Joshua Pardy


Убойный отпуск
Assistant Editor
Линдси влюбляется в своего начальника и у них начинается роман. Он женат, но клянётся, что давно не живёт с женой и планирует скоро с ней развестись. Чтобы доказать Линдси свою любовь, он предлагает ей поехать с ним на медицинскую конференцию, которая проходит в курортном отеле. Однако, приехав на место, пара замечает, что за ними следят какие-то подозрительные люди.
Til Ex Do Us Part
Post Production Coordinator
Just when their separation is coming to an end, and Kyle and Sophia have recommitted to each other, Sophia is accused of assaulting her husband's "friend," Claire, a woman he slept with once. In reality, however, Claire is engineering a series of attacks against herself to frame Sophia and keep Kyle for herself. When the ruse falls apart, Claire makes a direct attack on her rival.
Охотник на любовниц
Post Production Coordinator
Чтобы собрать собрать улики против неверного мужа и подготовиться к бракоразводному процессу, Джеки нанимает так называемого охотника на любовниц. Но, когда мужа вместе с любовницей находят мёртвыми, охотник испаряется, а Джеки становится главной подозреваемой в двойном убийстве.
Stalked by a Reality Star
Post Production Coordinator
When teenager Kendra lies about her age to get into a Hollywood party, she meets handsome reality TV star, Brad. But when she discovers that Brad is not as charming as he seems, Kendra rejects him, only to realize that he has become obsessed with her and will stop at nothing--including dating her widowed mother--to be near her.
Psycho Wedding Crasher
Post Production Coordinator
Since she started working as a dressmaker for her Aunt Daisy, Jenna has seen dozens of brides getting happily married in her gorgeous wedding gowns. Jenna longs to have a white wedding of her own and to find a handsome man who will take her away from her abusive Aunt.
My Baby Is Gone!
Post Production Coordinator
Emily, who is seven months pregnant, quickly becomes friends with her new neighbour, Kelly, who is also pregnant. They seem to have a lot in common and both look forward to the arrival of their new babies. Little does Emily know that Kelly has been faking her pregnancy in order to get close to Emily so she can steal her baby!
A Mother's Crime
Post Production Coordinator
Encouraged by her lover, Danielle kills her husband and goes on the lam with her infant daughter Cali. But the cops catch her and, en route to prison, she agrees to give custody of Cali to her arch rival, her sister Nikki. But on release from prison, Danielle will stop at nothing to get Cali back from Nikki's safe and healthy home.
Ring of Deception
Post Production Coordinator
Single mom Julie Stevens' life is turned upside-down when international con man Martin moves to her neighborhood. As Julie begins to open up to Martin's charms, another woman - Sloane - is determined to kill Martin for having left her and robbed her blind. Will Julie survive Martin's affections and Sloane's revenge?