Christophe Perez

Christophe Perez

Рождение : 1974-01-05, Le Havre, France


Christophe Perez


Убийство в Пон-Л'Эвек
В 50-е годы тюрьму "Пон-л'Эвек" называли "Счастливая тюрьма". Это было легендарное заведение, начальник которого хотел, чтобы его любили, а не боялись. Заключенные могли свободно общаться по телефону, распоряжаться своими деньгами, навещать подруг или жен, устраивать вечеринки, уходить в отпуск и награждать себя грамотами за хорошее поведение. В память об этом образцовом исправительном учреждении лейтенант жандармерии Жюльен Руссель, президент общества "Счастливая тюрьма", организует в прием. Гости одеты в костюмы 50-х годов в память о тех днях, когда тюрьма была дружелюбным местом. Праздник в самом разгаре, но в склепе находят повешенного человека в тюремной робе. Жертва - судья Даниэль, 68-летний наследник знатной семьи Пон-л'Эвек…
Various stories of youthful affection crossover at a promiscuous Parisian house party of nonchalant 20-somethings.
A man deafened by an accident begins to hear the thoughts of other people and uses the ability to investigate the disappearance of a missing girl.
Память крови
Acheteur Break
Луиза, 32-летняя анестезиолог, ведет мирную счастливую жизнь с мужем, педиатром, и двумя детьми в городе Гавр на севере Франции. Этот идиллический мир внезапно рушится, когда полиция обнаруживает тело ее отчима, залитое в цементную плиту на строительной площадке гавани. Мишель Вассер, второй муж ее матери, который воспитывал ее с детства, неожиданно покинул семью 18 лет назад, и с тех пор о нем ничего не было слышно...
The mood is heated. Demonstrations are taking place across France, also in front of the Paris hotel where an Italian named Giorgio is booking the bridal suite for him and his boyfriend Antonio. Hotel manager Diana doesn’t trust them and calls the police to get rid of the odd couple. Italians? Homosexuals? Criminals? In the charged atmosphere of the Hotel Occidental, little is needed for initial suspicions to be aroused.
Voyoucratie is FGKO’s new film project. It’s a dramatic fiction about a young gangster’s chaotic path into life crushed by a criminal universe that he can’t escape from. It’s also about a frozen portrait of a youth trapped by a system that leads you to delinquency as the only way to exist. The pitch: Sam, a little bandit, finds himself trapped by a corrupted police officer who forces him to get information about Ali, one of the high crime boss known to be very dangerous.
Dirty Kids
Pool caretaker
French seniors enroll in summer camp.
Armed man
Ten years after a terrible disease has killed the majority of the human race, Stanislas Merrick, a former boxing champion, survives alone near a lake. In this world without humanity, his motivation to keep living starts to fade. His meaningless existence will be changed forever when he meets Esther, a teenager running from a refugee camp.
Where Horses Go to Die
Daniel is an artist who has lost his desire to paint. An unexpected meeting with three « working girls » one evening marks the beginning of a surreal adventure. Later that night, the wildest dreams and the worst nightmares of his three new muses unravel in his imagination.
Dragon Ball Z: The Fall of Men
The World isn't like it's supposed to be. Something happened along the way. With these words TRUNKS reminds himself the arrival of CELL, the loss of his friends and his training for combat. While he knows he doesn't have any chance, he will try to make the difference and bring back the lost hope.
Japanese writer Kyoko Murakai comes to in Paris with the purpose of meeting “mythic Parisian women” and uncover the secret of their fulfilling lifestyles, which, she hopes, will serve as an inspiration for the main character of her next novel. This literary and sentimental saga, is also for Kyoko an attempt to emancipate herself from a still misogynistic Japanese society.
Papa Oom Mow Mow
Rouen in 1986. Out of love, out of boredom, by chance, by a miracle, or perhaps by mistake, Franck suffers a capillary shock that will change his life in his rainy town.
Zeus le chat
Clement, a 60 years old teacher, retires and live alone with his Cat Zeus. One night, the cat becomes a man to entertain Clement in his loneliness and to help him accept his true sexual attraction.
Little Gay Boy
A young gay boy, from his birth to his teenage years, in which he experiments his sexuality and his own boundaries, to the day he finally meets his father. In three acts: Act I — L'Annonciation or The Conception of a Little Gay Boy (2011); Act II — Little Gay Boy, ChrisT is Dead (2012); and Act III — Holy Thursday (The Last Supper) (2013).