Frederick Stafford

Frederick Stafford

Рождение : 1928-03-11, Czechoslovakia

Смерть : 1979-07-28


Frederick Stafford (11 March 1928 – 28 July 1979) was a Czechoslovak-born actor. Born Friedrich Strobel von Stein, he spoke fluent Czech, German, English, French and Italian, and was a leading man in European spy-movies. In 1964 French director André Hunebelle discovered him on holiday at a hotel in Bangkok and asked him "How would you like to make movies with me?". Stafford replied "Why not?" and replaced Kerwin Matthews to play an agent code-named OSS 117 in two Bond-like-adventures. The first co-starring with Mylène Demongeot, in the second with Marina Vlady. He also appeared in war-films (The Battle of El Alamein) and in Michel Boisronds thriller Million Dollar Man alongside Anny Duperey. These movies got him the attention of the Master of Suspense: Alfred Hitchcock who signed him in 1968 to play the leading role as agent André Devereaux in Topaz (1969), but the film was not a success, and the casting of Stafford, whose performance was found lacking by critics, was largely blamed for its failure. Channel4 told: Heading the international cast is a very wooden Stafford, who is no Cary Grant. He married German actress Marianne Hold. He had a come-back in 1972 as Commissario Luca Micelli in Italian Giallo Shadows Unseen. Five years after Topaz he starred as detective Sandro Mattei beside the actress who played his daughter in Topaz, French actress Claude Jade, in the Italian thriller La ragazza di Via Condotti (Meurtres à Rome/Special Killers) (1973/74). In that movie the character of 20 years older Stafford has a brief platonic romance with Jade's character Tiffany. His last successes were the Spanish Movies Blood and Passion(1975) and White Horses of Summer (1975, starring Jean Seberg, his co-star from 1966 Estouffade à la Caraïbe), the Italian thriller Werewolf Man (1976) and the Spanish- Italian-French coproduction Hold-Up (1977). He died in 1979 in a plane crash. His son is the singer Roderick Stafford (born 1964), Flowers from Hitchcock. Description above from the Wikipedia article Frederick Stafford, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Frederick Stafford


