Kevyn Morrow

Kevyn Morrow


Kevyn Morrow


Estella Scrooge
Jasper Jaggers
Estella Scrooge is a Wall Street tycoon with a penchant for foreclosing. A hotelier in her hometown of Pickwick, Ohio has defaulted on his mortgage and as a Christmas gift to herself, Estella decides to deliver the sad news in person. Arriving at the Harthouse Hotel on Christmas Eve, Estella discovers that the mortgage holder is none other than her childhood sweetheart, Pip Nickleby. Always the humanitarian, Pip has generously transformed the property into a refuge for the distraught, disabled and displaced. A freak snowstorm forces Estella, much to her dismay, to take refuge at Harthouse. That night, as it happened to her ancestor Ebenezer long ago, she too is haunted by three visitations. And oh what uninvited overnight houseguests they are!
Al / James Haupt / Ensemble
In 1945, as America's soldiers come home to ticker-tape parades and overjoyed families, Private First Class Donny Novitski, singer and songwriter, returns to rebuild his life with only the shirt on his back and a dream in his heart. When NBC announces a national competition to find the nation's next great musical superstars, inspiration strikes! Donny joins forces with a motley group of fellow veterans, forming a band unlike any the nation has ever seen. Along the way, they discover the power of music to face the impossible, find their voice and finally feel like they have a place to call home.
В фильме рассказана история о том, как молодой человек Кэлвин, получивший в наследство от отца парикмахерскую вскоре продает ее местному богачу, который хочет превратить ее в стрип-клуб. Позже поняв, что парикмахерская была для людей не только местом для стрижек, но и местом для общения, Кэлвин пытается найти способы сохранить парикмахерскую.
Остаться в живых
Прошло пять лет, а лихорадка субботнего вечера в жизни Тони Манеро — героя культовой одноименной киноленты, продолжается — на этот раз ему предстоит покорить вершину под названием Бродвей.