seductress, only to become the pawn in her dangerous game of love.
Midshipman Easy
Set during the Peninsular Campaign of the Napoleonic War, Mr Midshipman Easy has just joined the Royal Navy. He is very keen to do well but luckily he has an understanding captain to pull him out of the various adventures he seems to get involved in.
Play Up the Band
Italian Room Guest
A brass band goes to London to take part in a competition.
Vintage Wine
The members of the Popinot family of French champagne tycoons suspect that the widowed head of the family Charles Popinot is keeping a mistress in Rome and generally living a wild life. Unbeknownst to them he has happily re-married and had a son with a much younger woman. She believes he is twenty years younger than he really is and is shocked when his relatives including his mother, grown-up sons and granddaughter arrive in Italy.
Death Drives Through
Italian Race Crew Member (uncredited)
The race car designer Kit Woods is in love with Kay Lord. Kay's father is against her relationship with Kit. Kit also has to do with the competition from his rival Garry Ames.
The Broken Melody
A composer goes to Devil's Island for killing his wife's lover, then writes an opera about it.
Человек, который слишком много знал
Police Sergeant (uncredited)
Боб и Джилл Лоуренс проводят отпуск в Швейцарских Альпах вместе со своей дочерью Бетти. На глазах у супружеской пары погибает их новый знакомый — француз Луи Бернар. Перед смертью он успевает прошептать Бобу несколько слов о готовящемся шпионском заговоре. Для того чтобы Боб молчал, злоумышленники похищают и держат в заложниках его дочь. Супруги должны спасти своего ребенка и выполнить гражданский долг — не допустить покушения на известного дипломата.
Road House
Head Waiter
Road House is a 1934 British comedy crime film directed by Maurice Elvey and starring Violet Loraine, Gordon Harker and Aileen Marson.
Say It with Flowers
Pepita's Father
Warm-hearted Cockneys stage a show to help a sick flower-seller.
The Admiral's Secret
Guido d'Elvira
A retired Admiral steals jewels and is pursued by Spanish bandits.
The Golden Cage
'Girl marries rich man but still loves poor hotel clerk.' (British Film Catalogue)
The Lodger
An elderly couple's lodger, a British musician (Ivor Novello), becomes the suspect in a series of killings.
Raise the Roof
The wealthy Rodney Langford, who dreams of going on the stage, hopes to fulfil his ambitions by buying a failing revue called 'Raise the Roof', starring Maisie Grey. His father, fearing scandal, bribes amoral actor Atherley Armitage to sabotage the show. But, when all hope seems lost, Maisie comes up with an ingenious idea to try and save the day.