Oliver Smith

Рождение : 1952-05-29,


Leviathan: The Story of Hellbound: Hellraiser II
Leviathan: The Story of Hellbound: Hellraiser II is a feature length documentary uncovering the history and the making of Clive Barker's Hellbound: Hellraiser II. Released on three DVDs, part two looks in-depth at Hellbound.
Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II
Narrator / Himself
Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II is a feature length documentary uncovering the history and the making of Clive Barker's Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II films.
Tale of a Vampire
Alex (Julian Sands) is a lonely, centuries old vampire wandering the streets of London. The only woman he ever loved was lost to him centuries ago...but there's a new woman in his life, a woman named Ann who bears an extraordinary resemblance to Virginia, the young girl Alex once loved. Ann has recently lost a love of her own to a fiery car crash, and lives deep in her own gray depression. After an anonymous letter leads her to a new job in an occult library, Ann begins a slow, hesitant courtship with Alex, whom she finds both attractive and a little spooky. Alex, confused and jaded (and also unable to refrain from imagining himself feeding on Ann) holds her at arms length. But the fears and emotions of Alex and Ann are not the only complications in their relationship. There's another man stalking them both...a man named Edgar, who was once married to Virginia and has been looking for Alex for a very long time.
Восставший из ада 2: Обречённый на ад
Frank the Monster
В наш мир возвращается мачеха Кристины Джулия, сгинувшая в геенне огненной в финале "Восставшего из ада". Для восстановления своего физического облика ей приходится использовать те же малоприглядные средства, что в свое время и Фрэнку... В это же время Кристина, содержащаяся в психиатрической лечебнице, решает спасти своего томящегося в потусторонней неволе отца, для чего ей снова необходимо проникнуть за ту не всегда видимую и не всегда прочную грань, которая отделяет мир живых от мира не очень живых...
Восставший из ада
Frank the Monster
Расставив вокруг себя зажженные свечи, Фрэнк открывает купленную им на восточном базаре старинную шкатулку. Легенда гласит, что живущие в ней демоны могут доставить владельцу неописуемые наслаждения. Но Фрэнк не мог и предположить, что эта шкатулка — ключ к вратам Ада.
Doctor Who: The Twin Dilemma
A race of giant Gastropods has taken over the planet Jaconda. Their leader, Mestor, now intends to cause an enormous explosion in order to spread his people's eggs throughout the galaxy, and he kidnaps juvenile twin geniuses from Earth to work out the necessary mathematical equations. Space fighters led by Lieutenant Hugo Lang are dispatched to get the twins back, but they come under attack and Lang is the sole survivor when his ship crashes on the asteroid Titan III. A newly regenerated Doctor and Peri become involved and help Jaconda's elderly former ruler Professor Edgeworth, who is really a Time Lord named Azmael, to defeat Mestor and free the planet's bird-like indigenous people from the gastropods' reign of terror. Azmael, however, sacrifices his life in the process.
Riding High
Burt Ganja
Riding High is a 1981 British drama film directed by Ross Cramer and starring Eddie Kidd, Irene Handl and Murray Salem. The screenplay concerns a bored young motorcycle messenger who begins training to take part in a major competition.
Times are hard for habitual guest of Her Majesty Norman Stanley Fletcher. The new prison officer, Beale, makes MacKay look soft and what's more, an escape plan is hatching from the cell of prison godfather Grouty and Fletcher wants no part of it.
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Ratting Assistant
Входящий в высшее британское общество Эдвард Пирс на деле хитроумный преступник, задумавший присвоить 25 тысяч фунтов в золотых слитках, отправленных поездом из Лондона на Крымскую войну. Для этого Пирсу и его партнеру Роберту Эгару нужно сделать копии четырех ключей от сейфа, а также совершить еще ряд восхитительно-дерзких манипуляций...
K is for Killing
A husband and wife team are hired to protect an eccentric millionaire from an assassin but a series of murders follows.