Three entwined stories of love, lust, danger and revenge.
Poker Player
An old-time mogul struggles to reenter the club where power and money make the rules.
Frank Russo
Mary meets Paul, marries Paul and when Paul is murdered becomes the number one suspect. While the police are preparing their case against her she begins her own investigation which takes her to the seedy parts of town and begins to expose her husbands very secret double life.
Drugs, alcohol and controversy mark the author's life.
When a Serbian terrorist blackmails NATO and the U.N. with a deadly nerve gas, a covert squad is the Free World's last hope. Led by Dylan Pope they must "terminate" the threat before it terminates them!
Capt. Jensen
Рок Китс и Арчи Моузес — лучшие друзья. Год назад Моузес, мелкий воришка и мошенник, взял Китса «в дело». С тех пор они не расставались и вместе совершили целый ряд небольших преступлений. Все меняется, когда друзья оказываются вовлеченными в крупномасштабную операцию, проводимую наркобароном Фрэнком Колтоном. Рок Китс на самом деле оказывается агентом полиции, его настоящее имя Джек Картер. Полицейскому под прикрытием Картеру не удается арестовать организатора операции Колтона, поэтому он пытается арестовать своего друга Моузеса. Моузес стреляет в Картера и сбегает с места преступления. Вскоре полиция настигает Моузеса. Он соглашается дать показания против наркобарона Колтона при одном условии: к месту проведения судебного слушания его должен проводить бывший друг Китс-Картер. Вскоре друзья встречаются вновь и вместе отправляются в опасное путешествие. Выживут ли они? Выживет ли их дружба?
Jimmy Rosemont
Блистательной красавице, талантливой фотохудожнице Джез Килкуллен в жизни удается почти все. Но после предательства ее жениха, фотокорреспондента Гэйба, бросившего ее в день свадьбы, она боится доверять мужчинам, хотя с легкостью сводит их с ума. И только встреча с верным и надежным Кейси Нельсоном, новым управляющим на ранчо ее отца, все меняет в ее жизни..
Jose Menendez
TV movie based on the novel "Blood Brothers," about the murder of Jose Menéndez and his wife Kitty by their sons, Erik and Lyle.
Молодой парень приезжает в Калифорнию, надеясь стать рок-музыкантом, и останавливается в небольшом доме с бассейном, сняв комнату у человека, поверившего ему в долг. Красавица, живущая в том же доме со свирепым и ревнивым мужем намного старше ее, очень ему понравилась. Но ничего хорошего из этого увлечения не вышло.
Lieutenant Bill Lawson
Gary Cochran
Jessica has been married to her controlling husband Gary for years. The abuse only gets worse when she gets a job at a bakery and makes two really caring friends: her co-worker and neighbor Lee, and her boss Walter.
John Reilly
Frank and Cam have been friends all their lives, Cam is on the High School Football team, coached by his dad, Frank is a promising runner, with a dream of completing a sub 4 minute mile and beating his arch rival. Cam persuades Frank to go to a party, when Frank wants to leave and Cam doesn't Frank decides to run home in the dark, with fatal consequences. Devastated by his friend's death and blaming himself, Cam decides to move from football to running with the goal of completing the sub 4 minute mile for his friend. A race against Frank's rival leaves the rival injured after falling off the track. The rival insults Frank and Cam starts a fight which leads to a disciplinary hearing, causing Cam to be banned from the championships. The rival organises another race though, to prove that he is better than Cam. The race is a close thing and Cam comes in a very close second, but in doing so breaks the 4 minute mile dream.
Lieutenant Ray Wiltern
A look at the dangerous and bizarre life of an undercover cop who lives on the edge and the strife and heartbreak that comes with the job. There is also a tremendous amount of guilt and psychological pain when when an undercover sting goes bad and they lose a comrade in the line of duty.
Mayor Kevin White
Fact based story about the racial tensions that occurred in Boston in the 1970's because of court ordered busing to end desegregation. The story focuses on an African-American mother determined to get her children a quality education and a white lawyer trying to deal with inner city problems.
Jonathan Morris
They are the perfect, and politically correct, couple. He is a judge, she is a high profile attorney. When she takes on a sensational murder case, the trail leads right to her own front door.
Frank Polito
На писателя Филлипа Блэквуда, сочинителя детективных романов, обрушилось несчастье величиной с Манхеттен: он утратил способность писать. С отчаяния он начал посещать залы судебных заседаний в поисках озарения и был сражен наповал.Загадочная красавица-румынка, подозреваемая в убийстве, пробудила в нем и творческие, и романтические импульсы. Блэквуд обеспечивает ее алиби и уносится с ней в свой дом в штате Коннектикут. Теперь она в безопасности.Но в безопасности ли он сам? Том Селлек и Полина Поризкова — в главных ролях в этой комедии, игристой смеси тайны и романтической любви.
