Patrick McGoohan

Patrick McGoohan

Рождение : 1928-03-19, New York City, New York, USA

Смерть : 2009-01-13


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Patrick Joseph McGoohan (March 19, 1928 – January 13, 2009) was an American-born actor, raised in Ireland and England, with an extensive stage and film career, most notably in the 1960s television series Danger Man (renamed Secret Agent when exported to the US), and The Prisoner. McGoohan wrote and directed several episodes of The Prisoner himself, occasionally using the pseudonyms Joseph Serf and Paddy Fitz. He subsequently appeared in several Columbo episodes, winning the Emmy twice, David Cronenberg's Scanners, and in Mel Gibson's Braveheart as King Edward I. Description above from the Wikipedia article Patrick McGoohan, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Patrick McGoohan
Patrick McGoohan


In My Mind
Himself (archive)
The film recounts one of Chris' early filmmaking experiences: an attempt to interview Patrick McGoohan - something McGoohan had resisted previously - about his enigmatic series for a Channel 4 commissioned documentary. A documentary that didn't quite go to plan. In a series of frank interviews conducted by Chris, most of which ultimately remained unused in the 1983 documentary 'Six Into One-The Prisoner File', McGoohan slowly reveals his innermost thoughts about his concept.
Планета сокровищ
Billy Bones (voice)
16-летний Джим Хоукинс отправляется на поиски таинственной Планеты Сокровищ в компании настоящих космических пиратов. Под руководством корабельного кока, киборга Джона Сильвера, он становится умелым «космоплавателем» и не раз спасает космический галеон от самых серьезных опасностей: черных дыр, взрывов сверхновых и космических штормов.
Прах к праху
Eric Prince
После того, как голливудский обозреватель светской хроники был убит своим бывшим любовником, необходимо найти доказательства, чтобы арестовать его.
Прах к праху
После того, как голливудский обозреватель светской хроники был убит своим бывшим любовником, необходимо найти доказательства, чтобы арестовать его.
Dr. Harvey Langston
Legendary actor Patrick McGoohan turns his famous character from THE PRISONER upside down as the psychiatrist in charge of an insane asylum. He has connected his inmates into a group mind where they share each other's psychoses, dreams and sexuality with all the scary and titillating implications imaginable! Like his highly acclaimed cult classic MASSACRE AT CENTRAL HIGH, director Rene Daalders provocative excursion into sci fi-horror filmmaking looks at first glance like a classic grindhouse movie, but it is up to much more. In addition to its operatic mayhem, HYSTERIA is a mind-expanding reflection on individual vs. group consciousness, power, control, and freedom.
Время убивать
Judge Omar Noose
Зверски изнасилована десятилетняя девочка. Отец девочки расстреливает подонков.Ему грозит газовая камера. Сможет ли блестящий адвокат, не проигравший ни одного дела, добиться признания невиновности своего клиента?
Phantom's Dad
Приключенческий боевик, в основу которого легли подвиги популярного персонажа комиксов Фантома. В старинной легенде говорится о магических черепах Туганды, дающих разрушительную силу тому, кто завладеет ими. Хранитель тайны, благородный «герой в маске» Кид Уокер противостоит злодею Дрэксу, одержимому идеей безграничной власти над человечеством. Фантому предстоит справиться с гангстерами и пиратами, обрести любовь красавицы Дайан и спасти мир.
Number Six (archive footage)
Set in the mid sixties and shot with more black than white, ‘SAD?’ is a dark ten minute film that explores the time that we spend alone watching television, and the good and sad effects it can have on you. The film has a timeless, forgotten feel about it, a study of a world and time detached from the norm, a life filled with both laughter and loneliness, escapism and escapees...
Храброе сердце
King Edward
Действие фильма начинается в 1280 году в Шотландии. Это история легендарного национального героя Уильяма Уолласа, посвятившего себя борьбе с англичанами при короле Эдварде Длинноногом.Он рано лишился отца, погибшего от рук англичан, и его забрал к себе дядя Оргайл, который дал ему хорошее образование в Европе. На родину Уильям возвращается уже взрослым человеком, мечтающем завести семью и жить мирной жизнью.
The Best of Friends
George Bernard Shaw
Adapted from their letters and journals, this is a portrayal of the unique 25-year friendship shared by Dame Laurentia McLachlan (Benedictine nun), Sir Sydney Cockerell (museum curator), and George Bernard Shaw (playwright/critic).
