Chris Langford


Creating Christmas
Line Producer
Harper, a teacher and aspiring illustrator, eager for her big break, is tapped to collaborate with Caleb, a demanding children’s book author whose celebrity is waning. When he insists on her working through Christmas week in a quaint small town in Colorado, she must use the town’s holiday celebrations to help break him out of his writer’s block.
The Perfect Man(icure)
Production Manager
Quirky inventor Katya partners with charismatic and confident marketing consultant Ryan to help her sell her personal manicure device, Phenomenails, at the upcoming Beauty Expo. But their wildly differing methods and Katya’s meddling-but-loving mom, Mila, just might sabotage this business opportunity and the budding romance between Katya and Ryan.
Lies Between Friends
Production Manager
A wealthy family’s life is upended when the 18-year-old daughter of a family friend comes to live with them for a few months.
Свадебная удача
Production Manager
Профессиональный планировщик Гвен помогает своей лучшей подруге устраивать её свадьбу. Но когда она объединяет свои усилия с шафером Джошем, то понимает, что свадьба не такое лёгкое дело, как ожидалось.
Свадебный вихрь
Production Manager
Кэсси, бухгалтер и бывший организатор мероприятий, возвращается в родной город, чтобы устроить свадьбу своей матери. Симпатичный и очаровательный Кайл, шеф-повар, отвечающий за банкет, помогает ей с подготовкой, и вполне может оказаться той любовью, которую ищет Кэсси.
Love on the Road
Production Manager
When restaurant makeover show host Abby gets a new assignment to turn a rustic small-town diner into a place on the culinary map, she knows she’s way out of her element. But as Abby and diner owner Tom spend time together in and out of the kitchen, Abby discovers the joy of good comfort food, a place she just might call home, and a thing she just might call love.
Истории любви Долины подсолнухов
Production Manager
Kate Francis has been a loyal assistant at a Seattle newspaper for the past five years. When one of her story ideas finally gets accepted, the assignment takes her back to her charming hometown of Sunflower Valley.
A Love to Remember
Production Coordinator
After a year of interacting exclusively online, Tenley, an eco-conscious horticulturist, finally works up the courage to meet her online crush, Jared. When Jared doesn’t show because of a bike accident, Tenley gets mistaken for his wife at the hospital. Soon, she’s forced to keep the lie up with Jared’s entire family and his annoyingly charming best friend, Everett in order to save Jared’s company… You’ve Got Mail meets While You Were Sleeping!
Секреты команды чирлидеров
Production Coordinator
Мать помогает дочери стать капитаном команды чирлидеров, но неожиданно узнаёт, что кто-то снабжает её ребёнка опасными стероидами. И этот человек готов на всё, чтобы скрыть свои действия. Даже на убийство.
My Birthday Romance
Production Coordinator
Callie Fitzgerald is tired of her family fixing her up and questioning her single status. She is determined to find a pretend boyfriend for her 35th birthday party just so her family will leave her alone. What she didn’t expect was to actually fall for him.
Любовь с первого полёта
Production Coordinator
Когда дизайнер по интерьерам Лили Саммерс возвращается из Сиэтла в родной город, чтобы помочь своей тёте Мэгги управлять гостиницей, она встречает Маркуса, симпатичного пилота гидросамолета, дело жизни которого - спасение брошенных собак. И Лили обнаруживает, что дом действительно там, где сердце.
Hint of Love
Production Coordinator
A cookbook literary agent with culinary training is tasked with helping elevate the brand of a food channel personality known for his convenience-oriented recipes. However, as the agent works with her client on a new cookbook, playfully clashing over everything from ingredients to tastes, she must choose between following the directions or her heart.
Love is a Piece of Cake
Production Coordinator
Jessie Dale is a third generation baker who loves her cake shop more than anything in the world. When developers threaten to buy her building and force her out, she must do all she can to save her bakery, all while juggling a blossoming romance with her client's brother.
Just for the Summer
Production Coordinator
Penelope Campbell loves her annual summer vacations visiting her Grandma Dot, despite Dot's constant attempts to set her up with every single man in town. This year, she bumps into Jason Humphrey, her childhood sweetheart. In order to evade the efforts of their matchmaking grandmothers, they make a pact pretending to date each other, but will the old sparks return?
Love at Sunset Terrace
Production Coordinator
Exhausted from her marketing job, Sophie rents an Airbnb with a widowed father and his daughter to wind down. However, the daughter is set on making her father fall in love once more, with her sight set on Sophie.
The Dating List
Production Coordinator
Career driven Abby agrees to help her busy boss find the man of her dreams, but she encounters a dilemma when she starts falling for the same man her boss approves of dating.
Baby Monitor Murders
Production Coordinator
Cassie Temple accepts a job as a babysitter back home after her internship falls through, however she begins suspecting her employer is up to something sinister after overhearing a murder plot.
Made for You with Love
Production Coordinator
The owner of a secondhand wedding dress business breathes new life into used dresses, making dreams come true for brides unable to afford pricey gowns. But when she meets the perfect guy, she's afraid to give her own heart a second chance at love.
Best Friend's Betrayal
Production Coordinator
Best friends Katie and Jess are inseparable and have always had each other's backs. When Jess begins a new serious relationship, Katie is unsure of the new perfect man and famous crime writer, Nick. She wants to support her friend's newfound happiness but is fiercely protective. Katie's obsession with Jess soon proves deadly and it is up to the recently vilified Nick to expose the bestie before it is too late.
Опасная пациентка
Production Coordinator
В центре сюжета оказывается Кэти Джонс — успешный пластический хирург, которая живет в собственном роскошном доме вместе с любимым супругом и двумя детьми. Однажды по рекомендации её хорошей подруги к ней на прием приходит обворожительная красотка Лиз, в которой Кэти с трудом узнает застенчивую девушку, проходившую вместе с ней практику во время учебы. Лиз так и не удалось построить карьеру врача, но девушка смогла найти себя в другом деле, и теперь она — успешный юрист. С появлением хорошего дохода Лиз стала тратить огромные деньги на совершенствование своей внешности, что и привело её к давней знакомой. Вот только Кэти совершенно не догадывалась, каковы были истинные мотивы её новой пациентки...
Til Ex Do Us Part
Production Coordinator
Just when their separation is coming to an end, and Kyle and Sophia have recommitted to each other, Sophia is accused of assaulting her husband's "friend," Claire, a woman he slept with once. In reality, however, Claire is engineering a series of attacks against herself to frame Sophia and keep Kyle for herself. When the ruse falls apart, Claire makes a direct attack on her rival.