Melissa Givens


Set Decoration
A coming of age story about a teenager working at an extreme sports camp as a dishwasher and his relationship with the chef, who we come to find out was a skateboarding pioneer back in the day. Set at a fully operational extreme sports camp in Temecula, CA called Point X Camp.
Adam and Eve
Set Decoration
Easy-going, gentle college-boy Adam Baker enjoys frat-life, however disgusting the frat-house gets because of his sloppy house-mates Freddie, Ferguson and Munch. Then Adam meets Eve, starts falling in love, but gets jealous of frat-brother Billy, who 'bumps' almost constantly without seeking love, while Eve guards her campus-unique virginity. As even his thrice-divorced dad, an MD, urges Adam to get laid rather then loved, his patience runs out against healthy hormones
Last Letters Home
Ten families read letters from their loved ones killed during Operation Iraqi Freedom in this powerful and moving HBO documentary by Oscar and Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Bill Couturie (Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam). Photos of the soldiers in military and civilian life are shown as family members read the final correspondence received from Iraq and share their thoughts and memories about the fallen troops and the realities of war.
Большое похищение Парсонсов
Set Decoration
Грэм Парсонс был одним из влиятельнейших музыкантов своего времени: он знал Элвиса Пресли, гастролировал вместе с «Роллинг Стоунз», а в 1973 году умер от передозировки. После его смерти и был создан этот фильм: история о настоящей дружбе, чести и невероятных приключениях талантливого музыканта. История настолько необычная, что если бы это не случилось на самом деле, никто бы не поверил, что это случилось. Тем не менее, все было именно так и никак не иначе.