Yurii Hruzynov

Yurii Hruzynov


Yurii Hruzynov


One Day in Ukraine
Camera Operator
This film plays out in Ukraine on a single day: March 14, 2022, the 2,944th day of the Russian-Ukrainian War. In the last few weeks, intense warfare has surreally mixed places and people and created a post-apocalyptic dimension revealing new qualities and roles. Thousands of Kyivans have moved to live in subway stations. The capital city's previously calm suburbs have been transformed into battle zones of destruction and looting by Russian occupiers. People no longer live according to "workdays" or "weekends," counting instead the number of days since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine... The film presents this day in the lives of a pop music star, video engineer, historian, art restorer, polar researcher, and pensioner, who were all forced to radically change their lives.
There is a ballad written by Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko called “That Catherine's hut is on the hill...". It is about a rescue of Catherine's lover, whom she saves by posing him as her brother. This story, as a parable, flies throughout Ukraine's history and reconstructs its dramatic and heroic episodes. Every challenge, including the Chernobyl accident, leaves Catherine without her home. But she is stubborn, as many generations of Ukrainians, in rebuilding her house out of pieces. The story is not only about Catherine's redemption, but also about Ukraine's survival throughout the centuries that is reflected in a folk tradition called Toloka.
Вид з вікна
Director of Photography
Руслана - украинский подросток в ожидании желанного и недосягаемого взросления. Она исследует внешний мир с заразительной энергией. Мир военного городка на востоке Украины, где так много интересного и незнакомого, где так много опасности. Родители не поддерживают ее мечту - учиться в Киеве на кинооператора. Но она берет камеру и снимает.
The First Company
The Ukrainian Revolution (2013-2014) and the war with Russia in the Donbas are nearing. The film deals with the history of the First Company of the Maidan, which defeated the enemy within and advanced to the frontlines to fight the external enemy. Immersion in the epicentre of events, a frank artistic and civilian view of human relationships against the background of violent social upheaval. Immutable human stories, the collision of charismatic characters, challenges and solutions on the verge of life and death, the search for interaction, the first steps towards the formation of civil society - All of this is summed up by an understanding of the way already travelled and an optimistic view of Ukraine's future.
The First Company
Director of Photography
The Ukrainian Revolution (2013-2014) and the war with Russia in the Donbas are nearing. The film deals with the history of the First Company of the Maidan, which defeated the enemy within and advanced to the frontlines to fight the external enemy. Immersion in the epicentre of events, a frank artistic and civilian view of human relationships against the background of violent social upheaval. Immutable human stories, the collision of charismatic characters, challenges and solutions on the verge of life and death, the search for interaction, the first steps towards the formation of civil society - All of this is summed up by an understanding of the way already travelled and an optimistic view of Ukraine's future.
The First Company
The Ukrainian Revolution (2013-2014) and the war with Russia in the Donbas are nearing. The film deals with the history of the First Company of the Maidan, which defeated the enemy within and advanced to the frontlines to fight the external enemy. Immersion in the epicentre of events, a frank artistic and civilian view of human relationships against the background of violent social upheaval. Immutable human stories, the collision of charismatic characters, challenges and solutions on the verge of life and death, the search for interaction, the first steps towards the formation of civil society - All of this is summed up by an understanding of the way already travelled and an optimistic view of Ukraine's future.
Blood Sausage
Assistant Camera
While parents, people of traditional rural values, are cooking blood sausage for the visit of daughter-in-law, Andriy, their son, tries to communicate the fact his fiancee is Jewish.
Ten Seconds
Director of Photography
This is a film about the people and a city lost in time and space. It's about the speed at which life can change and about things that remain constant no matter what. The film is based on the events that occurred after the shelling of the district of Skhidniy in the city of Mariupol on January 24, 2015. Shelling was carried our by pro-Russian militants from "GRAD" multiple launch rocket systems.
Rester vivant
Camera Operator
It's a documentary about the terrible price paid by the Ukrainian people to keep their dignity and freedom.
The Russian Woodpecker
Additional Photography
As his country is gripped by revolution and war, a Ukrainian victim of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster discovers a dark secret and must decide whether to risk his life and play his part in the revolution by revealing it.
Not Today
The old man Lyosha and his lady Christie decided to die happily in one day. But Lyosha has to finish something very important first. He does desperate things to implement his secret plan and convince his woman to delay the day of their death.
Stronger than Arms
Director of Photography
"Stronger than Arms", is the history that heats our hearts up with the memory of events and people, who from the time of Euromaidan to the war in the East were building a new Ukraine.
Земля забвения
Assistant Camera
В основе сюжета ― личная драма молодой девушки из Припяти, города советских атомщиков. Спокойная и счастливая жизнь рушится в один миг ― в день страшной аварии на атомном реакторе. Потеря близких, паника и ужас, безвозвратно ушедшая молодость и красота, болезни ― все это довелось пережить героине Ольги Куриленко. И через эту исковерканную катастрофой судьбу зрители прочувствуют всю глубину чернобыльской трагедии.
Не скажу
«Не скажу» — история, которая могла бы произойти в любом городе и с кем угодно. В главных героях мы узнаем себя. Не забыли ли они, что самое важное в нашей жизни — уметь любить и уметь распорядиться своей любовью, которая порой оказывается чувством столь сильным, что ведёт к Смерти? Стоит оступиться, и счастье, казавшееся прочным и нерушимым, рассыплется, словно небрежно построенный карточный домик.
Счастье моё
Assistant Camera
Действие фильма происходит в постсоветской глубинке. Водитель-дальнобойщик Георгий оставляет дома неверную жену и отправляется в очередной рейс. Его грузовик медленно движется к цели, а сам он совершает погружение в мир страха, жестокости и предательства.
Влад — одаренный математик — ворочает миллионами. Но любимая женщина и лучший друг предают Влада и он оказывается в тюрьме. На воле расчетливый ученый спрятал тайник с крупной суммой денег. Выйдя на свободу через 10 лет, у Влада есть единственное желание — забрать свое и уехать. Но сорвать банк хотят все — бывший следователь, бывший друг, бывшая жена. Верить некому, и, кажется, выхода нет…