Gisella Sofio

Gisella Sofio


Gisella Sofio


Преступник никогда не уходит на пенсию
Постояльцы социального центра для людей старшего возраста «Санта Маргарита» решают помочь своей подруге, в одночасье потерявшей все свои сбережения. Для этого старики собираются… ограбить местный Бинго-клуб. К делу готовятся тщательно, организовав целую банду, но нелепая случайность срывает их планы. Режиссёрский дебют итальянского актёра Фабио Фулко полон доброго юмора.
Принцесса и нищий
Anziana Contessa
Что делать, если ты принцесса маленького европейского княжества, если твой отец увлечен только эротикой в интернете, а о тебе не пишет пресса, потому что ты занимаешься открытием ветеринарных лечебниц? Правильно! Устроить небольшой скандальчик! Или очень большой скандал! Принцесса по совету дворецкого находит самого никчемного жителя княжества, молодого балбеса Антонио, и притворяется, что влюбилась в него! Они гуляют по улицам, ужинают в ресторане, а специально предупрежденные папарацци снимают их! Это скандал! Принцесса выходит замуж за нищего. Принцесса добилась своего, но что теперь делать с Антонио?
The Big Heart of Girls
Olimpia Osti
Carlino Vigetti is pushed by his family to court the daughters of the Osti, landowners. But the return of their third daughter, the beautiful Francesca, will shatter the plans ...
Худшая неделя в моей жизни
La nonna
За неделю до свадьбы Паоло и Маргериты. Паоло 40 лет, он живет в Милане, имеет работу, которая ему нравится, и друга Ивана, который будет свидетелем на свадьбе. Маргерите 30 лет и она выросла в обеспеченной семье среднего класса родителей снобов. Опасаясь не понравиться им и безумно волнуясь, Паоло попадает в целый вихрь трагикомических событий. Все, что он делает для того, чтобы угодить родителям Маргериты, оборачивается полной катастрофой, грозящей окончательно и бесповоротно разрушить их брак.
Wedding in Paris
A businessman in Italy, who doesn't pay any taxes, and a financier always on the hunt for tax evaders come into contact because their sons share an apartment in Paris.
La nonna
Torno a vivere da solo
Giacomo's mother
No problem
Signora Pairo
La cura del gorilla
madre di Sandrone
A bodyguard with split personality is hired to protect an elderly American actor sent to Italy to promote a western video game. They get on each other's nerves but eventually form a bond. He also meets a pretty social worker with problems.
Un nero per casa
Mamma di Patrizia
Incontri proibiti
Nun at hospital
Armando Andreoli, a well-known engineer of almost 80 years, is approached by Federica, an assistant nurse who then invites him to his hotel room. In the morning, Federica's boyfriend arrives in the room, suspecting a relationship that has never existed.
Simpatici & antipatici
Lucia Colombo
Ritorno a casa Gori
Amica snob
Matriarch Adele's death prompts an unexpected and often incendiary reunion for the large Gori family – unaware that inside her coffin lie also the stolen goods of a robbery by her son Danilo.
Peggio di così si muore
Anna's mother
In this deliberately campy, slightly slapstick European parody of Alfred Hitchcock films from the 1950s, a newlywed couple returns from their honeymoon to discover that they have accidentally switched suitcases at the airport. They know the bag they have isn't theirs because it is stuffed with 500 million lire. At first they put out an ad for the owner; then they decide to keep it for themselves. Mayhem ensues when the bag's thuggish owners suddenly show up at the couple's housewarming party and demand they give every penny back. Later when one of them returns to threaten the bride, she accidentally kills him. His partner and a policeman chase the couple into the mountain retreat of the bride's brother, a frustrated writer. He finds the mess inspiring, and then is assisted by the gangster's ghost, who becomes his muse. The ghost gives them the advice they need for the couple to safely escape.
Caino e Caino
After the death of their rich industrialist father leaves them each with 49% of his company's shares, two brothers who can't stand each other start a war for the remaining 2%.
Ferragosto O.K.
Gisella Sofio: Sig.ra Bartozzi - cliente dell'albergo
Funny events of the clients who spend their summer holidays at the Hotel Internazionale in San Benedetto del Tronto.
Gian Burrasca
Margherita Stoppani
Вернись, Эудженио
Десятилетний Эудженио — типичный «побочный продукт» легкомысленной связи. Его родители, Фернанда и Джанкарло, познакомились во время студенческой революции 1968 г. и, узнав о беременности Фернанды, наскоро поженились. Брак не сложился. Совершенно чужие друг другу люди вынуждены растить сына. Получается плохо — мальчик, растущий замкнутым и нервным, кочует из рук в руки. Его единственный друг — уличный мальчишка Гуэррино. Эудженио любит животных и изучает их повадки. Мальчик задаёт родителям «нескромные» вопросы и сам теряется в догадках, нужен ли он всем этим людям, проявляющим о нём формальную, показную заботу.
Всем классом на море
Moglie del Preside
Действие фильма происходит в курортом отеле. В котором ее хозяин по имени Геракл, пытается соблазнить преподавательницу по-французскому, которая занимается с его сыном и который тоже пытается за ней ухлестывать. А его жена, которая в это время тоже находится в отеле, словно ни чего не замечая, влюбляется в посыльного Коко.
School Teacher in the House
Teresa Busatti (madre di Marcello)
Luisa De Dominicus is a Milanese piano teacher who moves to Lucca to be with the man she loves: Ferdinando 'Bonci' Marinotti, a city councilman campaigning for mayor on a platform of moral values. She is of the belief that Fernando is single, living with his ailing mother. This, of course, is far from the case. The boys living in her apartment building mistakenly believe Luisa is a call-girl who uses piano teaching as a cover for her true profession, and word soon spreads among the building's dirty old men. The resourceful boys drill a well-concealed hole in the wall between Signorina Luisa's flat and the bedroom of the landlord's son, Marcello Busatti, allowing them a spectacular view of their spectacular neighbor. Marcello quickly becomes infatuated with Luisa, but is also conflicted regarding her supposed profession. Eventually Luisa learns of Fernando's philandering nature, and after a vigorous misunderstanding, satisfies Marcello's unrequited lust/love.
