Jean-Claude Dauphin

Jean-Claude Dauphin

Рождение : 1948-03-16, Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine, France


Jean-Claude Dauphin, born Claude Legrand on March 16, 1948 in Boulogne-Billancourt, is a French actor. He is the son of actor Claude Dauphin and actress Maria Mauban, the grand-son of the poet Maurice Étienne Legrand and nephew host Jean Nohain, his father's brother. At Lycée Paul-Valéry in Paris, he studied in the class of Latinist Bernard Mortureux, a specialist in Seneca. His debut, in 1968, in Adolphe ou l'Âge tendre (Adolphe or the tender Age), directed by Bernard Toublanc-Michel, made him famous. In 1969, he plays Claude Jade's fiancé in The Witness. At the time, Claude Jade and Jean-Claude Dauphin were a couple. Jade later wrote in her autobiography Baisers envolés: "He was charming, funny, intelligent, and I was not long in going out with him. With our fair complexion and fine features, we could have played a brother and a sister." Gérard Blain hired him in 1970 for The Friends, a gay romance which won the Golden Leopard at the Locarno International Film Festival, and in 1972 Bernard Paul gave him the lead role alongside Dominique Labourier in Beau Masque (Handsome Face). He plays alongside Annie Girardot and Philippe Noiret in Edouard Molinaro's La Mandarine, and alongside Isabelle Adjani in the television series Le Secret des Flamands. Other films in the 1970s: Le Hasard et la Violence, Les Suspects, Hugues-le-loup, Dracula and Son... In 1980, he played Ulysses alongside Nicole Jamet in The Inconnue of Arras by Raymond Rouleau. He is also the voice-over or the reciter of many documentaries of French television. In 1981, he was Ricky in Choice of Arms by Alain Corneau and participated, in 1984, in Souvenirs, Souvenirs. One of his most important roles is that of Clovis, the hero of Adieu la vie, directed by Maurice Dugowson in 1986. In 1987, he played with Guy Marchand and Caroline Cellier in Charlie Dingo by Gilles Béhat, and with Juliette Binoche in The Unbearable Lightness of Being. One of his latest film hits is his role in Benoît Jacquot's The School of Flesh (1998) with Isabelle Huppert. Later movies are including Léa (2011). Since the 1990 he worked more for television where he met again his former fiancée Claude Jade in Sentiments mortels, an episode of TV series Navarro. Source: Article "Jean-Claude Dauphin" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Jean-Claude Dauphin
Jean-Claude Dauphin


Un mauvais garçon
Yves Fontanelle
Тайны замка
Duc Thibaut de l'Essile
В старинном замке, которым владеет влиятельная в небольшом городке семья, проходит ежегодный праздник, во время которого происходит убийство зятя хозяйки замка, герцогини и по совместительству мэра города мадам Элен де Люсиль. Расследование преступления будет проводить майор из областного центра управления полиции Алекс Мёрисс, бывший в прежние времена близким другом этой семьи. На празднике было не мало гостей и предстоит скрупулезная работа следователя, ведь под подозрение может попасть каждый...
Dame d'atout
Augustin Martens
Brother and Sister
George Armant
A 50-something lawyer's solitary life is upended when he discovers he has a 15-year-old half sister!
Like Stone Lions in the Gateway into Night
Narrator (French voice)
Between 1947 and 1951, more than 80 000 Greek men, women and children were deported to the isle of Makronissos (Greece) in reeducation camps created to ‘fight the spread of Communism’. Among those exiles were a number of writers and poets, including Yannis Ritsos and Tassos Livaditis. Despite the deprivation and torture, they managed to write poems which describe the struggle for survival in this world of internment. These texts, some of them buried in the camps, were later found. «Like Lions of stone at the gateway of night» blends these poetic writings with the reeducation propaganda speeches constantly piped through the camps’ loudspeakers. Long tracking shots take us on a trance-like journey through the camp ruins, interrupted along the way by segments from photographic archives. A cinematic essay, which revives the memory of forgotten ruins and a battle lost.
