Martin Ivanov


5pm Seaside
On the day of his 40th birthday, Nikos, a solitary truck driver, arrives on a remote beach somewhere in the north of Greece. He is there to meet his former lover Christos, whom he hasn't seen since their military days.
Крепкая дружба двух девочек-подростков начинает отравлять им жизнь, когда они выкладывают в интернет интимное видео с участием одноклассницы, после чего та исчезает.
Крепкая дружба двух девочек-подростков начинает отравлять им жизнь, когда они выкладывают в интернет интимное видео с участием одноклассницы, после чего та исчезает.
Only Human
What is Man? “Homo” shows six faces, six phases in cleverly- connected, blackly comic episodes as desperate characters meet unwittingly in a modern metropole in the eternal search for the means to survive, and find some kind of love. The jobless graduate becomes a grave digger, the grieving widow a nun, the priests gamble and gangsters rule the courts. Only the lonely child may find some affection when hope springs eternal.
TM is a film about loneliness, about having faith in the impossible, a criticism of society and politics as the main culprit for the disappearance of the individual, for the disappearance of a person who is an entire world.
TM is a film about loneliness, about having faith in the impossible, a criticism of society and politics as the main culprit for the disappearance of the individual, for the disappearance of a person who is an entire world.
После неудачной попытки продлить регистрацию автомобиля 37-летний Деян оказывается в бюрократической ловушке, которая подвергает испытанию его решимость быть хорошим отцом.
All Against All
A political drama with elements of a thriller discusses politics, electoral fraud, and the decay of moral values, taking place in the fictional town of Rovte under the idyllic Alps. Franta, a corrupt mayor, is about to lose the election. After a TV debate, where he fails utterly, Franta calls his mistress Jozica in desperation. She advises him to seek the aid of Fleischmann, a criminal who is the only one capable of solving the problem on such short notice. After all, there are only four days left until the elections.
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Assistant Editor
В отдаленной македонской деревне Хатидзе занимается пчеловодством и заботится о своей матери, прикованной к постели. Однажды по соседству селится кочевое семейство, и в безмятежный мир Хатидзе вторгаются рычание двигателей, семеро непоседливых детей и 150 коров.