Neat and interesting story about a couple being divorced. It is easy to split all the things they've bought, but the real question is: Who gets the friends?
Lieutenant Daniel Malone
A cop is found dead in a hotel, brutally murdered, a spider cut into his stomach. The police believes his death might be connected to the fact that he was a dirty cop - the internal affairs commission already was after him - but then several other people are murdered in the very same way, and there seems to be no connection between the cases. The police seeks for a blonde woman among the prostitutes.
Gordon Williams
Gordon has a loving wife and two sons, Bryan and Keith, but he favors his spoiled younger son Keith over Bryan, who is defiant and not good at sports. As Gordon begins to yell and hit Bryan, Bryan's behavior slips towards the psychotic side and he takes it out on beings who can't defend themselves until he goes way too far one day during a summer camping trip.
A police cover-up of the murder of two young women at a wild party is complicated by the possible faking of a story by an overzealous young reporter seeking instant newspaper stardom.
Don Hagan
A sheltered wife of a surgeon suddenly finds herself thrust into the middle of a messy divorce.
Jesus (voice)
Artaban is a young Magus (Wise Man) who desires to follow the star to the birthplace of the coming King, against the counsel of his friends and family. Carrying three precious jewels to give to the baby Messiah, Artaban and his reluctant servant Orontes set off to join the caravan of the three other wise men. They miss the caravan, but Artaban continues the search for his King, always one step behind. Artaban spends much of his remaining wealth and all of his energy helping the poor and unfortunate people he meets, until at the end of his life he finally finds Jesus--at His trial! Has Artaban wasted his life in a foolish quest? Will he ever get the chance to present his gifts to the King?
Tom Wyler
Silent since losing his hearing to meningitis, young Toby Wyler takes a bitter stance against the world and his family, refusing to accept his new stepfather. But when a highly trained orangutan named Casey is thrown from a truck near Toby's home, the boy soon has a secret friend he can communicate with via sign language.
John Peterson
A grieving family whose daughter was killed in a car crash with a drunken driver is outraged and frustrated as they encounter the inevitable bureaucratic delays in bringing the case to trial. Once in the courtroom, they are horror-stricken as the young, hard-pressed district attorney seems unable to overcome the technicalities and maneuverings that the driver's attorney uses to keep his client out of jail and still on the streets as a legal driver. When the judge is forced to rule time and again in favor of the defense, it appears that the driver might escape punishment altogether.
Dr. Edgar Highley
Kathy DeMaio checks into the hospital and thinks she sees a body being loaded into the trunk of a car. When the body turns up later and the murderer, Dr. Highley, thinks that DeMaio can identify him, her life is put in jeopardy. Originally made for television and adapted from a novel by Mary Higgins Clark, the interesting twist to this thriller is that several cast members of the daytime soap opera "Guiding Light" play those same roles here.
Arnie Potts
Joey lives with his mother. His father isn't around, he doesn't like school, he is bored and doesn't take orders from anyone. In other words he is a real little scamp. Being at one's wit's end, his mother decides to look for a "big brother" (sort of surrogate father) for Joey. At first this clumsy Arnie doesn't know how to handle Joey but after a while everything changes and not only for Joey ...
Sheriff Dan Gillis
Что-то очень странное происходит в тихом прибрежном городке Поттерс Блаф. Туристов и случайных приезжих очень тепло встречают и принимают, а затем жестоко убивают. Но еще более загадочно то, что эти убитые потом появляются на улицах городка как ни в чем не бывало. Они милы и дружелюбны. И сейчас местный шериф и эксцентричный владелец похоронного бюро должны приоткрыть вселяющую страх тайну — тайну общества, где живут ужасные традиции и никто… НИКТО на самом деле ни жив, ни мертв, ни похоронен!
Gen. Juan Peron
Aspiring actress Eva Duarte rises from a minor celebrity to the wife of a powerful Argentine dictator, but her all consuming fiery rage, ambition, and hatred eventually become her downfall.
Wing Commander Richard T. Owens
Авианосец ВМФ США «Нимитц» попадает в необычный шторм, и оказывается перемещенным во времени на сорок лет. До нападения японцев на Перл-Харбор осталось несколько часов и у летчиков с «Нимица» есть возможность предотвратить трагедию. Но имеют ли они право нарушить ход истории?
Barry Kaufman
A young couple is overjoyed when they find out that, after having had two girls, the wife is pregnant again, and this time it will be a son. However, the boy turns out to autistic. Unhappy with the diagnoses and treatments available, they decide to work out their own therapy program for their son.
Duffy Hambleton
Based on the life of Kitty O'Neil, a young girl who overcame her deafness to become one of the top stuntwomen in Hollywood, and the holder of the women's land-speed record for driving a rocket-powered racing car.
Two policemen are suspected of excessive violence and causing two deaths. The investigation brings to light, little by little, the whole truth.
