Daniel Zillmann

Daniel Zillmann

Рождение : 1981-01-18, Berlin, Germany


Daniel Zillmann
Daniel Zillmann


Ingo Hildebrandt
Rebecca is undecided about what her future life should look like. On the one hand, she is on the path to becoming a teacher, and on the other hand, she doesn't let go of her passion for making films
Geschlechterkampf - Das Ende des Patriarchats
The Kangaroo Conspiracy
Walter Feldmann
The cabaret artist Marc-Uwe and the kangaroo are faced with a problem: Lisbeth, the mother of Maria has taken a wrong turn somewhere and is now denying the climate crisis on the Internet. How can she be brought to her senses? The two make a bet with each other: If they don't manage to bring Maria's mother to her senses, they will lose their apartment. So Marc-Uwe and the marsupial embark on a trip to the Conspiracy Convention in Bielefeld and shortly thereafter become part of a tangible conspiracy led by conspiracy guru Adam Krieger and his followers. As the two flatmates talk their heads off, it's no longer just about their apartment for Marc-Uwe and the kangaroo, it's more than that: it's a matter of life and death! Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Zwerg Nase
Graf Kunz der Schlemmer
My Son
Love and loss are closely linked in MY SON, an emotional drama about a teenager and his mother who go on a journey together after nearly having lost one another.
Immer der Nase nach
Фрики: Ты один из нас
Венди - простая повариха из рабочего класса. Однажды она обнаруживает в себе суперспособности, которые подавлялись из-за применения лекарств, а также узнаёт, что в мире есть другие обладатели похожей силы. Более того, новоиспечённым супергероям теперь предстоит распутать глобальный заговор.
Осторожно, Кенгуру!
Der Dicke
Марк-Уве, скромный художник с постоянными мигренями, который живет вместе с кенгуру. Район Берлина оказывается в опасности: ультраправая акула недвижимости угрожает идиллии города гигантским проектом строительства, однако кенгуру разрабатывает гениальный план. Потом еще один, так как первый провалился. А затем еще и еще...
Моего брата зовут Роберт, и он идиот
dicker Mann
История двойняшек Роберта и Елены, столкнувшихся со сложностями стадии половой зрелости и инцеста.
Böhmermanns perfekte Weihnachten
Джим Пуговка и машинист Лукас
Big Head (voice)
Почтальон доставляет посылку c маленьким мальчиком в волшебную страну Медландию. Там он вырастает в храброго юношу, который отправляется на поезде в далекое путешествие, чтобы спасти принцессу.
Навстречу попутному ветру
В жизни Чарли наступает переломный момент - она не понимает, чего хочет в жизни: детей, семейной жизни или карьеры. Каждый раз вспоминая свое детство и мечты, преследовавшие ее с тех пор, Чарли идет к своей мечте. Получится ли у девушки найти свое призвание и обрести счастье?
Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz 1992-2017. The end of the GDR gave rise to new artistic freedoms in reunited Berlin. Shortly after the fall of the Wall, rebel director Frank Castorf was appointed artistic director of the Volksbühne. His way of working altered the public’s perception of this theater. The chronological history of the Castorf era between 1992 and 2017 is told here in excerpts from the productions and in a series of conversations conducted on the long sofa in the theater's foyer.
Blind & Ugly
Ferdi thinks he's ugly – but likes the fact Jona is interested in him. Maybe because she's blind. What Ferdi doesn't suspect: She's just pretending to be blind to be able to live cheaply in subsidized housing. How long can she maintain her charade? Can love, which is supposed to make you blind, even work out that way? Director Tom Lass takes a closer look, shooting with blind actors and old Berlin buddies, acting the lead himself – paying tribute to a way of life beyond our way of seeing the world.
Der König von Berlin
Helmuth Machalik
Full of anticipation, the young and ambitious Commissioner Carsten Lanner (Florian Lukas) is moving from Berlin Cloppenburg in Lower Saxony for a further education. However, he did not expect the outspoken chutzpah of the Berliners and, above all, the rude nature of his colleagues, who in no way received him with open arms. And so he slips more accidentally than wanted shortly after his arrival in Berlin in his first case.
