Yang Hee-hwa


Costume Design
Сеул, 1994 год. 14-летняя Ын-хи любит рисовать манхву, и гулять со своим парнем. Учителя в школе строгие, старший брат высокомерен, родители слишком заняты на работе, чтобы обращать внимание на проблемы детей, и только новая учительница китайского в летней школе вдруг оказывается понимающей и внимательной, чем сразу завоёвывает доверие Ын-хи.
A Diamond in the Rough
Costume Design
A man with criminal past makes a promise to his mother to turn his life around after he realizes how miserable he has made her.
Costume Design
Главная героиня фильма «Наблюдающий» работает начальником отдела стратегического планирования в крупной фирме. В этом большом здании повсюду камеры, что должно обеспечивать безопасность людей. Но что если кто-то использует их для своих целей? Так, наша героиня остается одна в большом здании, запертая и под слежкой одного с виду милого охранника, который всего-то хочет романтики, правда ему совсем неважно хочет ли близости объект его преследования.
Autumn Sonata
Costume Design
It is said that time is equal to everyone but things are different to Suryeon who turns 30. She doesn't have much time to live. Her dad died from disease when she was young. She expects the same path.
Шпион на полставки
Costume Design
Последние 15 лет Ён-щиль никак не может устроиться на нормальную работу, поэтому перебивается как может разными подработками. Чон-ан же наоборот — вполне реализовалась как полицейский детектив, только разговаривать без мата и задержать подозреваемого, предварительно хорошенько его не отпинав, для неё большая проблема. Вернее — для окружающих. И вот Ён-щиль наконец-то получает временную должность в Национальном агентстве безопасности, но по истечении срока начальник её увольняет. И сразу же после этого его разводят на крупную сумму финансовые мошенники. В обмен на постоянное место работы Ён-щиль обещает поймать преступников, находит эту мошенническую фирму и устраивается туда на работу. И тут же сталкивается с агентом под прикрытием Чон-ан.
My Little Brother
Costume Design
Soo-Kyung (Lee Yo-Won) works as a reporter. She has an older brother, Sung-Ho (Jeong Man-Sik), and younger sister, Joo-Mi (Esom). She thinks of her two siblings as burdens. One day, Nak (Jung Joon-Won) appears in front of them. He is their youngest sibling.
Beaten Black And Blue
Costume Design
Coincidence brings Gyohwan, a ´keyboard warrior´ who has left home and is moving from gosiwon to gosiwon, and Jeongsu, a ´patriotic senior citizen´ who has fought all his life against the left wing, together who become close like a grandfather and grandson. A black comedy about the two who each prepare for their last big event which leads to disaster.
Love at the End of the World
Costume Design
Ja-young lost her husband 3 years ago. One day, Dong-ha appears in front of Ja-young and her daughter Yoo-jin. Ja-young falls in love with Dong-ha who is tender. She begins to dream of happy life with Dong-ha. Meanwhile, Yoo-jin feels lonely since her mother is always busy with work. She begins to have feelings for Dong-ha.
It's Time to Love
Costume Design
On-yoo is an adult childhood cancer survivor. When he's not practicing with his boy band, Oh-yoo often volunteers at the hospital's pediatric cancer ward. One day, he recognizes the familiar face of an overdose patient.
Dear Dolphin
Costume Design
A man hasn’t got over his girl’s death. While a close friend of her approaches to him, a hallucination of his dead girlfriend haunts him. As he blurs line between reality and fantasy, suspense rises, rushing to explosion.
When Winter Screams
Costume Design
When Yeon-soo finds out his long awaited baby has fatal deformities, he asks his wife to get an abortion which results in pain and depression.
My Secret Partner
Costume Design
A single father struggling to make his comeback as a screenwriter falls in love with one of his students. Meanwhile his son, studying to become a chef, falls in love with his teacher. Love is great for creativity, but it comes with a price.
How To Live on Earth
Costume Design
There are three people: an alien woman who comes up to an alien husband and a government's assassin wife who has to kill the alien woman. The wife is an undercover agent who is in charge of national top secrets. To her, her poet husband is like an alien. The husband has a key inside his head and the wife has a gun by her hand. Also the alien woman has purposeful love. Their mixed-up destiny does not just happen and the devil reveals his real shape and starts to kill people one by one.