Loredana Caldarola


Edoné – Eva’s Syndrome
Makeup & Hair
Made by young people for young people, La Sindrome di Eva is a tale of adventure and erotica that tries to create a new point of view and helps the discussion on sexual themes and sexual education. Five contemporary young adults run away from a party with no boundaries after the arrival of the police. They run through the woods until they find refuge in a strange house that seems to belong to the sexual revolution of the ’70s. Erotic objects and portraits, a mysterious diary and a long-forgotten family secret are just the beginning of a journey of self-discovery.
Бесконечная ночь
Makeup & Hair
Криминальный авторитет Горо планирует ограбить семью Россини. Но Горо и его головорезы не знают, что у Россини в гостях опытный агент, который борется не только за спасение заложников и добычи, а и за свою семью.
Due piccoli italiani
Makeup Department Head
The daring journey through Europe of two somewhat naive friends, Salvatore and Felice, fleeing a small town in Puglia, who find themselves catapulted to Rotterdam and then to Iceland. For the first time in their lives they will discover what it means to feel alive and happy. Through some mishap and with the help of the generous and extravagant Anke, they will overcome their fears and inhibitions. They will be overwhelmed by life, discovering the joy of existing and of experiencing and receiving affection and love in a strange triangle of relationships typical of a 'modern family', bizarre and reassuring at the same time.
Makeup Artist
Франческо с двумя дочерьми переезжает в загородный особняк. Старшая дочь тяжело больна. Она не встает с постели и за ней присматривает медсестра. Периодически у нее случаются приступы во время которых затрудняется дыхание. Младшая дочь часто убегает в лес и прячется в доме. Но Франческо больше нужно беспокоиться не о дочерях.
Nomi e cognomi
Makeup Artist