Ein Dorf rockt ab
Allmen and the Pink Diamond
Kommissar Krille
Heiraten ist nichts für Feiglinge
Actually, Kathi should be happy: her best friend Caro marries and wishes on top of Kathi as a maid of honor. Would not it be the unspeakable coincidence that the wedding is also Kathi's ex-boyfriend Markus and his new super-girlfriend Maria invited. For Kathi it is clear: She has to find a companion for Caro's wedding. Easier said than done: All conceivable men in their circle of acquaintances are already taken. So Kathis way leads to the brokerage "Datelink". Already at the first meetings she receives illustrious, colorful and absurd insights into a generation of men in search of the woman for life.
The Last Pig
Plum out of luck, Swabian farmer Huber’s farm goes under. Then his girlfriend Birgit takes over her father’s newly-acquired firm – in former East Germany. That's reason enough for Huber to bail on his debts and head out on a road trip through southwest Germany.
Two People Meeting
Senta and Thomas are dying to fall in love - just not with one another. Still, when two people - a hopeless romantic and a system analyst - meet, an unexpected amour fou ensues.
The Wild Soccer Bunch 6
Big M (Dicker Michi)
To this very day, kids believe that the stories of "The Wild Soccer Bunch" are the best in the world, and that's why Leo, Elias, Finn, Joshua, Oskar and Matze, replay their heroes’ legendary games every spare minute. One day a darkly dressed young man hands them a mysterious map that leads the boys into unknown territory.
Viewers of the short film as a real film always in new excerpts. Oskar just doesn't understand why nobody wants to film it. For his friend Benny, however, who works in a video store, the situation is crystal clear: there are simply no highlights. So Benny gradually adds more and more elements that he hopes will be a great success. After all, he wants to help Oskar achieve an international breakthrough: In addition to baby animals and sex, racism and homosexuality must of course not be missing. While Benny lets his imagination run free, Oskar gets drunk. And so Oskar's fine story gradually becomes a cliche monster that doesn't leave much of his original idea.
Und ich so: Äh
Я и Камински
Alonzo Quilling
Молодой журналист Себастьян Зольнер пишет статью о художнике Мануэле Камински. Зольнер надеется на скорую смерть Камински, чтобы заработать денег на своей статье.
Kalle Schulze
An African-German Author loses his memory and is used by a modern National Socialist Party as promotion-figure for more political power over Germany.
Die Klasse - Berlin '61
Панк Берлин 1982
Lederschwuler in Band
Западная Германия, 1980 г. 19-летний Роберт cыт по горло скучной провинциальной жизнью и самодовольными хиппи в своём интернате. Не долго думая, он отправляется в Западный Берлин, ведь именно там его ожидает множество модных баров, процветающих субкультур и «тусовка», возникшая под влиянием искусства, секса, наркотиков и панк-рока. К его разочарованию, Роберта настигает отрезвляющая реальность: он вынужден сводить концы с концами, работая уборщиком в стрип-клубе. Владелец заведения, старый приятель Роберта Шварц, открывает ему дверь в пронзительную ночную жизнь Берлина. В пресловутом клубе «Риск», где играет громкая музыка и рекой льётся алкоголь, Роберт проводит ночи напролёт. Там он знакомится с такими знаменитостями тусовки, как Бликса Баргельд. Он влюбляется в работницу стрип-клуба Саню. Вместе со Шварцем он планирует своё финансовое будущее. Грабёж представляется им надёжным началом дилерской карьеры, а Саня знает, как им раз и навсегда избавиться от семейных проблем...
