Gabi Kubach

Рождение : 1944-10-19,


Tango im Schnee
Der Nikolaus im Haus
Suchkind 312
Liebe ist das schönste Geschenk
After much hesitation, the doctor, who fell in love, Peter Hauser finally managed to make his girlfriend Stella a marriage proposal. But when the two want to surprise his father Heinrich with the good news, the one holds much greater surprise ready: On holiday, he has fallen in love with the attractive widow Johanna and married her right away. Peter is anything but excited. He believes that Johanna is a notorious husband murderer. However, in trying to gather evidence of his suspicion, the awkward amateur detective moves from one fool to the next.
Finanzbeamte küsst man nicht
Die schönsten Jahre
The relationship between journalist Nina and her mother Eva has always been tense. One day Nina is supposed to be interviewing Richard Gere in Budapest. Her friend Flora and her mother Eva accompany her there. Flora succeeds in defusing the tensions between mother and daughter. Then Eva is suddenly admitted to the hospital. Nina's visit to her mother's sickbed is moving for both women.
Die Frau des Heimkehrers
The elaborately staged and lovingly furnished melodrama tells the moving story of a wife and mother after the Second World War. In the title role Christine Neubauer shows another facet of her versatility. Timothy Peach and Martin Feifel play at their side. Other main roles include Eva-Maria Hagen and Peter Sodann. Gaby Kubach directed a book by the renowned author Felix Huby.
Lauras Wunschzettel
Янтарный амулет
Лето 1944 года. Юная баронесса Барбара выходит замуж. Ее супруг, Александр, оставив Барбаре символ любви, янтарный амулет, уходит на фронт и пропадает без вести. В поместье родителей Барбары размещаются советские солдаты под командованием майора Беляева. Барбара влюбляется в русского офицера, но отказывается уехать с ним в Москву, так и не сказав ему, что ждет от него ребенка. Вернувшийся из плена Александр воспитывает сына Беляева как своего. Но после июньского восстания 1953 года суд ГДР приговаривает Александра по обвинению в шпионаже к 20 годам заключения. Единственный, кто может помочь Барбаре добиться освобождения мужа и переправить всю семью на запад — это Беляев…
Die Kinder meiner Braut
The cheerful Dr. Michael Mangold finally wants to marry his partner Lena Stern and get a whole bunch of children with her. One morning, two girls with a baby and a small dog are at the door. Actually, the kids wanted after the death of their parents to their uncle Jörg, Lena's ex-fiancé. Of necessity, Michael and Lena temporarily take the little ones with them. This kind of blessing soon brings in the orderly life of the couple for terrible confusion.
Der zweite Frühling
Hanne and Barbara, girlfriends in their prime, go to Bad Elster for a cure, where they really let it crack - much to the delight of entrepreneur Edzard and globetrotter Georg. But the way to the second spring is not without thorns: The strict head nurse displeases the behavior of Hanne and Barbara very much. In addition, the two girlfriends dizzy their new admirers to secure their chances in the opposite sex. Unfortunately, these lies have short legs and the new love luck has to pass so much more than a test.
Ich leih’ dir meinen Mann
Christine Keller, successful at work, but still single, has a burning desire for a child. However, the search for the right father gave her up in frustration. She would like to have a child without a husband - but where does she get a grower from? Isa, her best friend from youth days, would love to help and has a tricky idea: Fabian, Isa's partner, should be "loaned" to the girlfriend - and may not notice. But the not quite everyday friendship service has unimaginable consequences.
Liebe ist die halbe Miete
Franziska Naumann happily greets her allegedly new neighbor Dr. Gottfried Naumann. She is very surprised when he wants to move into the same apartment in which just the movers carry their furniture. Even Gottfried is surprised - Franziska has not only the same name as he, but apparently also rented the same apartment. Without compromising, the quarreled estate agents Beate and Werner Wüstholtz has rented the apartment twice. There is only one solution: until the circumstances are clarified, the unequal couple must live together in the apartment. The fight burns.
Die Pferdefrau
The young veterinarian Christine from Vienna stands on the sunny side of life. She is in a relationship with the attractive management consultant Alexander, has just completed her doctorate and is looking forward to a dream job. And she is also unexpectedly pregnant. But after an altercation with Alexander, she loses the child. She desperately flees to her father Georg, a painter to whom she had no contact for many years. He lives on an inherited family estate in Saxony. But instead of rest there is new excitement. At the neighboring riding school she gets together with coach Markus. His rude methods of horse education do not suit her at all. After some difficulties, the two get together and she can also win the trust of a difficult, valuable horse.
Der Zauber des Rosengartens
Die Braut meines Freundes
Das Geheimnis des Rosengartens
Gnadenlos 2 - Ausgeliefert und mißbraucht
Julia - Kämpfe für deine Träume!
Gnadenlos - Zur Prostitution gezwungen
Der Castillo Coup
Maria has suffered from depression since the death of her child, and goes to live in a lonely house by the sea.
Maria has suffered from depression since the death of her child, and goes to live in a lonely house by the sea.
Rendezvous in Paris
Rendezvous in Paris
Geteilte Freude
Das Ende der Beherrschung