Mary Marquet

Mary Marquet

Рождение : 1895-04-14, Leningrad, USSR [now St. Petersburg, Russia]

Смерть : 1979-08-29


Mary Marquet (born Micheline Marguerite Delphine Marquet; 14 April 1895 – 29 August 1979) was a French stage and film actress. Marquet came from a family of artists: her parents were actors, an aunt was a star dancer at the Paris Opera, and another was an official at the Comédie-Française. She entered the National Superior Conservatory of Dramatic Art in 1913 and studied under Paul Mounet. She failed her final exams, but was immediately engaged in the company of Sarah Bernhardt, who was a great friend of the family. She went on play alongside her in The Eugene Morand cathedral. She became established with her role in L'Aiglon by Edmond Rostand, whose mistress she became from 1915 to his death in 1918. She made her film debut in 1914 in a silent film, Les Frères ennemis, which was never finished. Her first major film role was in Sappho, produced by Léonce Perret in 1932. After World War I, she joined the Comédie-Française in 1923 where she stayed for over twenty years, before moving to the boulevard Theatre. During the World War II, throughout the occupation, she sought the protection of German officers to protect her son who had told her of his intention to join the Resistance. The response was his arrest and deportation to Buchenwald concentration camp where he died aged 21. This was possibly the cause of her problems at the time of the Liberation when, due to her alleged relations with the enemy, Marquet was arrested and sent to Drancy and then to Fresnes. She was later released for lack of evidence. In the 1950s, she turned to poetry recital, while continuing her career in theater on the boulevards. She worked for ORTF in the Maigret episodes of Les Cinq Dernières Minutes and Les Saintes Chéries and in the television adaptation of Lucien Leuwen, the novel by Stendhal. Parallel to her acting career, as an antiquarian she ran a stand for many years at the Swiss Village, an important antique market in Paris where she demonstrated her skills as a saleswoman, mixing theatrical memorabilia with commercial interests. Among her most successful parts in over forty films, were her roles in, Landru in 1962, Claude Chabrol, La Grande Vadrouille in 1966 by Gérard Oury, and Casanova in 1975 by Federico Fellini. After these three minor parts she played important roles in La vie de château (1966) the mother of Philippe Noiret and the stepmother of Catherine Deneuve and the Le malin plaisir (1975) with Claude Jade and Anny Duperey. Mary Marquet and Victor Francen on their wedding day in 1934. Her first lover was Edmond Rostand around 1915, living together for three years. In 1920 she married Maurice Escande, the future director of the house of Molière, ending in divorce in 1921, before meeting Firmin Gémier, the director of the new Théâtre National Populaire, who was still married but whose wife was barren. In 1922, Marquet gave birth to their son. Before the death of Gémier in 1933, Marquet became the mistress of the president of the then Council, André Tardieu, in a semi-official liaison. Having broken up with Tardieu, she married Victor Francen. The couple separated after seven years together. Marquet died of heart attack at the age of 84 in her apartment in the Rue Carpeaux, She is buried in Montmartre Cemetery. Source: Article "Mary Marquet" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Mary Marquet