Sfida sul fondo
Дочь оборотня
Inspector Modica
На фоне пережитого изнасилованная у девушки развивается стойкий комплекс ненависти к мужчинам. Учитывая, что она чертовски привлекательна, и к тому же ещё является кровожадным оборотнем, местным парням теперь точно не поздоровится.
La trastienda
Doctor Navarro (as Frederick Stanford)
Pamplona (Spain), 1975: Dr. Navarro, a famous doctor in the city, feels strongly attracted to Juana, his nurse, who is also in love with the doctor. Navarro, however, moved by his strong religious convictions (in fact, he is a numerary member of Opus Dei) remains faithful to his wife and tries by all means to prevent that their relations with Juana break through professional boundaries. For the purpose of that, he orders the nurse will sent to another hospital. This will push Juana to take the initiative and provoke the doctor during San Fermines.
White Horses of Summer
Nicholas Kingsburg
The marital problems of an American couple come to a head while visiting southern Italy with their impressionable young son.
Hold-Up, instantánea de una corrupción
Robert Cunningham
Robert is a police agent of American origins who lost his memory through an accident during a robbery in a branch of the Bank of America. A robber who survived the shooting is convinced the agent is faking his amnesia, just to then get rid of him and enjoy the loot, that cost the other delinquents their lives, together with his ex lover.
Special Killers
Sandro Mattei
Sandro, a detective, finds his wife strangled. His girl-friend Tiffany, who works as photographer, makes a "Blow up" from a photo, what Sandro finds beside the victim. Sandro and Tiffany are looking for the woman on the photo, Laura. They finds her in a Night Club in Rome...
Metti... che ti rompo il muso
The Italo-American playboy Rocky is an international thief, followed step by step by an FBI Inspector, who manages to keep a "loot" also "claimed" by an international boss belonging to the Sicilian Mafia.
Злоупотребление властью
Commissioner Luca Miceli
Расследуя убийство журналиста Энрико Галиарди комиссар полиции Лука Мичели обнаруживает, что оно совершено не случайным грабителем, как это ему пытаются представить, подставляя в качестве подозреваемого бывалого уголовника, а по приказу мафиозного картеля. Потянув за ниточку, комиссар начинает распутывать клубок, ведущий к серьезным людям, контролирующим поставки героина, нелегальную торговлю оружием и драгоценностями и тому подобные незаконные операции. Несмотря на активное противодействие, в том числе и со стороны собственного начальства, комиссар решает идти до конца…
André Devereaux
Агенты американской и французской разведок пытаются разоблачить советских шпионов на Кубе. По полученной информации, советский разведчик внедрился в структуру НАТО. Им предстоит узнать, кто скрывается под кличкой «Топаз». Проведенное расследование приводит агентов в высшие эшелоны Французского правительства…
«Штуки» над Лондоном
Captain Paul Stevens
Картина описывает драматические события 1940-го года. Фашистская Германия несет угрозу всему миру, Англия противостоит ей, но постоянные вражеские диверсии и провокации противника истощают силы страны. И на фоне всего этого — нормальные человеческие взаимоотношения…
The Battle of El Alamein
Giorgio Borri
June 1942. As Rommel swept toward the Nile, the fall of Egypt and the capture of the Suez Canal seemed inevitable. Italian and German advance units raced toward Alexandria. Mussolini had given explicit orders: The Italians must arrive first!
Dirty Heroes
Joe Mortimer
Set near the end of World War II in the Netherlands, Dirty Heroes concerns a group of ex-convicts recruited into the U.S. Army to recover Dutch jewels originally stolen by the Nazis as well as confiscated Allied plans
Million Dollar Man
Jean Sarton
A U.S. Treasury Department agent is sent to Morocco to find a fortune in counterfeit money hidden by the Nazis during World War II. The agent escapes from prison with the only man who knows the location of the bogus bills. The duo is shadowed by a group of former Nazi soldiers who hope they will lead them to recover the lost loot. The feature plays as a crime drama with overtones of international espionage.
The Looters
Sam Morgan
Morgan, a lapsed burglar, is drugged and shanghaied on board a yacht by beautiful Colleen. When he comes to, the athletic young man learns that Colleen and her friends want him to break open the vaults of a Carribean island where a ruthless dictator has deposited a treasure stolen from his people. Despite the way he has been treated, Morgan accepts the mission. The group, supported by local resistant fighters, storm the fortress, but Colleen's father gets killed during the attack. The treasure is finally retrieved and is returned to the people. Morgan and Colleen will say yes to each other for better or for worse.
На прицеле у смерти
Hubert Bonisseur de La Bath, alias OSS 117
Американская военно-морская база, находящаяся на одном из островов в Тихом океане, полностью уничтожена. Французский аристократ де ля Бас, также известный как агент ОСС 117, берется за расследование и отправляется в Токио. Вскоре он находит шифровальщицу из американского посольства, которая переправляла секретную информацию главарю японской преступной банды. Девушка раскаивается в содеянном, и агент 117 предлагает ей искупить свою вину, изобразив его жену и познакомив с японскими преступниками...
Agent 505 - Death Trap Beirut
Richard Blake, Agent 505
A couple of beautiful girls are murdered while sunbathing at a luxury hotel. The killer too is murdered, but able to reveal – before dying - that they were disposed of because the “knew too much”. Something bad is being planned in Beirut, and it has something to do with a man called The Sheikh, who has only four fingers. It seems this isn’t a lone incident. The Sheikh is also thought to be behind the assassination of several prominent scientists.
Ярость в Байя для агента ОСС 117
Hubert Bonnisseur de la Bath
Известных политиков убивают при помощи загипнотизированных террористов-смертников. На расследование в Бразилию отправляется суперагент OSS 117, где его ожидают ярость, опасность, коварство, таинственные убийства, непроходимые леса Амазонки, секретная террористическая организация и встреча с красавицей-блондинкой...