The Teasers
Elvira, madre di Loredana
Loredana is a schoolgirl who takes advantage of her fellow students and teachers by using her innocent schoolgirl beauty. After she loses her virginity to an older man she soon realizes there are more important things to life than teasing men.
La vuole lui... lo vuole lei
Il tuttofare
Contessa Giulia
Gli amanti latini
Signorina Beata (ep. Il telefono consolatore)
The film is composed of five episodes which depict Italians' love lives in the 1960s.
Lo smemorato di Collegno
Giornalista Milanese
A man is hospitalized in a neurological clinic, suffering from amnesia. After seeing his photo in the newspaper, Mrs. Ballerini realizes that he is her husband and brings him home; then Mrs. Polacich recognizes him as her husband.
L'assassino si chiama Pompeo
Police Commissioner De Santis' Wife
Rage of the Buccaneers
Rosita, Manuela's maid
Gordon, The Black Pirate, battles the slavery trade.
Love, the Italian Way
A group of passengers traveling around the Mediterranean on a luxury liner enjoy various adventures and become romantically involved with each other.
A qualcuna piace calvo
Two girls (a secretary and a musician) disguise themselves as men in order to work for a famous bald actor.
I mafiosi
Snobby journalist
Destinazione Sanremo
Quel tesoro di papà
A young girl finds out that her father, an impoverished Baron, actually works as a stage actor.
Spavaldi e innamorati
This is an Italian movie starring Terence Hill
Il nemico di mia moglie
Marco and Luciana are married and in love, but the passion of Marco for football distract him, and make him impossible to keep a job for a long time: that's why the young couple keeps arguing.
Perfide.... ma belle
Michele, a young mechanic, is in love with Angela Antonia, beautiful but capricious: the girl's father, once he learns of the relationship, has him fired from the place where he works and is forced to move to Naples. He asks for hospitality from his aunt Carmela, concierge in a building, but she has no vacancies and arranges him as Donna Tecla, the owner of a pension who, having three young daughters eager to get married, hopes to arrange at least one. But the three girls are not the best of beauty and Michele, gifted with a beautiful voice, agrees to sing in a club on behalf of an impresario who becomes his friend.
Angel in a Taxi
Suor Celeste
Marietto is a very lively and creative orphaned child, housed in a boarding school of nuns. One day, while browsing a newspaper, he sees a photo of a beautiful opera house dancer, Camilla, and is convinced that she is her mother.
Corporal of the day
A young woman brings a baby to some military barracks. There is a note on the child - it says that the baby is hers and a soldier called Felice.
Sul ponte dei sospiri
Coming of age, a girl is told the truth about her dead father: he is alive, but imprisoned for several crimes he did not commit... With the help of an old noble lady and a young count (who doubles as a daring sea captain), she will fight for the truth, and justice. Her opponent is the State Town's Inquisitor himself, who set her father's up to escape his own crimes.
Una donna prega
Gianna, a young radio singer, marries Giulio, director of a travel agency. Soon after, they welcome a child. The tranquility of their family life is deeply disturbed by the arrival in Rome of a French tourist, Giselle, who falls madly in love with Giulio. He reciprocates her feelings and becomes her lover. Gianna separates from her husband and devotes her attention to the child, while Giulio begins to live with Giselle. But the thought of his family leads Giulio to ponder severing ties with his lover. Unexpectedly, Giselle's lifeless body is found in Giulio's apartment. Evidence points to Giulio's guilt, so he attempts to escape abroad. Giulio is involved in a car accident close to the border, nearly killing him. In the hospital, it is revealed that Giselle was killed by her former Parisian lover. Healed of his serious wounds, Giulio returns to the affection of his wife and little daughter.
Cronaca di un delitto
Sorella di Elena
After a factory worker is killed, Sergio Bruni is placed on remand for two years before being released for lack of evidence. Shunned by his wife and his colleagues, he must now discover the true culprit.
Дама без камелий
Simonetta Rota's Friend
К молодой актрисе Кларе Манни, прежде работавшей продавщицей в магазине, приходит неожиданный и громкий успех. Режиссер Джанни Франки, снимающий ее в новом фильме, начинает за ней ухаживать и вскоре уговаривает ее выйти за него замуж. Движимый ревностью, он не может позволить своей супруге сниматься в легкомысленных мелодрамах, прославивших ее имя. Поэтому он начинает амбициозный проект с целью создать Кларе имидж серьезной актрисы…
Hello Elephant
Vittorio De Sica is a teacher struggling to take care of his family and always dreaming that Parliament will increase the salaries for teachers and life will become easier for his wife, Maria Mereander, and kids. An Indian prince (Sabu) visits Italy, is assisted by the teacher and gives De Sica a baby elephant as a reward. This upsets the landlord, Nando Bruno, the other tenants, and the neighborhood. He takes the elephant away but, like Lassie, it comes home.
Il microfono è vostro
Maria Variani
Il padrone del vapore
La coreografa
A rich American arrives in a little village in the mountains because he wants to advertise a drink he produces. In the village there are also two men from Rome who are at logger-heads with the locals. The coming of the American complicates matters.
Damn the Taxes!!
Count Borraccilo lives in luxury but does not pay taxes and for this he is targeted by the tax agent Gaetano Pellecchia, who asks his friend Mario for help.