Une fille cousue de fil blanc
The grandmother
A young girl dies in an accident just before her wedding. But when her sister starts to look into it, she discovers the truth about her.
Казанова Феллини
Созданная Федерико Феллини кинематографическая версия безумной жизни известного итальянского авантюриста XVIII столетия Джакомо Казановы, путешествующего по городам Европы и проповедующего бессмертную любовь. Среди множеств его любовниц — монахиня, горбатая нимфоманка и старая ведьма, которая убеждена в том, что секс с Казановой повлечет за собой ее превращение в мужчину.
Le malin plaisir
Madame Mère
Чудесный визит
la duchesse
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Par ici la monnaie
La propriétaire
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Взбесившийся барашек
Mrs. Hermens
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Bruno: Sunday's Child
Michel's mother
The weekend of August 15th gives the opportunity to Michel Fauvet, a recently divorced father, to spend two full days with Bruno, his thirteen-year-old son, that he can normally see only one Sunday a month. Feeling guilty, he tries to compensate for the trauma inflicted to Bruno by giving him presents. This time around, Michel has decided to treat him to a nice trip to Bruges and the Belgian Coast. Which will not prevent Bruno from asking his father disturbing questions.
In the absence of her royal husband Theseus, thought to be dead, Phaedra declares her love to Hippolyte, Theseus's son from a previous marriage.
Ох, уж этот дед!
La Duchesse
История о том, как старый ветеринар Жерико приглашает погостить к себе в деревню своего внука Жака и его жену Мари, собирающихся разводиться, и всеми способами пытается помирить их.
Boys and Girls
Tante Berthe
Ten young people (six boys and four girls), most of whom students, rent a house in bad repair and set about living together. The experience is not obvious and the ten tenants have to cope with more than one difficulty. But they also have their moments. Things really go awry when Françoise, an unmarried girl, is forced to deliver the baby she carries prematurely and when Solange, the lonely girl of the group, attempts suicide. Shortly afterwards, the group learns that the house is due for demolition. They decide to take advantage of this opportunity to face adult life individually.
Большая прогулка
The mother superior
Небо над Парижем, 1942 год. Английский бомбардировщик, выполняющий важное задание, подбит немцами. Летчики покидают горящую машину, договариваясь встретиться через некоторое время в турецкой бане. Один из них приземляется на крыше дома, где работает парижский маляр Огюстен Буве.Другой падает на крышу Гранд-Опера и прячется вместе с парашютом в апартаментах главного дирижера. А командир экипажа сэр Реджинальд «приводняется» в зоопарке — в пруду с тюленями.
Садовник из Аржантей
Совершенно счастливый садовник Мартен растит свой сад и избегает суеты современной жизни. И только одна страсть каждую ночь поглощает его целиком. Мартен печатает фальшивые деньги! Вот уже 20 лет он рисует только мелкие купюры. Зачем старику большие деньги? Но его крестники так не думают. В планах молодой парочки красивая жизнь не берегу моря, такая манящая и желанная, словно новые купюры с большим количеством нулей, которые сделает для них счастливый человек, дядюшка Мартен…
Les combinards
Mme Florenne, la marieuse
French comedy
Жизнь богачей
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Marie-Angélique Guillain
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Мы поедем в Довиль
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Люсьен и Дюбуа вместе с женами уезжают в отпуск на море в Дювиль. Но сразу же начинаются неприятности: арендуемая вилла совсем разрушена, их багаж, отправленный поездом теряется, на море они встречают патрона Люсьена и постоянно под ногами путается один суетливый отдыхающий…
Арсен Люпен против Арсена Люпена
Elisabeth de Moldavie
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Drôles de phénomènes
The Flying Grandmother
Since the day their mother Aline remarried, Patrice and Eric, a joyful pair of twins, have been very happy. Indeed, François Chantour, their stepfather, is very kind and behaves like a big brother to them. Even if they are not very rich, the four of them live a cheerful life in their charming house. The trouble is that, in Lyon, the family on the boys'father's side are worried, especially the twins' grandmother, who fears Patrice and Eric are given a bad education. She therefore brings them to her big house in the hope of their improving their manners. A very unfortunate decision indeed.
Quelle sacrée soirée
Colonelle Dupont
Jean Duclos has extraordinary adventures after taking the train and mistakenly taking the luggage of a young dancer, Lola Wanda. An oil tycoon appoints him as a proxy for his future company, and then he marries his beautiful cousin, Suzy.
Закон улиц
Madame Blain