The Prisoner Video Companion
Number 6
A look at the creation and cultural significance of the British cult classic
The Laughing Prisoner
Number Six
A funny remake of "The Prisoner" - with a 1980's twist to it 'The Laughing Prisoner' is a remake (or homage) of (to) the Kafkaesque 1960's television show 'The Prisoner' with Patrick McGoohan in the lead role. This time it is a successful television presenter (Jools Holland) who decides to quit at the height of his stardom. He is abducted from his apartment and brought to the village, where number 2 (a young Stephen Fry) is questioning him. The whole show has a cosy 1980's feel to it, with several bands from that period performing their music.
Of Pure Blood
Dr. Felix Neumann
A mother investigating her son's mysterious death finds much more than she bargained for. Casting director Alicia Browning (Remick) takes leave of her job in NYC to investigate what happened to her son Mark (Browning) in Germany. Her persistence uncovers perplexing details that lead to the discovery of some very unsettling, and dark personal memories!
Three Sovereigns for Sarah
Chief Magistrate
Nineteen people were hanged and one man pressed to death, while hundreds went to jail during the "witch hysteria" of 1692. THREE SOVEREIGNS FOR SARAH offers an accurate portrayal of the Salem witch trials, with real characters and original transcripts woven into the dialogue. The film is a powerful, moving story about three loving sisters accused of witchcraft.
Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend
Doctor Eric Kiviat
A paleontologist and her husband discover a mother and baby brontosaurus in Africa, and try to protect them from hunters who want to capture them.
Fred Wells
A young woman searches for her identity by joining a "free love" hippie commune, against the wishes of her darkly possessive widowed father. The tensions of small town New Zealand and individual conflicts generated by intolerance and fear, unleashes forces of violence and betrayal.
Jamaica Inn
Joss Merlyn
The respected squire of a quiet Cornish village is in reality the leader of a gang of murderous pirates who attack passing ships, kill their crews and steal their cargoes.
Kings and Desperate Men
John Kingsley
A group of terrorists take a radio disk jockey and his wife and child hostage in order to get their manifesto out to the world.
Dr. Paul Ruth
Они живут среди нас — сканеры, умеющие читать мозг других и умеющие убивать своим мозгом. Один из сканеров, Кэмерон Вейл, по просьбе доктора Пола Рута, специалиста по психическим отклонениям, пытается разыскать сканера Дэррила Ривока, который стоит во главе тайной организации, преследующей цель установить господство сканеров во всем мире.
Побег из Алькатраса
Тюрьмы созданы для того, чтобы изолировать от прочего мира отдельных субъектов. Однако среди заключенных всегда находились смельчаки, способные совершить побег. Общество всегда лелеяло мечту о возведении совершенной тюрьмы, из которой невозможно было бы бежать. И такое заведение удалось построить на острове неподалеку от Сан — Франциско. Тюрьма называлась «Алькатрас». Двадцать девять лет считалась она самой надежной тюрьмой США. В ней сидели знаменитые воры, мошенники и даже сам Аль Капоне. Но в один прекрасный день порог этой страшной тюрьмы переступил грабитель банков Фрэнк Моррис.
The Hard Way
John Connor
John Connor is a soon-to-retire hitman that agrees to take on one last job. After years plying his deadly trade, he has finally had enough. Seeking to retire to Dublin and maybe salvage his dying marriage, Connor wants to leave the lonely world of the marksman behind him and melt into the background. Unfortunately, his handler O'Neal is reluctant to let him go, and, after much coertion, manages to talk him into accepting one final job.
Звездная мишень
Col. Mike McCauley
Генерал Паттон пытается перевезти немецкий золотой запас во Франкфурт. Но кто-то пытается нарушить его планы. Военная полиция принимается за расследование…
Человек в железной маске
Молодой король Людовик ХIV — единовластный правитель страны. Но оказывается, что его брат-близнец Филипп жив. Король приказывает отправить Филиппа на остров Сан-Маргерет и заковать в железную маску…
Серебряная стрела
Roger Devereau
Издатель Джордж Колдуэлл садится на трансамериканский экспресс «Серебряная стрела», следующий из Лос-Анжелеса в Чикаго. В течение длительной поездки он надеется отдохнуть от трудов праведных, но не тут-то было. Джордж знакомится с прелестной Хилли Бернс, которая оказывается каким-то образом причастна к убийству, происшедшему здесь же, в поезде…
Гений, два земляка и птенчик
Major Cabot
Аризона, конец 19 века. Нечистый на руку мэр небольшого городка пытается выжить беззащитных индейцев с их исконных земель и тем самым уничтожить их. Когда правительство посылает в город инспектора с проверкой, мэр идет на хитрость, переодевая своих бледнолицых прихлебателей в индейскую одежду и таким образом пытается скрыть факт своего преступления. Однако он не учел того, что Джо Сенкс, самый быстрый и симпатичный стрелок на Диком Западе будет иметь другие планы…
Catch My Soul
Screenwriter John Good's rock & roll adaptation of Shakespeare's Othello who is a wandering evangelist who happens onto Iago's remote commune. There he marries the lovely Desdemona much to the chagrin of Iago, who also loves her. The conniving commune leader then manages to quietly pressure Othello until murder and tragedy ensue. Songs include: "Othello", "Working on a Building," "Eat the Bread, Drink the Wine," "Book of Prophecy," "That's What God Said," "Chug a Lug," "Open Your Eyes," "Lust of the Blood," "Put Out the Light" and more.