La grande peinture
Le Ministre
Accusé Mendès France
Maître Fonlupt
Второе дыхание
Рецидивист Гюстав бежит из тюрьмы и тотчас влипает в передрягу - какие-то парни ворвались в ресторан, принадлежащий его любовнице, и оставили после себя труп. В процессе разбирательства он берется за предложенное ограбление фургона с золотыми слитками и, нарвавшись на подставу, попадает в полицеские застенки. Но своих подельников Гюстав сдавать не собирается.
Tender Souls
Père de Claire et Emilie
Jacques, 50-something bachelor painter and great seducer, is about to receive the charming Claire for dinner. Broke but clever, Jacques concocted a sumptuous meal. Everything looks great when, suddenly, a door slams and turns the evening into a fiasco. Jacques will have to change his plans, play the unexpected. However, that evening, it is the unexpected that will play with him.
Адский небоскрёб
Le commissaire
Два мойщика окон случайно оказываются у самой вершины небоскреба в тот момент, когда здание захватывает группа террористов. Незадачливые герои решают во что бы то ни стало спасти девушку, которую видели в окне. Им и в голову не приходит, что именно она возглавляет банду и готова на все, чтобы избавиться от лишних свидетелей.
Серийный убийца — психопат терроризирует Париж. Он выслеживает молодых девушек и зверски расправляется с ними. Следы, оставленные на месте преступления, дают детективам маленькую зацепку, но этого недостаточно, чтобы выследить маньяка и передать в руки закона. Остается единственный выход: привлечь его «наживкой», и на эту роль годится только красивая девушка...
Le sourire du clown
A clown from Romania (Ticky Holgado) has more than amusing tricks for children on his mind -- he has in his possession a computer disc with information wanted by the police, several organized crime figures and the European Agency for Atomic Energy.
Почему не я?
Камилла, Ева, Ариана и Николя имеют много общего. Все четверо занимаются издательским бизнесом в Барселоне, обожают Глорию Гейнор и предпочитают однополую любовь. Хотя в повседневной жизни друзья не скрывают своей гомосексуальности, их родители ничего не подозревают. Только мать Камиллы, женщина из высшего общества, знает правду о своей дочери. Чтобы окончательно прояснить ситуацию, Камилла решает устроить вечеринку, пригласив на нее друзей и их родителей. Но в этот необычный уик-энд события выходят из предначертанной им колеи. Начинается типично французский фарс: драмы, погони, секреты, безумные шутки и пикантные ситуации…
Traces fantômes, le musée d'un rêve
Narrator (voice)
Школа плоти
Поздним вечером Доминик зашла в бар, посмотрела на юношу за стойкой, и все остальное потеряло для нее значение. Более разных людей найти было бы невозможно: она — состоятельная дама с успешным бизнесом, он — бисексуал, подрабатывающий проституцией, без гроша в кармане, с темным прошлым. Она поселила его в своей роскошной квартире, возила за границу и пыталась приручить. Он уходил, но возвращался, рвался на свободу и клялся в любви. Но однажды объявил, что собирается жениться — на юной девушке…
Georges Bataille - À perte de vue
Narrator (voice)
The film contains the interviews with Pierre Klossowski and Jacques Pimpanneau.
Le poids d'un secret
Jean Monceau
A teenage girl who is afraid to admit to her parents that she has been raped gets help from a caring young woman.
Самсон Великолепный
Le Govain
Аристократка Изабель де Марсак, имеющая любовника, рафинированных друзей и, как приятно, занятая благотворительностью, вдруг стала предметом страсти пожилого миллионера. Но есть ли у него шансы на взаимную любовь, когда всю жизнь он положил на то, чтобы выбиться в миллионеры?
The Last Bolshevik
A documentary on Soviet filmmaker Aleksandr Medvedkin, examining his tumultuous career, the rediscovery of his masterpiece Happiness, and Russia's struggles over the course of the 20th Century.
Netchaïev est de retour
Philippe Martel
Freshly landed in Paris, Daniel Laurençon, who calls himself Netchaïev, who was believed dead five years ago in Gibraltar, warns a commercial center of a bomb attack a few minutes before its completion.
The Saint: The Big Bang
Simon Templar and a newswoman track down the front man for a deadly corporate takeover.
Champagne Charlie
Charlie Dingo
Charlie (Guy Marchand) returns home after being declared legally dead to reclaim his wife Georgia (Caroline Cellier) and cash in on a lucrative life insurance policy in this shadowy drama. He finds Georgia is married to the crooked cop William (Niels Arestrup), who has his eye on the insurance money. Antihero Charlie and the villainous police inspector head towards an inevitable confrontation, while Georgia is caught in the middle.