A young delinquent wants to lead an honest life again.
Maid in Paris
Mme. Bernemal
A young boarder meets a captain.
Люди в белом
Mme. Ledragon
В парижской клинике, в её палатах и операционной, на трудной практике в глухой провинции видим мы героев фильма — врачей, молодых, которые ещё учатся, проходят практику, и старых, у которых за плечами годы непрестанной борьбы с человеческими страданиями. Жан Нерак заканчивает свое медицинское образование, уверенный в успешной карьере и уезжает в провинциальный городок Овернь, где он должен пройти практику у пожилого врача. Простота и поддержка последнего гарантируют, что молодой доктор получит большое уважение к нему.
Тайны Версаля
Madame de Maintenon
Остроумная история Версальского Дворца, основанного королем Луи XIII, разросшимся при деспотичном Луи XIV, разграбленном во время французской революции, после рассказа о которой фильм переносит нас в современность.
Minuit... Quai De Bercy
La vieille Madame Vignot
Lettre ouverte
Laurence, the mother-in-law
Martial, Colette 's husband, is madly jealous. One day, he catches his wife writing a letter and he does want to know what this message contains, to no avail.
Piédalu fait des miracles
The inhabitants of Marboue-Chambourcy want a swimming pool, and the difficulties in realizing this expensive dream divide the village into two clans: on one side the women, on the other the men. Piedalu, whom this conflict desolates, discovers by chance, as part of a found bicycle, a fortune in gold coins.
Drôle de noce
Madame Aglaé
Mr and Mrs Barbezat,Concierges are to marry their only daughter to a butcher's boy. Both the in-laws and the groom have an obsession: come what may, they are keen on honoring their engagements: promises are made to be kept is their motto. And when, on the wedding day, the unfortunate parents cannot provide the newly weds with...the "Mérinos" mattress which is part of the bride's Trousseau ,they are desperate. The husband will spend the whole wedding festivities trying to keep his word.
Foyer perdu
Madame Barbentin mother
A brave and talkative wine merchant, Eugène Barbentin drives his son Pierrot out of the family home, because he has given birth to his girlfriend. His wife then reveals to him that he is not Pierrot's father and she flees with her lover. Abandoned, Eugene will be saved by his mother who will restore the situation with energy and determination.
Un jour avec vous
Estelle de Marsans
The young Mathilde de Marsan, believes she is in love with a singer, Philippe Mazières, and steals his photo. This one, who had written a song start, searches for this photo as far as the castle of Geoffroy and Estelle de Marsan, where Mathilde's uncle and aunt take him for the husband of one of their guests, Claude Cartier. and will finally marry her while Georges, Claude's ex-fiancé will fall in love with his hosts' niece, Mathilde.
Le 84 prend des vacances
Gaston Bernod is a Parisian bus driver. Honest, upright and hard-working, he is held in high esteem by his superiors. Gaston has always pampered "his" bus, going as far as to equip it with a fuel-saving device of his invention. Very close to his vehicle, he may have somewhat neglected his wife Paulette, who lets herself got round by the smooth words of Pierrot. The gigolo has indeed managed to persuade her to follow him to the Mont Saint-Michel, "a wonderful nest for their burgeoning love" as he says. The trouble is that Gaston, while driving his dear 84, catches sight of the car, and suddenly aware of his misfortune, sees red. He immediately sets off in pursuit of the culprits, involving his load of helpless passengers in the chase.
Forbidden to the Public
Gabrielle Tristan
Hervé Montagne, a famous but awfully self-satisfied playwright, is furious when he learns that the actress signed to lead in his latest play will not be able to play the part on account of pregnancy. All the more as no other great actress is available. Well, in fact there IS one, Gabrielle Tristan, a great name of the French stage. The only trouble is that she is Hervé's ex-wife and that they have not been on speaking terms for ten tears.
Fanny Legrand
During a transvestite ball, a young provincial meets Fanny Legrand. A great love is born between them. Later, the young man learns that Fanny was a great coquette. He leaves her, he comes back, he forgives. But when he embarks for America, Fanny does not follow him.
The Clairvoyant
Madame Detaille
Jean is thrown out of the house by his father, a remarried politician, out of jealousy for his friendship with his mother-in-law. He finds refuge at an artist's apartment. In the same building lives a famous fortune teller that the mother-in-law just happens to consult. With her help, Jean will be able to marry his young sweetheart and his father will solve his political troubles.
De medeminaars
Two brothers - fishermen - fall for the same girl. So one decides to kill the other. But the attempt fails.