Manan Ashwin Mehta


Phone Bhoot
Two crazy, jobless, horror-film addicts Major and Gullu, under immense family pressure to find work, hit upon the idea to float a unique ghost-capturing service when they meet a spirit, Ragini, who makes their business a success but in return asks them for a favour which they are compelled to honour.
Сделано в Китае
История незадачливого предпринимателя из Гуджарата, который с головой окунается в неизвестный мир Китая. Там он узнаёт одну бизнес-идею, которая навсегда изменит его жизнь.
Thar: India's Great Desert
Revealed, Thar takes the viewer through the vast arid and semi arid regions spread across the west of India. The documentary reveals how this land called the Thar is much more than an inhospitable desert.