Мария – королева Шотландии
James Stuart
В центре сюжета Мария Стюарт — последняя католическая королева Шотландии.
The Moonshine War
Frank Long
A federal agent attempts to make some real money before the alcohol ban is lifted so he sets his sights on the whiskey cache of an old army buddy.
John Drake
Secret agent John Drake (aka Danger Man) goes to Japan to infiltrate a secret society that specializes in murder. - This film was originally conceived as part of the fourth season of the "Secret Agent" TV series. However, this was the first episode of the season and Patrick McGoohan quit shortly after filming it. Thus it was decided to package a double-episode from a TV show as a full-length movie. Patrick McGoohan quit "Secret Agent" to create "The Prisoner" TV series. - The original individual episodes of "Danger Man" that made up this movie were released for the first time on video in the 1990s. - The original two one-hour episodes that made up this film were broadcast in limited fashion in the UK in 1968.
Полярная станция «Зебра»
David Jones
США и Советский Союз находятся на грани войны. В это время ядерная подводная лодка ВМС получает задание спасти команду плавучей дрейфующей полярной станции «Зебра», от которой получен сигнал о помощи. Команда не знает, что обречена на гибель, и на самом деле их миссия -- быстрее русских добраться до упавшего русского спутника, содержащего сверхсекретную информацию, способную повлиять на расстановку сил. Полярные погодные условия не позволяют летать самолетам Америки, Великобритании и Советского Союза, поэтому подводная лодка может первой добраться до упавшего спутника... но русские намерены встать на пути субмарины к полярной станции «Зебра». Фильм снят по роману Алистера Маклина.
The Prisoner
After he resigns, a secret agent is abducted and taken to what looks like an idyllic village, but is really a bizarre prison. His warders demand information. He gives them nothing; he only tries to escape.
The Prisoner
Number 6
After he resigns, a secret agent is abducted and taken to what looks like an idyllic village, but is really a bizarre prison. His warders demand information. He gives them nothing; he only tries to escape.
Три жизни Томаcины
Andrew McDhui
Шотландия, начало ХХ века. Маленькая Мэри, дочь овдовевшего ветеринарного врача, души не чает в своей Томасине — роскошной рыжей кошке. Но однажды Томаcина тяжело заболевает, и отец распоряжается усыпить её. Убитая горем утраты и чёрствостью отца, Мэри хоронит Томасину неподалёку от жилища некой Лори, которую деревенская молва нарекла ведьмой. Вовремя появившаяся на кошкиных похоронах Лори замечает, что в Томасине ещё теплится жизнь, и её можно спасти…
Dr. Syn, Alias the Scarecrow
Dr. Christopher Syn / The Scarecrow
English vicar Dr. Syn becomes a scarecrow on horseback by night to thwart King George III's taxmen.
The Quare Fellow
Thomas Crimmin
Thomas Crimmins is a new warder, or guard, in an Irish prison. He is young, naive, and idealistic, determined to serve his country by his part in meting out justice to criminals. His superior, Regan, however, realizes that even prisoners are human beings, and Regan is sick of the eye-for-an-eye attitude that leads the state to execute condemned men, or "quare fellows." Crimmins begins to see that not all is black and white in his new world, and when he becomes involved with Kathleen, the wife of one of the condemned men, his attitude begins to change. When new evidence arises to suggest that Kathleen's husband may not deserve his fate, Crimmins is torn between his duty and his humanity.
Life for Ruth
Dr Brown
John Harris finds himself ostracized and placed on trial for allowing his daughter Ruth to die. His religious beliefs forbade him to give consent for a blood transfusion that would have saved her life. Doctor Brown is determined to seek justice for what he sees as the needless death of a young girl.
