Ko Kwan-jae


Our Midnight
The lover of a ruined actor announces that she is leaving him to marry someone else; while a young woman becomes the subject of various rumors after denouncing her boyfriend for violence.
Good Person
High school teacher Gyeongseok agrees to look after his daughter Yunhui for his ex-wife’s sudden request. He brings Yunhui with him to the school where he works. There, he leaves Yunhui alone in the car briefly, and when he returns she’s gone. Later, Yunhui is found after having been grievously injured in a car accident. The driver of the truck that hit her, however, indicates that Seik, one of Gyeongseok’s students, was the true cause of the accident.
Go Dal-soo
A prostitute steals a billion won from her pimp and is found dead in the river. While his pimp seeks to recover the money, he enlists the help of a policeman. After suffering a car accident, this policeman stops at a mysterious retreat, which worships an incarnate goddess in the body of a child.
Обычное корейское семейство жизнь не балует. Приходится жить в сыром грязном полуподвале, воровать интернет у соседей и перебиваться случайными подработками. Однажды друг сына семейства, уезжая на стажировку за границу, предлагает тому заменить его и поработать репетитором у старшеклассницы в богатой семье Пак. Подделав диплом о высшем образовании, парень отправляется в шикарный дизайнерский особняк и производит на хозяйку дома хорошее впечатление. Тут же ему в голову приходит необычный план по трудоустройству сестры.
The Land on the Waves
Munseong goes to Gunsan for the first time in 30 years upon hearing his father Gwangdeok is dying. Gwangdeok’s death brings Munseong and his son Dojin together, but they are unable to reconcile. Painful history repeats in father-son relationship.