Nuit d'ivresse
Le deuxième flic
Jacques Belin, presenter of a silly TV show, gets drunk after receiving an award and misses the train bringing his TV-soap-star fiancée. He meets up with Frède, just out of prison after a three year sentence and, in between numerous arguments and Jacques' break-up with his girlfriend, the two of them get drunker together, going across Paris in search of more alcohol and adventure.
Yiddish Connection
Two middle-aged Jewish merchants plot to crack a safe with a clergyman and some neighbors in Paris.
L'amour propre ne le reste jamais très longtemps
In a routine sex farce, Gautier (Jean-Claude Dauphin) is a man determined to figure out how to give a woman an orgasm -- which of course requires a lot of practice and experimentation. His buddy Roussel (Jean-Luc Bideau) also chases after women but does not share Gautier's unique quest. Rose (Nathalie Nell) finds Gautier entrancing and devises a way to capture his heart while helping him on his search for the ultimate turn-on.
Une jeunesse
After the birthday party of his wife Odile, Louis accompanies a friend to the station. When the train leaves he starts reminiscing about his youth.
Выбор оружия
Бежавший из тюрьмы молодой бандит Микки находит убежище на ферме, которая принадлежит семейной паре. Хозяин дома Ноэль когда-то был таким же, как Микки. Но он слишком много пережил и слишком дорого заплатил за то, чтобы расстаться с прошлым. Он счастлив со своей красавицей-женой Николь, он не хочет никаких потрясений. Но Микки делает жизнь Ноэля невыносимой. И тогда старый «солдат» выходит на тропу войны.
Au bon beurre
Léon Lécuyer
Last Exit Before Roissy
Jean-Yves, le sous-directeur du Prisunic
Barry of the Great St. Bernard
A Wonderful World of Disney TV movie based on the true story of famed Saint Bernard dog, Barry, who rescued dozens of stranded travelers in the Swiss Alps.
Dracula and Son
With angry villagers driving them away from their castle in Transylvania, Dracula and his son Ferdinand head abroad. Dracula ends up in London, England where he becomes a horror movie star exploiting his vampire status. His son, meanwhile, is ashamed of his roots and ends up a night watchman in Paris, France where he falls for a girl. Naturally, tensions arise when father and son are reunited and both take a liking to the same girl.
Кэндис Страсберг, американская туристка, путешествующая автостопом, была убита во Франции. Полиция подозревает сразу несколько человек, от инженера-изобретателя до простого итальянского рабочего. И лишь случайная находка помогает комиссару Бонетти вычислить настоящего убийцу.
Chance and Violence
Gilbert Morgan
A sociologist specialising in criminology moves to a peaceful residence on the Côte d’Azur so that he can concentrate on writing a thesis. When he is attacked by a karate fanatic, he decides not to press charges. He refuses help from the police, preferring to take care of himself...
What a Flash!
The producers of this French film took approximately 100 people, put them on a soundstage and had them improvise this film based on the premise that they are on a spaceship escaping from the dictators of earth and only have a few days to live. Improvisation is a dangerous art-form; unprepared amateurs invariably come up with gross caricatures when challenged to improvise. The actors' choices in this film include an allegorical pageant of the life of Jesus, a marriage, an orgy, and some genuinely affectionate moments. Nonetheless, as an experimental effort in large-group improvisation, the film is instructive. - Clarke Fountain, Rovi
La mandarine
Paris, seventies. In a hotel in the glittering Rue de Rivoli an English boy falls in love with the two young grandchildren of the owner. Based on the novel "La Mandarine" by Christine de Rivoyre.
The Friends
Philippe is an older man and an industrialist whose wife is confined to her bed. They have no children. As he is preparing to go on a vacation to the seaside, he strikes up an acquaintance with Paul, a young working-class boy, and decides to bring him along. This is Paul's first glimpse of how the other half lives, with their first-class hotels and so on. When he meets some aristocratic young people at the resort, he tries to put over the fiction that he is of their class, with poor success.
The Witness
Adolphe ou l'âge tendre
Henri Adolphe