Жизнь плейбоя и миллионера Эдди — одна бесконечная вечеринка. В пьяном угаре он не замечает, что бизнес давно идет ко дну, а сомнительные друзья просто пользуются его деньгами, а сами смеются над ним. Однажды, вернувшись в свой роскошный пентхаус, Эдди обнаруживает там таинственного незнакомца. Тот заявляет, что он ангел, посланный свыше, дабы навести в жизни Эдди порядок. Ангел сделает все, чтобы перевоспитать Эдди. Даже если для этого ему понадобится разрушить его жизнь…
Robin Hood und ich
Bruder Tuck
The Girl with Nine Wigs
Pfleger Bastian
The true story of a young woman whose lust for life means she is determined to be so very much more than just another cancer patient.
The Secret Society Of Fine Arts
The tusk from a mammoth and a whale skeleton are found in a grotesque mix of bricks and destruction - a zoological museum has been blown up. Images of the bisected building with all the scattered remains of stuffed animals are broadcast worldwide along with the statement sent out by the underground group of artists who claim responsibility: "This is not entertainment. It is not a political statement. It is not even news... This is art!"
Willkommen im Krieg
Шофер случайно становится главным редактором крупного он-лайн журнала и рьяно принимается за дело в поисках горячих расследований и разоблачений.
My Life in Orange
A look at a Bavarian commune of the Indian Bhagwan cult.
Homesick Scientists
Four field researchers want to go home. Unfortunately, one of them apparently lost his mind. Since the return is not possible, as long as they remain in this state, ignited a controversy about what to do with him. Where do they come back and what was the object of their research, now becomes a much more important question.
Das Leben ist zu lang
Die kluge Bauerntochter
The Farmer's Daughter is given a riddle to solve by the king: "Come to me, neither naked nor clothed, neither walking nor riding, nor driving, neither by day nor by night, neither with gift nor without gift." If she solves it, she had proved her cleverness, the king promises not only to release her father from prison, but also to marry her...
Тринадцатый семестр
Друзья Мориц и Дирк поступают в Технический университет Дармштадта, чтобы изучать математику. Студенческая жизнь начинается. Но в то время как Дирк охотно посещает лекции и семинары, Момо прямо перед предзащитой диплома вылетает из группы.
Kill Your Darling
Machen wir's auf Finnisch
Intern Annika gets the chance for a permanent position at the record company "GrandMusic". As a rehearsal, she is supposed to prepare the Finnish boy group "Ripili" for a youth competition in Germany. When the band arrives at the airport, Annika realizes that the band is the third-rate Finnish death metal band.
Martin Schwarz
A man decides to sell his grandparents' house when he finds out that the death of his parents seems to be connected to a legend about a murdered child.
Finnischer Tango
Armer schwarzer Kater
Berlin am Meer
На колесах
Чтобы угодить избалованному сынку своей возлюбленной, Фред хочет достать для мальчишки баскетбольный мяч с автографами игроков его любимой команды. Но возникает проблема: такой мяч может получить только инвалид. Фред решает на время сесть в инвалидную коляску и обманом завладеть драгоценным трофеем. Однако получая желанный мяч, Фред привлекает внимание очаровательной девушки-кинорежиссера Денис, которая хочет снять фильм о фанатах-инвалидах…
Black Sheep
Arnold, Fred's Servant
Black Sheep (original title: Schwarze Schafe) is a german/swiss black and white movie. It's separated into five episodes, which tell stories of the Berlin city life. A hopeless impostor. An East German couple who dreams of the big money. Three Turkish teenagers who do everything to have sex. Two hapless Satanists. And gay boys who dream of a better world. An anarchist, humorous black comedy about life in Berlin.
Schüleraustausch - Die Französinnen kommen
Girl's Life, Boy's World
At seventeen, girls are all about looking good, dressing right and making out with the cutest boys. Or they're like Luka, who's an ace in boxing and couldn't care less about her looks or her appeal to boys. When she breaks a schoolmate's nose, her parents send her off to boarding school to acquire some ladylike manners. There she's mistaken for Frankie, a boy who hasn't shown up, and takes on his identity. With her boxing skills, she instantly wins over her three roommates Chico, Toby and Jo, and strikes up a particularly close friendship with Chico. Her uncompromising honesty and loyalty to her new friends, however, soon get her into trouble with the headmistress and her nephew, the school bully.