Forbes Collins


Forbes Collins


Duel of Hearts
Lady Caroline Faye meets Lord Vane Brecon and is attracted to him. When she finds out that he is being accused of a murder he did not commit, she sets out to prove him innocent
The Lady and the Highwayman
Set in old England, Hugh Grant ("Four Weddings & a Funeral", "Notting Hill") plays a highwayman who steals from the rich and gives to the poor. But during one of his robberies, he falls in love with an aristocratic lady, Emma Samms ("Star Quest", "Delirious"). Now, he is forced to choose between his true love or his true cause. This swash-buckling romantic adventure will have you on the edge of your seat with every swing of Hugh's savage sword.
Страна чудес
John Schlesinger
16-летний Эдди сбегает из дома, где его постоянно унижал отец. Со своим другом Майклом (они оба геи) они на гей-дискотеке под названием «Фруктовый автомат» видят как киллер убивает хозяина дискотеки. Они убегают, но киллер преследует их... При этом денег у них нет, приходится подрабатывать. Один из них не гнушается секса с пожилым мужиком. Фильм построен на хитрости одного и простоватости другого.
German Soldier
Молодой ньюйоркец Джим Фергусон переносится по предсказанию некоего полковника Рэймонда из нынешних времён в годы первой мировой войны, на германский фронт, где помогает английскому лётчику Джеймсу Бигглзуорту по прозвищу Бигглз сражаться с немцами. Там появляется и упомянутый полковник Рэймонд, который представляет, на самом-то деле, секретную службу.
Doctor Who: Vengeance on Varos
Chief Officer
When the TARDIS is in need of repairs, the Doctor and Peri are forced to land on Varos, a mining planet whose population is entertained and enslaved by a sadistic system of public torture and execution, and find themselves the latest unwilling subjects in this most extreme form of reality TV.
Black Carrion
Two journalists search for a rock band that was popular 20 years ago but just seemed to have vanished and was never heard from again. Their investigation leads them to discover more about the band than they bargained for.
The Amazing Miss Stella Estelle
Stella, 14, works nights. She sings 60s numbers between the stripper with a snake and gorgeous Doris in working men's clubs. She knows what makes her act a success, but does she want to be the sole breadwinner for her family?
New Tenant
Юная красавица-крестьянка Тэсс неожиданно узнаёт, что в её жилах течёт благородная кровь норманнских рыцарей. По воле родителей девушка уезжает жить к новообретённым состоятельным родственникам. Там она сталкивается с обольстительным кузеном Алеком, который не прочь воспользоваться невинностью Тэсс.
Black Joy
1st Immigration Officer
An innocent and unsophisticated Guyanese immigrant is exposed to the hustlin' way of life in the Brixton ghetto.
Intimate Games
A university professor opens a sexual Pandora's box when he hands his class an assignment to explore their deepest carnal fantasies and desires. As the students begin to plumb their secret passions, they find themselves propelled into an erotic world where theory soon yields to practice.
The Love-Girl and the Innocent
A BBC television adaptation of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's novel. The prisoner Nemov is an honest man serving a term of 10 years for violations of Article 58. Nemov falls in love with Lyuba, who is having sex with the camp doctor Mereshchun, in exchange for better food and living conditions.