Gülistan Acet


Сторож брату своему
Юсуф и его лучший друг Мемо учатся в интернате для курдских мальчиков. Когда друга поражает непонятная болезнь, Юсуф пытается помочь своему товарищу, убеждая руководство школы в необходимости срочного лечения. Когда же руководство, наконец, понимает, насколько серьёзно болен Мемо и соглашается перевезти его в больницу, школа оказывается погребённой под слоем внезапно выпавшего снега. Времени остаётся всё меньше, а помощи ждать неоткуда, и тогда ученики и учителя начинают «игру в обвинения», вытаскивая на свет обиды, проступки и тщательно скрывавшиеся тайны.
New Wine In Old Bottle
The medical team that came to the village in the late 1990s placed an intrauterine contraceptive device in all women with at least three children. As the men of the village sit down and ponder what the device worn by the women is, they conclude that the state has wired them through a series of misunderstandings. Until this misunderstanding is cleared up, everything in the village is set to change.
New Wine In Old Bottle
The medical team that came to the village in the late 1990s placed an intrauterine contraceptive device in all women with at least three children. As the men of the village sit down and ponder what the device worn by the women is, they conclude that the state has wired them through a series of misunderstandings. Until this misunderstanding is cleared up, everything in the village is set to change.
The Fall from Heaven
The Death of Black Horses
A callow country doctor, with 2 brothers have a journey to another city for healing their other brother who’s in the jail. But they are in the Kurdish area of Ottoman Empire (1914), just before great war and Armenian genocide, they have to pass a vanished world before their brother died.