Bobby Good


Artist and filmmaker Julian Rosefeldt creates elaborately staged films that investigate the power of language and the conventions of cinema as an allegory for societal and individual behaviors. With the multi-channel film installation Euphoria he continues this examination by exploring capitalism, colonialism, and the influential effects of unlimited economic growth in society.
Everything Will Change
In a dystopian 2054, three young rebels go on a journey to find traces of the long lost beauty of nature, hoping to discover what happened to their planet.
"Borga" is Better. A Borga is a Ghanaian abroad living an excessive wealthy lifestyle. At least that's what they want everyone to believe.
What does the past of a distant future look like? A distant future to which humankind will be driven by the forces of neoliberal capitalism, climate change, populism, and the pervasive intrusion of one’s private sphere through digital technology? Julian Rosefeldt’s film Penumbra is not a work of science fiction. Instead, it points to our current situation, albeit within a fictious framework that paves the way for a paradoxical enigma: who will we be when we are gone?
Favorite Persons
Everyone needs a favorite person. So Jule and Darius want to try again together. A joint trip to the country should help. However, Jule gets cold feet and as a precaution invites a few friends over. The excursion gets into trouble. The five friends are the classic elephant in a china shop and demonstrate how the search for this one favorite person shouldn't be approached.
Это увлекательное и остроумное путешествие по истории искусства XX века, фильм-перформанс, фильм-коллаж, в котором Кейт Бланшетт, двукратная обладательница премии «Оскар», перевоплощается в 13 разных персонажей. Среди них школьный учитель, хореограф, кукловод, ведущий новостей, вдова и бездомный. Все они своими эффектными монологами ставят под сомнение роль художника в современном обществе. Проецируя идеи футуристов, дадаистов, художников «Флуксуса», супрематистов, ситуационистов и других творцов через свое видение, режиссер Роузефельдт дарит новую жизнь знаменитым и менее известным манифестам, авторы которых выражали желание
This Ain't California
A retrospective look at the youth cultures born in the German Democratic Republic. A celebration of the lust for life, a contemporary trip into the world of skate, a tale on three heroes and their boards, from their childhood in the seventies, through their teenage rebellion in the eighties and the summer of 1989, when their life changed forever, to 2011.
Rammstein: The making of the album