Sylvestre Vannoorenberghe


Dramway 71
Director of Photography
The love story between a songwriter and an ice-cream seller intertwines with the fate of a future tramway line.
Director of Photography
Иссахар и Завулон — два юных оболтуса, тупых и задорных. Потеря любимой собаки матери грозит им отлучением от дома. Теперь у братьев есть сутки, чтобы, используя слабоумие и отвагу, вернуть маме любимца.
The Big Boys' Playground
Color Grading
Stéphane and Alizée, two rock-climbers looking for a breakthrough, spend their winter in Catalonia—the perfect place for climbing hard. Their projects lie in the sector called “El Pati” (the playground). Success, more than a physical achievement, seems to be a state of mind.
Nathalie vous nique tous
Color Grading