Любовь... не столько счастье, сколько испытание и лишнее потрясение, неумолимо ведущие к трагедии...Наследник австро-венгерского престола Рудольф в любой момент может стать императором. Его жизнь принадлежит Империи. Рудольф несчастлив в браке. Многие дамы хотели бы оказаться рядом с ним, но только баронесса Вечера смогла зажечь в нем настоящее чувство. Их яркая, сумасшедшая любовь была заранее обречена...
Kumar Cunningham loses his fiancee in Sri Lanka during a festival, only to discover her dead from a drugs overdose. Mad with grief, he kills the two dealers and is arrested for murder. He manages to escape and is bent on revenge.
After a nuclear war, what is left of society creates a special police force to ensure that it doesn't happen again. However, things don't go exactly as planned.
In a city of the future, man has triumphed over nature and at the same time destroyed the environment. In the highly mechanized cities, all goods and services are equally available for everybody. Each person recieves an "energy chip" on their 16th birthday which serves to pay for everything: Food as well as transportation, bar visits and other leisure pastimes. When an energy account is used up, the person must die. The "executors" take care of this...
When SAS Captain Peter Skellen is thrown out of the service for gross misconduct due to unnecessary violence and bullying, he is soon recruited by The People's Lobby, a fanatical group aiming to hold several US dignitaries hostage. But Skellen's dismissal is a front to enable him to get close to the terrorist group. Can he get close enough to stop the Lobby from creating an international incident?