All Night Long
Johnny Cousin
Over the course of one eventful evening, the anniversary celebration of the musical and romantic partners Aurelius Rex and Delia Lane, a jealous, ambitious drummer, Johnny Cousin, attempts to tear the interracial couple apart.
Serjeant Musgrave's Dance
Sjt. Musgrave
Serjeant Musgrave and his small band of men arrive in an impoverished northern coal town, ostensibly on a recruiting drive.....but their intentions are very different, and will have repercussion's on the town for years to come.
Two Living, One Dead
Erik Berger
Three Post Office employees are at work when the facility is held up. The robber kills the supervisor and knocks out another employee. The third one offers no resistance and survives unscathed. Afterwards he begins to wonder if his refusal to resist was a prudent move to preserve his family, or an act of cowardice, as many in the town believe. The resulting conflict begins to tear apart his family.
The Man Out There
The Man - Nicholai Soloviov
A Russian astronaut trapped in space in a faulty rocket, has five hours to live when his radio makes contact with Marie, a hunter's wife also trapped, in a blizzard swept area of Canada. Her daughter is dying of diphtheria, he as a doctor can help her.
Brand's a bleak and desolate play that challenges the notion of a stern and stoic faith in the will of God. The title character is a pastor who returns to his ancestral home to find the villagers on the verge of starvation. He believes ministering to these poor people to be his calling. Over the course of the play, however, he faces many difficult choices. The decisions he makes, based on his stark and idealistic view of morality, have dire consequences for all the people he touches and, ultimately, for his own embattled soul.
Под африканским небом
Andrew Miller
Пo oднoимённoму рoмaну южнoафрикaнcкoй пиcaтeльницы Джoй Пaкeр, вышeдшeму в 1957 гoду. События происходят в национальном парке британской колонии Кении. Мужчины борются за любовь прекрасной женщины, в то время, как опасность подстерегает их на каждом шагу... Съемки проводились в Национальноим парке Крюгер в Южной Африке.
The Gypsy and the Gentleman
About to enter a marriage he wants no part of, rich nobleman Mitchell takes up with gypsy Mecouri. They marry, but she soon discovers he's deeply in debt. (TCM)
Адские водители
C. 'Red' Redman
Бывший заключенный Том устраивается на работу в компанию «Хьюлетт» по перевозкам сыпучих грузов. Через некоторое время назревает конфликт с Редом, самым главным и дерзким среди всех водителей. С этого момента начинаются не перевозки, — а гонки, не на жизнь а на смерть…
High Tide at Noon
Simon Breck
After returning home to a rugged island near Nova Scotia, Joanna, daughter of the local bigwig, struggles to choose between three eligible bachelors -- the rebel (Patrick McGoohan), the steadfast friend (Michael Craig) and the poetry-quoting newcomer (William Sylvester). As the local lobster supply dwindles due to overfishing, the island's inhabitants encounter economic difficulties.
Moor Larkin
A notorious bandit develops a grudging respect for the English military man assigned to capture him.
Я - камера
Swedish Water Therapist
Действие разворачивается в веймарском Берлине. Молодой амбициозный писатель заводит дружбу с бедной, но жизнерадостной певицей.
Passage Home
Martin McIsaacs
Set in 1931, the film takes place aboard a merchant ship, briefly harboured in South America. A young woman (Diane Cilento) boards the ship as a passenger, resulting in disharmony among the superstitious crew members. Virtuous seaman Anthony Steel protects the girl from the lecherous advances of captain Peter Finch.
Moby Dick—Rehearsed
A Serious Actor / Starbuck
Moby Dick—Rehearsed is a two-act drama by Orson Welles. The play was staged June 16–July 9, 1955, at the Duke of York's Theatre in London, in a production directed by Welles. Welles used minimal stage design. The stage was bare, the actors appeared in contemporary street clothes, and the props were minimal. For example, brooms were used for oars, and a stick was used for a telescope. The actors provided the action, and the audience's imagination provided the ocean, costumes, and the whale. Welles filmed approximately 75 minutes of the production, with the original cast, at the Hackney Empire and Scala Theatres in London. He hoped to sell the film to Omnibus, the United States television series which had presented his live performance of King Lear in 1953; but Welles stopped shooting when he was disappointed in the results. The film is considered lost.
In Search of the Prisoner
Number Six (archive footage)
Sci-Fi Channel production is first shown in 2001, this documentary preceded the channel's premiere of The Prisoner. Presented by James Hyman and featuring clips and interviews, In Search Of The Prisoner examines the phenomena of one of the most influential cult TV series of all time.