Kevin Leahy
A former priest, now an exorcist, battles the satanic forces that are threatening the students at a girls school.
Mitzi Gaynor in a song and dance hour with an all-male, star-studded ensemble featuring her main guests Michael Landon (Little House on the Prairie) and Jack Albertson (Chico and the Man), plus 28 celebrities as her "Million Dollar Chorus." Songs performed include: "I Got the Music in Me," "The Most Beautiful Guy in the World," and "You Are the Sunshine of My Life."
Vince Rossi
Vince Rossi is a cop who has been asked by the department to go undercover. Part of the process was being dismissed from the department and being branded a dirty cop. And his first job is to go after a mob boss.
Eddie Holcomb
A claustrophobic armed robber, fleeing from his latest job, finds himself trapped with a group of people between floors in a high-rise building's elevator that is teetering on collapse.
Gino Rico
A Mafia chief is torn between his brother, who has defected from the family, and his loyalty to the organization.
John Danbury
The daughter of a wealthy family is kidnapped and imprisoned underground in a custom-built, ventilated coffin while her family and the police search for her. But the battery that powers the ventilation is running out of juice and the ransom drop has been botched. This movie was originally shown as an ABC Movie of the Week on September 12, 1972. The story is based on the 1968 kidnapping of Barbara Mackle by Gary Krist.
Bruno Cardini
Karin studies music in Rome and falls in love with Bruno. She learns that he is married and therefore returns to Sweden. She meets David. They marry and have a daughter. David is sent to Rome. Karin meets Bruno again.
David Harris
Натали Миллер всегда считала себя некрасивой девушкой. Мама с детства уверяла ее, что когда она вырастет, превратится в настоящую красавицу, но Натали знала, что такого никогда не случится. После окончания школы она покидает родительский дом и в поисках собственного «я» и сказочной любви отправляется в большой город. В Нью-Йорке на Гринвич-Виллидж она снимает квартиру у эксцентричной хозяйки и устраивается на работу в ночной клуб. Вскоре она знакомится с художником Дэвидом Харрисом, но он не так прост, как кажется…
Neil Darrell
A student radical, accused of murdering a cop during a campus revolt, welcomes a court confrontation and then refuses to take the stand, despite the urging of the three high-priced lawyers he has hired to represent him in this second pilot of "The Lawyers," a rotating segment of "The Bold Ones" series.
Neil Darrell
A young man is arrested on suspicion of sabotaging the plane of his girlfriend's father, a wealthy man who despises him.
Chris Patton
A playboy golf pro, kicked off the circuit for alleged cheating, is forced to hustle for a living.
David Wheelright
An eccentric Los Angeles dowager decides to fight back when her two greedy daughters attempt to have her declared legally insane.
Three young outlaws try to stay together and keep one step ahead of the law.
Taff Malloy
A headstrong aviatrix enters and international air race to save her father's foundering business and to soothe the heart of an old flame who returned home with a new wife in tow.
A man, who lives alone in his apartment, finds his ideal woman while going to the symphony. He dates her and brings her to his pad, only to find out she came to the symphony on a ticket she got from a co-worker.
Happy Loman
Пьеса «Смерть коммивояжера», поставленная в 1949, по праву считается лучшей Миллера. Она получила Пулитцеровскую премию, премию Объединения нью-йоркских театральных критиков.Главный герой пьесы шестидесятилетний коммивояжер Вилли Ломен – романтик бизнеса, для которого человеческие отношения важнее коммерческих. В реальной жизни - он неудачник, в вымышленной — он молод и двери возможностей открыты для него. Он хочет, чтобы сыновья преуспели в жизни. Но Биф, прекрасно учившийся в школе, вдруг сник, сейчас успех от него дальше, чем в начале самостоятельного пути. Хэппи также повторяет судьбу отца — строит воздушные замки, надеясь, что оптимизм и белозубая улыбка обязательно приведут к богатству. Причина в том, что в коммерческий успех нельзя играть, он далек от дешевого оптимизма и набора стандартных фраз вроде: «В деловом мире главное — внешность и обаяние».
В 11 веке могущественный герцог Вильгельм отправляет своего доверенного рыцаря Крисагона с отрядом воинов защищать Нормандское побережье от грабежей и налётов фризов. Попав в деревню, тот хочет забрать в наложницы на правах феодального владыки приёмную дочь деревенского старосты, но неожиданно влюбляется в неё.
1945, on an old cargo ship somewhere deep in the Pacific ocean: Captain Morton strives to become commander, so he demands the maximum quality of work from his crew, without granting them any freedom or favors - ignoring that they're thousand of miles away from the front. In one word: he drives his crew crazy. They are near mutiny, but no-one dares to do the first step. Until Ensign Pulver plays a prank on the captain that triggers fatal consequences...
Charlie Perone
An axe murderer is loose in a small New England town.